Sunday, August 30, 2015

OMaD - Week 35 Recap

One Mile a Day update of my fitness activity!

August 23 - August 29
Day 229:  7 miles - Not a bad run. The lake wasn't as packed as it was last Sunday, but it was still very popular. I love being part of the running community (can't you tell that I'm writing this when I'm still on my runner's high?).

Day 230: 1 mile - A mile walk after having a tasty treat with a friend today!

Day 231:  3.15 miles - Oh, so early! I keep telling myself that I have to stick the routine!

Day 232:  2.60 miles - Cross training Wednesday! 2.60 miles on the spin cycle!

Day 233: 4.1 miles - First mileage bump up for the medium mid-week run, and with a wonderful temperature to run in to boot!

Day 234:  3.11 miles - last run for the week! I was up at the butt crack of dawn so that I could get the run in, take care of some big chores and make sure I was at work on time at 9am. Whew! I was just tired enough I was almost dozing off when I was stuck at a standstill in rush hour traffic! Thankfully my boss needed caffeine too and I was blissfully sent on a Starbucks run!

Day 235: 0 miles - Rested big time after a long day after work. 

Total Miles this week: 20.96 Miles

Total Miles Thus Far: 472.77 Miles 

How was you week? 

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