Friday, July 31, 2015

Food Friday - Roasted Rainbow Veggies

Wow! Uuuh, I think it's been a really long time since I've actually done a Food Friday post. So, a recap! I'm planning on getting my nutrition better as I start my training for my marathon in December. While I was finding something easy and healthy to make for my girls night out at Shakespeare in the Park, I found another side dish that is perfect for me.

The blog Simply Vegan Blog (props to Spanish bloggers Iosune and Alberto!) has a wonderful recipe for Oil Free Rainbow Roasted Vegetables. This recipe is super simple and and fool proof... A.K.A. Dot Proof!

 It turns out my balsamic vinegar was expired (drat!!!!), so I couldn't roast my veggies with a little bit of olive oil. I also used some dried Thyme leaves, salt and pepper. I stirred each section of veggies a couple times during the 25 minutes of roasting and they came up just right. The veggies weren't mushy, which was my concern, especially since I actually had to cook this dish the night before the event and keep in a refrigerator for almost 12 hrs. To still experience the balsamic vinegar taste I had a friend bring some that we sprinkle over the veggies at the park. So tasty!

This definitely on my short list of things to make!

What did you cook this week that was awesome? 

Sunday, July 26, 2015

OMaD - Week 30 Recap

This week in the One Mile A Day challenge update with a side of Runner Perks and Problems and just life! We've reached the 200th day of the year!

July 19 - July 25

Day 194:  9.32 Miles - Managed another 15k training run. This time at a park near my place. I was hoping for 10, but I pretty much had to walk most of the last mile because my legs finally felt fatigued. Plus, it was already around 8 or 8:30 in the morning. So it was toasty! After a healthy breakfast I had a protein bar for lunch then bought some froyo to celebrate Ice Cream Day (I'm counting froyo in this holiday!). I made my first hummus using my Ninja and roasted some spicy cauliflower for a night at Shakespeare in the Park.

Oh, the Runner Perks and Problems... Guilt-Free Froyo and Runner's Tan!

Day 195: 1 Mile - I chilled and binged on NCIS via Netflix today. But I was productive at the same time. I put away my clean clothes... which is a big deal y'all! I even made my first ever maxi skirt, which turned out a little more billowy that other maxis, but it's very pretty! I found this DIY blog post via Pinterest (oh, Pinterest, my addiction!). I ate healthy all day, but decided to get a yummy what would've been my favorite greek salad if the to go waitress wasn't distracted by her family eating dinner caesar salad and sweet potato fries for dinner. Tasty!

Check out that angelic glow around me in my finish picture! 

Day 196: 4.1 Mile - Got up uber early to run a 5k around the apartments before my insurance adjuster showed up to take a look at my poor car. Then a really busy day at work, which a side of sinus headaches on one side of my head. I got one of those new Strawberry Acai Refreshers at Starbucks today. It was pretty tasty, but I don't think Acai berry is for me. Check out the pretty color and the cool cup, thought! When I got home later a mile walk to decompress. What. A. Day.

Day 197: 3.4 Mile -Since I had plans after work (and I had to consider waiting for the gym to free up after a class) I work up at the awful hour of 6:45 again to use the spin cycle for 20 minutes, which was 2.4 miles. I then walked a mile un-wibbly-wobbly my legs. After work I did a couple of errands before hitting up the Alamo Drafthouse's Back to the Future Quote-along! Great Scott!

Day 198: 0 Mile - No time for a walk today after a long day at work and big chores to doe when I got home. By the way, have you ever woken up to realize that you have no coffee in the house? I did. I laid in bed weighing my options on what to do to fix that problem. Do I go run then drive then walk to the local Starbucks or drive to another coffee shop down the way? Or wait till I head out to work? Hmmmm. I decided to sleep in and wait till I was heading out to work.

Day 199: 0 Mile -Went to see Shakespeare in the Park with friends right after work... so no walk today either.

Day 200: 0 Mile - It wasn't that I was lacking energy or felt bad or was out late crazy late or was tired... but all day it was I didn't want to do work and if I got a chance to nap I would. Then when I got home, it was NCIS binge watching for the rest of the night. It was slug day and it was slug night.

Total Miles this week: 7.50 Mile

Total Miles Thus Far: 373.62 Miles

How was your week? 

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Beginner Series - How to Get Into Walking/Running

Maybe this blog post is a little misleading. Or, at least, that's how I feel as I starting to write this post.

