Monday, November 30, 2015

Marathon Training Monday - Week #15 and Week #16

Omigosh! It's time for Week #15 and #16 recap in my marathon training and the TAPER!! This recap is in addition to my weekly One Mile a Day challenge updates.

Only three. Count 'em  - three. 1. 2. 3. more weeks until Marathon! That's one and half more updates for Marathon Training Monday! Ahhh!

R = Rest*
# = Miles
CT = Cross Training

*Rest days I don't do anything other than chill/work/walk 1 mile. I may do light core workouts, especially if I missed it on CT day.

WEEK #15

Sunday: 14.02 Miles - This was a ROUGH 14 miler!!! I don't regret going to the concert or anything of the like because if I was at work I could've have done the very same, but on carpet. After spending a couple of days I think that my lower half hit the wall was due in part to the fact that I haven't been doing very well on actually taking my iron supplement, which helps with my muscle fatigue. Then I also think it's just to the point that I ham tired in general, and I'm almost to the peak of my training. Here's to hoping that I surviving November... let alone the marathon it self! 

Monday: 3.1 Miles - Cross Training on Monday! Whoo hoo! I cycled a 5k to help with any residual soreness from the crappy run the day before. Granted it's been so long since I was on a gym cycle that my butt hurts from the saddle (and still does two days later!!).

Tuesday: 5.01 Miles - Ok, so I didn't get my 10 miler in, but I have Friday to hopefully get the last 5 in. I had to run this on the treadmill, so this was definitely a mental strengthening run. The first mile sucked and wanted to quit. After my first 2 mile interval it wasn't because I was technically almost half done. I had to push myself and set the speed of the mill a lot fast to squeeze in a final 5th mile in before the machine hit the 5 minute cool down after an hour timer. Man! That was cool and challenging at the same time!

Thursday: 10.03 Miles - Whew! Compared to the other runs this week, this was a good run. I decided to try out the 1 mile/ 1 minute walk intervals instead of the 2/1 interval that I've been training this entire time. I felt better, or at least didn't didn't get tired as quickly. I think I'm going to give that a try for my 20 miler on Sunday.

Friday: 3.1 Miles - Well, I'm trying on catching up the shortened run on Tuesday. Technically I have still 2 more miles to go, but I decided that I'm not going to run them.

WEEK #16

Sunday: 20.03 Miles - Holy cow! I've reached the peak of my training! And it went really, really well! I never hit the wall in muscle aches or burns or overall fatigue. I decided to run the new 1 mile / 1 minute rest interval instead of 2/1 interval I had been training with. Every other mile (odd miles starting at Mile 5) I would take a bite of my fuel. I did have to stop at a porta potty a few times because I always felt like I had to pee. I was worried I was going to hit the wall at Mile 16 or 18, but I never did. It certainly helped that I mentally broke my run down into sections, which helped in reassuring I had X amount of miles left to go. I was so happy when I finished. I was smiling really big and I did a giant fist pump! After this run I know now that my body can carry me up to the last 10k of the marathon, which is when the race truly begins.

 Tuesday: 8.51 Miles - And so it begins! The taper! Yes! Ran around the park near home. It wasn't a bad run, but I remember that I'm not a huge fan of running longer than 6 at this particular park.

Wednesday - No cross training today.

Thursday: 8.57 Miles - Happy Thanksgiving! I was fully expecting to run on a treadmill today due to the rain. A fact that made me happier that I didn't sign up for the Turkey Trot this year.  However, I woke up and there was NOTHING! So, after a taking my time my mom and sister, and I made it out to the lake do our thing. So nice!

Hello Taper! Even though I feel so accomplished in running 20 miles last Sunday at the peak of my training, I certainly am thankful for the tapering of miles. I'm looking forward to see if I can make it the last 10k of the marathon.

Stay tuned for the recap of Week #17and Week #18! 

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