Sunday, August 9, 2015

Life's Little Things - Random Admiration

So. I have a little story from yesterday afternoon...

I'm finishing off my vacation.  I spent a few days in the Austin area trying out new things. I spent most of yesterday actually out in the Burnet/Marble Falls area going to the Longhorn Cavern State Park. In the afternoon I went to Round Rock cause I grew up in the area, and I had get some Round Rock Donuts and shaved ice from Kawaii's Shaved Ice.

Well. I ended up visiting the library down the street to see how it was (remember, I grew up in the area and actually volunteered there in high school), but also to use their bathroom. While washing my hands like a good girl, I noticed how flushed and sweaty I am from walking in 104* weather for 20 minutes, after having done the same at the park before the cavern tour. My hair was slicked back in a ponytail. I was slightly questioning how less lean I looked because of my vacation noshing and for a second debated if I was starting to look pear shaped and that my sports bra was making my boobs look funny.

A few minutes later I was saying "Hi" to their pet snake (yes, folks, this library has a pet snake Rocksssanne!) right near the restrooms when another person heading into the hallway. He probably saw me take pictures of snake and her sign. Then, all of a sudden, he walks up next to me. We looked at each other and smiled. I was half expecting this guy to say something like "I remember you...". But instead he said, "Food for thought question of the day... If you could go back and tell your 10-year-old self one thing, what would you say?"

I responded with, "Oh, there would be too many things. I'd have to think about that." as a way to maybe get out of a conversation with a stranger. He said, "Think about it" and headed towards to the bathroom. He paused at the water fountain and said "Just one thing." I replied, "That's tough. Got to think about that." as he went to the bathroom. 

I started to walk away, but paused to look at something else. I couldn't get the question out of my head. What would I said if I could time travel back? At that time the fellow came back, saw me, and said, "Times up!" Well. I responded with, "I would say don't be afraid of what others think. That's a pretty big important thing."

This guy, who wore black skinny jeans, a plaid button shirt, black gauge earrings, a black flat cap, began to tell me something along the lines of, "You're right it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter if your are fat, thin, tall, short - it never matters. I have to say that you don't have to change a damn thing about yourself!"  I was not expecting that. "Wow. Thank you." I really meant that. "You look amazing! Don't change." Again, I said thank you.

Then he raised his hands up almost in defense, "I'm gay, so I'm not trying to hit on you, but I wanted to tell you that. Don't change." I replied with, "Thank you, I really appreciate you saying that."

And pretty much... that was that. We kinda went our separate ways. I wish I had asked for his name.

No on ever expects things like this to happen (other than hoping to have the hot guy across the room to say something).

I'm not saying he was... but I wonder... was he an angel of some sort?

For the rest of the day I could not forget the encounter. I do wish I had a name to say thank you to.

Image found here.

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