I have a friend who wants to start running. I agree that she should start out with walking, especially since I don't know her history of physical workout, but want to keep her from injury and from losing motivation early on (two that are major killers in getting started).

Instead of throwing all of this info at her like word vomit (If you haven't noticed yet, I talk too much when I'm excited about something I love... or whenever I get a chance to talk... That means I can be a bit overwhelming to some people... and I'm trying to work on that... which means there may be more posts on this blog soon enough! Ok... back on to topic!), I thought I'd write this post. Hopeully she'll be interested in reading it sometime.

I do not claim to be an expert or a coach. I am not a physician of any sort and claim no responsibility to injuries that may happen when following my recommendations. Please consult your personal physician before starting a new fitness routine.

Benefits of Walking 
Dot's Recommendation
If you want to take it slow and ease into a running habit, I recommend just walking either

1. 1 mile at an easy, casual pace

2. For 20 - 30 minutes, regardless of distance

How often should you do this, you ask? Every day or at least three times a week.

For the most part I walk one mile every day of the week during my One Mile A Day challenge I created for myself. I know that it may be daunting to find the time to do this every day (believe I know!), so I would recommend the minimum of three times a week.

You can obviously progress your walk to more than a mile or how often you do it during the week. Just remember to take it nice and slow!

And for anyone who is a little skeptical of walking is less beneficial than running, read these:

Running Apps
Now! I'm sure you're wondering, "how do I know how far is a mile?" or "How do I keep track of my activity?" As with everything and anything these days... there's an app for that!

Here are ones that I've used extensively before I got my Garmin:

MapMyWalk or MapMyRun
Free, but there is an upgraded price to get rid of the adds. These apps are technically the same, but each is automatically defaulted to walks or runs, but you can change your workout type to whatever your are doing. This app gives you live GPS tracking and all the simple bells and whistles that anyone really needs. You could also track your nutrition too. There's a website that you can log into where you can create your own courses too.

C25K App
Inexpensive. This is the popular running program that gets you ready for a 5k run. It starts you out really, really slowly and has lots of timed intervals. I would recommend trying this app or any app that has a similar program.

Zombies, Run! 5k Training App
Inexpensive. I haven't used this app, but have heard great things about it. If you like zombies. If you like playing games. If you want to try out running. Try this app!

Charity Miles App
Free. I haven't used this app, but would like to if I remember to. Your milage regardless of walking or running money will be donated to a charity of choice that is part of program. Pretty cool!

Dot's Recommendation
I know, I know, it's hard to choose an app now! And I only listed a few that are out there! Gah! I would recommend with the MapMyWalk or MapMyRun if you just want to keep it simple for now and just want to do your own thing. Once you're ready for a "training program" then try out the recommended C25K app or any other C25k app.

Beginner Running 101
Now, let's talk a little about running. I'm not sure what to say, actually... so I'll share how I started out.

Many moons ago, I had about a month to get ready for my first 5k (and this is from not running. at. all). I picked the C25K app to get me started. It was hard, but it worked. The timed intervals were hard... such as "Man!? I have run for another 30 seconds?!" after already running for 30 seconds. (I have to laugh now cause I'm saying something similar, but only it's like, "Man! I have to run ::another:: 4 miles?!).

After I ran my first 5k race I tried to keep up the running training app thing, but stopped after awhile. A few months later I picked up running again with other people, and started using a GPS app and doing minute intervals on my own. It pretty much started out with a 2 minute run/1 minute walk interval and it progressed to 4/1 intervals.

Dot's Recommendation
Use a training app or a GPS app and start running with an interval style. Have lots of walk break with little spurts of running. Then as you progress in your fitness level, increase how long you run. Soon enough you'll be running longer and longer.

How Do You Find the Time? 
Oh, time. Like everyone else in the world... I don't not have enough time. Or at least I don't think I do. You just have to make time, that's all (I actually had to stop a few times over the past week to make sure I have time to do my daily mile walk).

Seriously, I don't know how some people do it!

Dot's Recommendations

1.Walk on your lunch/dinner hour at work.

2. Walk after dinner, before you get too comfy on the couch after eating yummy food.

3. If you're a morning person (power to ya!) wake up and extra 30min and do your think while the coffee is brewing!

4. Make it a friend bonding/group thing! There's no better way to make yourself do your thing when you have someone else holding you accountable! 

