Monday, September 21, 2015

Marathon Training Monday - Week #5 and Week #6

Hi everyone! Just finished Week #6 of my marathon training! This recap is in addition to my weekly One Mile a Day challenge updates.

R = Rest*
# = Miles
CT = Cross Training

*Rest days I don't do anything other than chill/work/walk 1 mile. I may do light core workouts, especially if I missed it on CT day.


Sunday: 9.02 miles - What I'm considering as my first LSD of training! I slept in a little, again, but made it out to the lake to run the 9. It was humid, and only every so often would I get a sweet moment of breeze. It was definitely a workout for me because I introduced the 2 mile/1 minute walk interval, which I'm not use to but wanted to work on because that is what my running buddy H is doing. During the second half the run I decided to tuck my tank top into my bra so that I could cool down better. Now, I don't have the most awesome abs, but after awhile I didn't care who saw. I felt way better. It also made me bore conscious of my running posture. Now, if I could only run without a shirt during these humid/hot days! Oh! Also, I noticed after the fact that I shaved 10 minutes off my last 9 mile run! Whah? Cool!

Tuesday: 3.11 Miles - Ran at a park near by after forcing myself out of bed. The run wasn't hard, but I remember wishing I had gotten out earlier.

Wednesday: I skipped cross training. I totally let my emotions take over after work and I preferred to sit on my couch and wallow with some sugar. I regret it now, and should know better.

Thursday: 5.10 Miles - I'd describe this morning's run as "steamy" instead of "humid." It had rained on Wednesday, and though it wasn't a lot, it certainly made the air that much thicker. 

Friday: 3.11 Miles - This morning the run was nice. I smiled a number of times because I had good tunes and some thoughts to keep me going. I slept well and was able to wake up easily! Yay! The run was great in the sense that I was starting to feel the fall cold front that's coming with a nice sweet little breeze that would brush over me every so often. Oh! Also, I love how I'm dripping sweat after a run, even if it's a 5k.  It's so satisfying! 


Sunday: 10.1 Miles - Wow! This run was great! I woke up in a good mood, which was a perfect way to start. The temperature was amazing - low 60s. It was cool enough I wore my first t-shirt since the spring time! Since the beginning of training I've been running the same section of the lake, but I decided to extend it a little further this time around, which nice. Soon enough I'll have to play around with distance so that I getting those the 14+ miles in the bag. I felt really good after the run. I was never out of breath. I was a sweaty, but not dripping. My hip flexor did need to be stretched out ever two miles, which was fine with me since I did 2 mile intervals (this time around the interval didn't bother me like last week!). My knee was a little achy too, but it wasn't nothing to worry about it.

Tuesday: 3.12 Miles - Great morning run. Perfect cool temp.

Wednesday: 3 Miles - After lounging around the apartment after work, I got myself going and headed to the gym. I rode the cycle for 20 minutes. Since it was a while since I've been on a bike my thighs were burning. I went for a mile walk to relax everything, but I didn't foam roll, which I should've done. I did do some light core and arm work in the privacy of my apartment. Nothing big, but it was good to do. 

Thursday: 5.02 Miles - Ugh! I didn't want to get up this morning. I was having a dream that included some of my old college friends, and it was just nice. But I still got up and headed out for the five miler. Thought it wasn't bad, my fear of over-doing with cross-training (not that I really did) that my legs were tired. I also wonder if my lack of a real dinner last night had something to do with it too. This made the run hard. I had to start doing 2 mile intervals to help alleviate the tiredness. Toward the end I was feeling better even though my pace got slower, but the beginning was certainly tougher. I'm glad I got the run in, but I'm starting to contemplate how I can change things up.

Saturday: I was out of the house before it was dawn! Oy! But it wasn't too bad. With my mom doing her thing I ran the Plano Balloon Festival 5k. We got a good parking spot before the traffic hit, found gear check, I discovered I lost on my one little water bottle from my Fitletic belt. Crap! Thankfully I packed my extra one from my checked bag. Grrr. Why did I even decide to run with it and not rely on the one water station along the course? Anyway! The Start line changed from the map I had found online, and it was actually where the Finish was too... so after much walking around we decided to hang out up there, which was a smart thing. Oh! And Cliff was the emcee for race, which was AWESOME! When I participated in the Mellew Production's Four Seasons Challenge he was the emcee for all those races. I haven't heard that voice in almost a whole year so this was very nice. The course was good, and it was crowded a bit. I had enough adrenaline or something that I had an accidental PR - 30:27. I was thinking I was going to run my usual 11:30/mile, but that didn't work out. I'll try to work on a Race Recap soon.

I'm thinking I found a good average pace of 11:30/mile. But I'd be interested to see if I need to slow down more when the mileage increases. We'll find out. I certain did face some days where I had preferred to sleep in more before getting up to run. I'm worried that the excitement of training for a marathon (cause it's exciting to at least say you're training for a marathon) is gone. We'll see what happens next week!

Stay tuned for the recap of Week #7 and Week #8! 

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