Saturday, January 27, 2018

2018 Weekly Fitness Recap - #4

The week before my first half marathon! Aaah! I hope I'm ready mentally and physically!

      WORKOUT RECAP : JANUARY 21 - 27    

Day 21: Plan: 9 mi | Actual: 10.01 miles
This was a really good run! I got up bright and early... or actually, dark and early to get ready and meet my buddy HC at the lake. The weather was great. Chilly wind gusts but with pockets of warm air. I changed to a tee instead of a tank, which I should not have done since I was pretty warm half way through the run. We ran the 1min:30sec intervals the entire time and ran by feel (no pace monitoring), and felt good. I definitely was getting tired by mile 8 and 9, but I finished strong. I hope that I can pull the half marathon off in a week! After the run, we had breakfast at Torchy's Tacos, which was just as nice as the run. I love being able to hang out with my friends!

After a nap, M and I did some shopping. I bought some dumbbells at the Academy store near by to help with my strength training. I'm excited to use them later this week! Once we got home, we didn't do much. But I did bake some pretty awesome Brown Butter and Toffee Chocolate Chip Cookies! I found the recipe on Bon Appetit here. MMmmm! So good!

Day 22: Plan: XT | Actual: 0 minutes XT
I didn't do anything today. I was tired and had to get myself going to visit the good ol' DPS to get my name changed. I had a snafu with appointment and I ended up sitting for 2.5 hours to get it all done. But it's done. I tell you, nothing felt so good (other than legally changing my name) then breathing fresh air the moment I stepped outside when it was all done. Lol! I met up with the Hubs and we had a taco lunch date at one of our favorite taquerias. Then we completely rested and napped before stopping by my parents to check in on the doggies while my parents were out at a concert.

Day 23: Plan: 45 min run (or a 5k run) | Actual: 3.12 miles
M had to go in super early and I had a hair appointment, so I got up super early to get ready for my run at the park. I felt slow and sore pretty much the entire time. But I got a 5k just in the nick of time to get everything else done.

Day 24: Plan: XT | Actual: 0 mins XT
Today was a little rough. I was tired and just wanted to be at home. I had a lot of things on my mind. After stopping by the store I totally just laid on the couch and watched TV. Thankfully, M was getting off of work really early (7pm is really early for him and it's a rarity), and he was able to make dinner with me.

Day 25: Plan: 45 min (or 5k run) | Actual: 3.12 miles
I got a late start, but it I got a 5k in. I didn't realize until I got to the park that I left my belt at home. So, I improvised and stuck my phone in my pants and keys in a little zip pocket. It was weird feeling, but a little freeing. Got home in time to leisurely have breakfast, get clean and ready for work and still leave an hour a head of schedule so that I could pick up my race packet for the Too Cold Hold Half Marathon. 

Day 26: Plan: XT | Actual: 10 mins XT
I half-assed a workout after work today. I wasn't into it. In fact, I think I only did it to test out my new method of holding my hair back (I hopped it short on Tuesday and I have fringe that hangs down when I make a tiny ponytail). After that I pretty lounged on the couch with Hulu before I made some dinner and a plate for M for when he comes home late.

Day 27: Rest Day
The day before the race and I feel unmotivated and unhealthy. I hope that it'll be OK tomorrow. That I'll last and make it to the finish. That I won't have any GI problems. That I end up feeling awesome again. That a race will prove my self-doubt wrong. I can only hope! Wish me luck, peeps!

Total Running Miles this week: 16.24 Miles 

Total Time Cross-training this week: 10 Minutes

Total Miles Cross-training this week: 0 Miles

Total Running Miles to Date: 51.51 Miles 

Total Time & Miles Cross-Training to Date: 01:40:00 | 0 Miles

 Do you ever feel a lot of self-doubt right before a race? 

Do you suffer from Seasonal Affected Disorder?

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