Runner's High... It's Real! 
A friend of mine did not truly understand the Runner's High was a real thing. It is so real. Besides being in love, it is the most awesome thing in the world. All the hormones hit you, and you just feel so good ... even if you're achy and sore!

After finishing my first 5k, I was hooked. Then about two years later, after I finished the Austin Half Marathon, my knees actually hurt (that was the first time I ever said the H-word after a race!), but I was so happy and satisfied I didn't care! This is addicting sh$#, people! And it's legal in all 50 states!

Learn more about what's going on with that awesome Runner's High read this What's behind runner's high? - Shape Magazine.

Also! I have to mention that walking and runner is great for mental health too just because it helps you refocus onto something else.

Important Things to Remember 
Here are some things to remember:

Listen to your body. 
Walk when you need to walk. When you feel like running, run! If you feel like your heart is about to pop out of your chest because of your walking/running... walk or stop and breathe!

Once you start running more, and you're wanting to run more... invest in running shoes! 
I don't mean going to Target or DSW to get running shoes. Go to your local running store and get fitted. Not all running shoes are created equal and the same goes for our feet! Just tell that to my size 11 flat feet. You know when you're starting log your new life as a walker/runner when you get excited about your new pair of shoes! When you start posting pictures about them on social media, you've made your official "shoe p@rn" post!

Mmmm. Check out my "shoe p@rn"
that I posted a few months back!

Not all aches and pains mean you're injured?
It's OK to be sore. It's OK To be sore for several days. There is a different between sore and an in pain, however. I know it's hard to tell sometimes. But if the pain does not go away after a few days or walk/runs then maybe something is wrong. But! Use your best judgement. If you want to see a doctor... I'm not stopping you!

Remember to BREATHE! 
I'll admit it. I don't breathe the right way, and I tend to push myself too much. When you're running you want to make sure you can not only breathe but be able to talk/have a conversation with out any struggle.  

During the summer bring water with you! 
If it's hot, y'all! So make sure you have a water bottle near by or with you or you're at a place that has working water fountains. You have to be get to the water easily so you won't die of thirst go without a drink for too long. Remember you sweat a lot during the summer!

Remember to wear sunscreen when it's bright and shiny out! Skin cancer is a real concern, especially for long distance runners who spend at least an hour or more for a run. Slather on that SPF 30 or 45 to protect yourself for burns!

Dress Accordingly 
I'm guilty of this too... You ask, what should I wear? Well, it depends on the weather and how cold or hot you typically feel. When you're running your body will heat up about 20 degrees... So! To make it simple, wear workout clothes that you find at Target, Walmart or Old Navy. No cotton cause you do not want any chafing.

If you walk around after dinner, and it's dark outside... 
You always want to be safe whenever you are walking/running. But at night ake sure you're safe on a sidewalk that is well lit! Wear something reflective! I walk around my apartment buildings, which are pretty will lit up, but there are dark patches, especially where I have to cross the road. Check out my post about Running Safely At Night for some more ideas!

Once you start getting that urge to try for a 5k race... DO IT! 
Always keep an eye out on local fun runs. There are lots of them now a days. Some are really well priced while some can be pricier. My first 5k was the Hot Chocolate Run and it was pricey, but the goodie back and the chocolate fondue at the end of it is SO WORTH IT! Smaller runs could be for charity or a local cause. Like I said, keep your eye out or just search the inter webs for upcoming races. When you feel that tug in your chest to do one... and it doesn't matter if you're still walking or running... register and have fun!

I could go on and on, but I don't want to overwhelm you with too much info! Hope this has helped you in any way. Leave any questions or ideas in the comments area!

Are there any other experienced runners out there that can share their Beginner Runner tips? 

Images found here, here, here,

Monday, July 20, 2015

OMaD - Week 29 Recap

This week in the One Mile A Day challenge update with a continuation of trying to make this an awesome month.

