Sunday, May 29, 2016

OMaD - Week 22 Recap

One week. Two cities. Catching up on the average weekly mileage! 

May 22 - 28

Day 143: 3.14 Miles - 5k morning! My family (sans my dad) participated in the Make Tracks for the Zoo 5k! It was a lot of fun. It was really early, but I have to say that I proud of my siblings for waking up really early. The course was the same as it was in 2014. There are a couple of hills, which I remember that I could not run up two years ago. I am very proud to say that I ran the entire race from start to finish (it was a little rough towards the end, but that was because I hadn't run 3 miles straight through in a long while). Plus, I shaved off almost 5 minutes off my finish time! Sweet! After the race, we walked the zoo for a little bit (got to see the polar bear!) before checking out of the hotel, having pizza with the grandparents before flying home. I nearly puked during the landing in Dallas, but I recovered in time to eat a wonderful salad with chips and salsa at Chuy's! Then it was :: finally :: home where I got to an amazing hot shower (I didn't have time to shower before checking out of the hotel. Eeeew!) and calling my boyfriend the phone before passing out.

Day 144: 0 Miles - Rest day! I knew by the way my legs felt tired and swollen the night before that I wasn't going to be able to run this morning. Instead I had a nice breakfast and helped my mom with some things. Then it was onto my apartment then seeing my better half for dinner and watching James Bond You Only Live Twice (he's doing a James Bond Monday marathon - every Monday he watches a movie in in sequence).

Day 145: 6.21 Miles - 10k this morning! I had thoughts of going to the lake to run 9, but I wasn't up to it. It was a little bit of a challenge towards the end, but I did it! On the way home I realized that I totally left my delicious leftovers at MS's so I had to swing by the store to get something for dinner. Boo! I was totally looking forward to eating this Mexican rice bowl that we had for dinner.

Day 146: 0 Miles Rest day! Yay! My boyfriend was working a double so I decided that it was time for me to whip up some magic. I made a delicious turkey veggie chili and mini corn muffins! So good! I over did it on the corn muffins (I LOVE cornbread, people! LOVE!), but I didn't feel so bad since I was healthy eating the entire day. But still.

Day 147: 5.51 Miles - The sky was cloudy and gray. Rain was coming in. Instead of the Lake I went to the local park. Mile 3 was a killer, but then I got a second wind. It started to drizzle during mile 4 and the wind was picking up a bit. From Mile 4.5 - 5.5 it was getting heavier and heavier and the wind was strong. My cadence picked up big time(bring into a sub-10 mile pace) and I made it back to the car. Back home I did a 20 minute kettlebell workout, which totally made my legs jelly like.

Day 148: 0 Miles - Last night I set my alarm to wake up early so that I could cycle for a few miles. But when I woke up an hour before the alarm, and I realized how sore my muscles were from the workout yesterday... well, I decided to sleep a little longer. For the rest of the day I was so sore. Even going to the bathroom was a challenge. I definitely had a good workout then! I should kettlebell at least once a week from now on!

Day 149: 0 Miles - What a day. Work was good. My tummy was a bit upset after eating some uber spicy Thai food (I told them a 2 on the rector scale and I think they gave me a 5). During morning I was texting between my mom and old running buddy HC about marathons (I think we've come to a decision... but I'll keep you in suspense for little while longer). I was also texting my bestest bestie JM about my Vancouver trip. More details to come on that. I'm so ready

Total Miles this week: 14.86 Miles 

Miles to Date: 261.69 Miles

How was your week?

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