Tuesday, October 11, 2016

OMaD - Wekk 41

A long week full of awesome stuff and gobs an gobs of running. 

October 2 - October 8

Day 276: 15.01 Miles - Since I had to work this day, I got up uber early to get to the lake at a decent time. I was giving myself 4 hours to compete the 15 miles. I actually completed the miles in 03:25, which includes a potty stop. The weather was nice. There were actually a lot of runners out running the dark, which is good to know cause I'll have to be going out earlier now that my mileage is going to be above 13 pretty much from now on every Sunday. Eek! I got home and my fiance made a delicious breakfast, which put me into a food coma. So I got a snooze then I was off to work, where I work compression socks all day. It was a loooong day.

Day 277: 0 Mile - No cross training today. I was so tired and unmotivated that I pretty sat on my couch and had a phone call with my mom. I did manage to shower and go to the grocery store before spending the evening with MS.

Day 278: 7.51 Miles - This was a tough run cause my muscles were not ready to run after a certain distance. It got better at the end, but was still a challenge. I ate horribly after that and my blood sugar was all over the place. Work was so much fun. Yeah, not so much.

Day 279: 0 Mile - Rest day, and another stress breakdown day. Thankfully my hubby-to-be helped out and we have a game plan to help us out with this monumental task of a wedding.

Day 280: 7.51 Miles - So sluggish and tiring run. Thankfully I had the day off to rest and do absolutely nothing until it was time to meet up with my bestie and drive to a music concert. We stood for hours and rocked out.

Day 281: 0 Mile - I'm getting old...er. Granted I'm in the middle of marathon training, but my body is so sore from running and a concert yesterday. But it was all worth it!

Day 282: 13.20 Mile -Showdown Half Marathon! I don't do the football thing, so I was a "neutral runner"instead of choosing Texas or OU. The race went really well. It was a good size with just enough people. The course was challenging enough with hills and basically going out into the middle of nowhere where there big fancy houses. Plus, the mileage was only 0.10 difference (ran 13.20 instead of 13.1). It was great having a running buddy (HC) with me this time around to talk to or to just know that there was someone there for you. Oh, and not to mention a slight competition that tends to happen between us. My average pace was went between 11:30 and 13:10. What was great was I was going about an average 13:00 mile for the middle of the race, but for Mile 12 - 13.2 I had negative splits with 11:30 mile average. Nice! We were given big heavy medals, which was very cool, and I finally got try my first Nothing But Bundt cake. It was so tasty! I got to chat with Heather for a bit before going home to spend the rest of the day with my love!

Total Miles this week: 43.23 Miles 

Miles to Date: 616.99 Miles

How was your week?

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