Tuesday, February 17, 2015

OMaD - Week 7 Recap

Hello, the sun is shining and the weather is getting better (I'm ignore any cooler fronts that may be blowing in). It was TAPER WEEK for the the Austin Half Marathon! And....

I did nothing.

Yep. Zilch. Nada. Nil. Nothing. Oh, well.

This week is dedicated to prepping for my half marathon.... and THE BLERCH!

February 8 - 14  

Day 33:  0 mile - Weather is improving, but I decided to sleep all day again.

Day 34: 0 miles - though technically I probably walked at least a one whole mile spring cleaning my apartment! But it wasn't dedicated to this.

Day 35: 0 miles - nope

Day 36: 0 miles - nada

Day 37: 0 miles - zilch

Day 38: 0 miles - nil

Day 39: 0 miles - nothing

Total Miles this week:  0 Miles

Total Miles Thus Far: 70.61 miles

Image found here.

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