Thursday, March 19, 2015

OMaD - Week 11 Recap

The week the weather got better, but this week was... exhausting! And I need to catch up on my burpees! Ack!

March 8 - 14  

Day 61:  6.55 miles - 8 official burpees - Ran the inaugural Dallas Rhythm and Blues Quarter Marathon. In the chilly rain. With my old running buddies. Despite the rain, it was a really good run and race. I managed to catch up and stay with the fastest RB in the group and we got to chat. When we got to the finish we were shouting at telling each other to finished together, but I crossed the line first (but no pictures of that! WTF?!). I have to mention that every time I run a race in Irving it rains or worse so maybe I should stay away from Irving. We all had a lovely breakfast afterwards hosted by a classy-retired-coworker-turned-5k walker (coffee, coffee cakes, muffins, bacon, clementines and baked eggs!) . Then I sped off to work (it's my turn to share the load). The moment I sat down at work I knew that I was screwed by Daylight Savings! I begged family and friends to deliver coffee (cause the two cups at breakfast wasn't enough!), but no one could come. Gah! Thankfully things happened at work that kept me awake.

Day 62:  0 miles - 0 official burpees - I feel asleep at 8:30pm the night before, after work, and didn't get out of bed until 9:30am today. Just in time to get the kitty to the vet then for me to run a couple of errands. Despite a big cup of coffee - I was exhausted. Oh! and did I mentioned it RAINED all day today too? Screw you DLS and screw you weather!

Day 63: 1 mile - 10 official burpees -

Day 64: 0 mile - 0 official burpees - I worked a 12hr day today (well, 11 if don't count the lunch break) - literally. The moment I got home the couch held me captive - I couldn't do anything tonight.

Day 65: 3.16 miles - 0 official burpees - I ran at the park near home - a place I typically run through, but hadn't for a while. I hated my run today. It sucked. I started out too fast but I couldn't get myself to slow down. Avg. a 10:330 mile. Might've also been due to improper fueling the night before or the fact that I worked 9am-9pm yesterday too? Eh, who knows. Today I was doubting my upcoming Half. And. no. burpees.

Day 66: 1 mile - 0 official burpees - I walked a half mile to my take-out dinner and another half home. After two days of perfect fruit, veggies, soup, sweet potato and hummus meals... I had Chipotle! Yum!

Day 67: 1 mile - 14 official burpees - It's Pi Day! On top of eating out twice, but with relatively good semi-healthy choices in meals, I ate half a Sara Lee mini apple pie. If it wasn't for the fact that I'm technically going for one last long run before my half on the 22nd, I would've pigged out! Yum!

Total Miles this week:  12.71 Miles and 32 Burpees

Total Miles Thus Far: 116.09 miles

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