July 12 - July 18

Day 187:  3.2 Miles - Ran with my little running/walking group at the Too Hot to Handle race at White Rock Lake. It was hot, but was doing great. After mile 2 my chest was hurting because my breathing was off.... so I had to walk twice to let me heart and lungs to stop from exploding... and it killed my chance to have a PR by 12 seconds! Twelve. Douze. Zwölf. Doce. 12, people! Gah! That's torture... so painful!!! I finished strong though, but had to sit and lay down for a bit right after the finish line. Had some yummy Watermelon Dreamsicle from TCBY. Then the group went off to Torchy's Tacos for breakfast. So far not a bad time... even when the ex was there and we stood near each other and sorta talked too. Feelings doing better on that front, I think. Granted, I saw my band friend last week and that has put me in a really good mood again... now I just have to deal with the fact that I may not see him again for an extremely long time (and the fact that there may not be anything going on between us to begin with)! Gah! 

Check out this yummy Watermelon Dreamsicle! 

Day 188: 1 Mile - Had a good day off. Had lunch and ice cream with a friend. Then I shopped, shopped, shopped. I finally bought two foam rollers with the Dick's Sporting Goods Christmas gift card my ex gave me (thanks!) and I bought some clothes at Target. Oh, and I got to chat for a bit with my brother during my walk. So, yeah... pretty good day.

Day 189: 2.75 Mile - Did the miles on the elliptical tonight. Could I have gone just another .35 to a 5k... buuut, I did some core work too. Soooo, here's to a late night workout!

Day 190: 2.54 Miles - So! First time on a spin cycle. And I had no idea what I was doing! I basically pedaled, pedaled, and pedaled. Finally at some point the little computer thingy (technical term) started to show any type of mileage... so! I have no idea. I think I got about 25 minutes in - playing with the resistance and so on. I'll definitely try it again. Afterwards I walked a mile around the place.

Day 191: 1 Mile - What a day. I saw a real life sloth for the very first time today! Amazing! I nearly died from happiness! Then someone threw rocks at my car and dented it and broke the windshield. Ugh! Then! I went to get some late night therapeutic froyo and the shop was putting their toppings away 20 minutes before they close. When I asked if I just get some yogurt I was told they were closed. Really? Really?!? Gah!

Day 192: 1 Mile - My family and I headed over the Dallas Museum of Art for their monthly Late Night and their very popular Museum Murder Mystery Game. We got there just after 7pm an joined the line to get some Greek food. Mmmm, chicken gyro! Then we got into a even longer line for the Museum Murder Mystery: An Artful Game of Clue. If you haven't been to the mystery event... you must! Granted it is crazy, crazy, crazy crowded, but it's so  much fun! You interview the suspects (Subjects from the artwork that came to life! There were actors in costumes that remained in character the entire time!) as you decide who is the murder and what artifact in the museum did they use. Oh, and you have to find the chalk outline of the victim's body! You get a score card, just like in the Clue and you're set loose in the museum. My mom and I really got into it and we totally had a great idea for a suspect.... but as it turned out we were wrong... loads of time. Hee Hee.  I must admit though I did use my phone a couple of times to look for the artifacts because there was no way to see what one because of the crowd. Once we had an idea we would have a staff member check our card. Mom and I were surprised of the suspect, but knew that she was a snobby French lady. Thankfully the DMA blogged about the murderer's motive! I wonder who writes these mysteries, and I wonder if they need another writer cause I would so do it!

Day 193: 1 Mile - Just a mile walk today. I hope to get up uber early and try out getting 8-9 miles at an area park by way of the new extension. We shall see!

Total Miles this week: 12.49 Miles -

Total Miles Thus Far: 366.12 Miles

How was your week? 

Four Weeks.... Just Four!

Alright, people. In just for weeks from today will be the beginning of my marathon training! Ahhh! One month?!

I honestly have to say that I cannot wait in some ways.

Sure there is the usual apprehension of starting such a big deal. I mean, come on! I'm training for a marathon! As I have to remind some people.... a marathon is 26.2 miles and I have to get myself ready to run that! Even if I was doing intervals! But! I'm looking forward to proving to myself that I am a strong person and to get to the next level of making me awesome.

Another reason why I'm looking forward to this is that soon enough my life will be "set" for a while. I'll be a machine and with all the running and cross-training I'll be in a eternal state of euphoria (and probably exhaustion). I'm seriously hoping that I'll be so preoccupied that I'll no longer have anxious moments concerning my need to hang with people and about my lack of a dating life. That dating scene is rough. Oh, so rough, and since I want to have someone of my own (which is a scary thought) it has actually made me anxious (one of the worst feelings in the world). What's up with that?!?

