Wednesday, July 13, 2016

OMaD - Week 28

Happy July 4th, everyone! I had a great weekend and a semi-tiring week.... and the beginning of shin splints.

July 3 - 9

Day 185:  0 Mile - Slept in till 10am for once, which was amazing. I even ignored my kitty and he had a late breakfast as well. My boyfriend and I had brunch at a place called Judy's Cafe over in Garland. I had heard some positive reviews about their cinnamon bread, something that I'm all about! So that's what we had. It was a great little mom and pop place, and I'd totally be back for the cinnamon bread french toast combo! After that we spent the afternoon chilling before we headed over to MS's parents to celebrate his dad's birthday (and sorta mine). It was a nice visit. At the end of the day we parked in a grocery store parking lot to watch the fireworks from Addison's Kaboom Town from the comfort of an air conditioned car!

Day 186:  0 Mile - Aaah! Holiday! MS thankfully had the day off from work! Brunch again with my sweet then we watched The Walking Dead for a bit. We were supposed to go to a friend's cookout then fireworks, but that fell through. So we decided to drive out to Plano to watch the fireworks from the best spot on the hill. Then it was a late night dinner of Whataburger.

Day 187:  3.16 Miles - Happy Birthday to me! Thanks to coworker/running buddy HC, I had the day off. I did a quick 5k run since I had to do something, but I was under a time limit. Plus, my shins were feeling funny. Boo! I spent the day with my parents then we met up with my sister and boyfriend for dinner at Chuy's. Afterwards MS and I went to Whole Foods to pick out a cake and some ice cream, which we shared with the others at home.

Day 188:  0 Mile - Back to work. It was a nice calm day. Afterwork, MS gave me his birthday presents then took me to Cane Rosso for some uberly tasty pizza!

Day 189:  0 miles - No mid-week run today. I decided to sleep in and to rest my shins. It feels so wrong missing a run. However, if I keep running while my legs are not 100% and  I make things so much worse. It's like a double-edge sword. I've totally been researching compression socks and so on that I could wear at work after runs.

Day 190: 0 Mile - It's been such a busy week! My boyfriend and I braved a social dinner with some of my coworkers/friends. Then it was pretty much veg in front of the TV night.

Day 191: 0 Mile -Saturday! Glorious Saturday! Dinner and rest!

Total Miles this week: 3.16 Miles  

Miles to Date: 336.87 Miles

How was your week?

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