Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Life's Little BIG Thing - Aloe Vera Coolness

The other day I accidentally got a nasty sun burn during a nasty 9 mile that I bonked in the middle of. The weather forcast said there was going to be clouds all during the time of my run, but that was a big fat lie not true! All last year I pretty much had been a good girl in applying my sun lotion (what I call sunscreen), thus this is my first big sunburn in over a year. Eeeow!

It wasn't until I got home hours and hours later (spent the day with the parental units) that I was able to apply my aloe vera. My wonderful TMNT radioactive goo colored aloe vera... that has lidocaine. The moment I slathered that stuff on I was singing like the angels in Heaven. Omigosh, did it feel amazing!!! Can you imagine sitting in front or under a fan after you've applied it? Wow!

So, this week's little thing that is more of a big thing right now.... Aloe Vera. Love this stuff, people!

The good stuff!

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