My besties think I should get on a dating site. I'm wary of that, and my brother is like, "No. Don't." But no one is giving me an alternative to getting the social life a boost to meet more people - aka men. I'm trying to find ways where I could actually make it to the social runs for the marathon or for the running club I'm a member of, but seriously? I would have to ask time off from work - like leave early - to get to these events. THEN some of these social runs would be when I need to log up to 10 miles. Not 3. Ugh. Seriously, this is hard.

Anyway! I'm going on a tangent! Back to running. So, YES!, I'm starting marathon training in four weeks!

Here's all the mental games and planning to make sure I become a lean mean running machine with an awesome nutrition habit (ha! if a coworker would stop bringing cookies and donuts to work!). It's going to be hard ass work with at least one break down and maybe a running buddy.

Let the countdown begin!

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Life's Little Things - Finding Cash in Obscure Places!

I generally don't have any cash on me. Whenever I do it's because I'm going to go out some place special. Whenever I open my wallet I jokingly say, "What's that green stuff?". I've had cash on hand for events last week, and still had some leftover. 

For the race today, I packed a little wallet with my ID, cards and some cash. After breakfast I peeled off drove out of the parking lot I lost track of it, which I think I initiallyput on my passenger seat. When I got back to my apartment it. was. gone. Gah!!! I got my flashlight and started frisking my car like crazy. 

I eventually found the wallet hiding between the seat and the door on the passenger side. BUT I found a crisp $10 the depths of darkness between the driver seat and cup holders. Whah?!?!?! Where did this come from. How long had it been there? Who cares?... SCORE!!! 

What should I do with this?!?!?! 
When was the last time you found cash unexpectedly?

What did you do with it? 

OMaD - Week 28 Recap

This week in the One Mile A Day challenge update with a side of awesomesauce!

July 05 - July 11

Day 180: 9.30 Miles - I got to run with a former colleague-turned-friend who was visiting from out of town. She had never done 9 miles before, but was open to the experience. She did amazing! We talked so much that the 02:10:45 time flew by and it was near perfection. We walked a bit after stretching and one potty break near the end and it was done. We didn't struggle at all during the run, which awesome! This was a great run!

Day 181: 1 Mile - A nice walk after dinner, something that I love to do... walking off eating too much.

Day 182: 3.11 Mile - First run with my new Forerunner 220! Whoo hoo!

Day 183: 0 Mile - Spent the evening and very, very, very late night with friends, some of which I won't see for a very long time. One of the best times... ever!

Day 184: 0 Mile -Holy Cow! I sooooo felt that sleep-deprived  "hangover" from being out til the wee hours of the morning. Plus, I realized I hadn't taken any of my supplements for two days.... So! Add all of that together and I felt like crap!

Day 185: 1 Mile - Nice walk before a dinner dessert of froyo! Yum! P.S. - I had an apple and a protein bar for the main course. Hee Hee.

Day 186: 1 Mile - A nice walk after dinner and watching a few episodes of Broadchurch season 2. Taking it easy since I have a 5k race tomorrow morning!

Total Miles this week: 15.41 Miles

Total Miles Thus Far: 353.63 Miles

How was your week? 

Sunday, July 5, 2015

OMaD - Week 27 Recap

This week in the One Mile A Day challenge ... short work week because of the holiday!!!

June 28 - July 04

Day 173: 6.24 Mile -First 10k training run in a long time at a park that I haven't been to in a long time as well. More details here.

Day 174: 1 Mile - Walked the neighborhood pond/lake with the momma.

Day 175: 1 Mile - Walked around apartment with an ice cream sundae.  It's been one of those days.

Day 176: 4.26 Miles - 35 minutes on the open stride elliptical after I learned that a new workout class was using the other gym where the spin cycles were. I need to time that better. I walked around the apartments for another mile to work out the kinks before I did some at-home strength training. 

Day 177: 1 Mile - A nice walk before work. Then afterwork chatted with late night happy hour with a new friend (it's a girl... sorry, not a boy!).

Day 178: 3.11 Miles - Ran a 5k to kick off my four day weekend! Whoo hop!

Day 179: 0 Mile - Happy Fourth of July!!!! I spent the day walking around at the fabric store then the antique mall. Then cheeseburgers from the grill. Then FIREWORKS!

Total Miles this week: 16.61 Miles

Total Miles Thus Far: 345.46 Miles

How was your week? 

What did you do for July 4th?