Sunday, March 11, 2018

2018 Weekly Fitness Recap - #10

This week started out fast with moments of relaxations. I felt I was constantly on the move!

In the running world, Sir Roger Bannister passed away this weekend. For those who may be unfamiliar to Sir Roger, he was the first person to run a mile in under 4 minutes in 1954. I can't even imagine how fast that is! It's amazing!

I found this Sir Roger Bannister quote among many on Runner's World this past Sunday (while I was working). A lot of the saying spoke to me, but this is just one of them. Some may not even know how much a mental sport running is. Part of perseverance and endurance training for any goal distance is getting your head in the game. If it isn't there with your heart and your trained body you goal will be harder to achieve.

Image found on Runner's World via here:


Day 63: Plan: 10 - 13 miles| Actual: 12.01 miles 
HC and I ventured off onto the White Rock Creek Trail to see how it was after a few years of avoiding it. It was nice and underpopulated by lots of the runners. I liked having new scenery to run in. I did, however, get a little more nervous we further we got away from my familiar trails. I wouldn't want to run on it by myself. But... it was nice. We finished the last few miles on the lake. Afterwards we had tacos. Mmmm. Overall, this was a goo solid run. Just the other day I was thinking to myself that an average of 10 on a Sunday was really good and I was starting to feel comfortable. I hadn't planned on running 12, but HC's training schedule had her going that far. So... I did it too. I felt good, and strong. My knee didn't hurt, but my hamstring was getting tight.

I got home and rested for a couple of hours before going to work for five hours. M got home right before I did, and we decided via text to have our typical date night be an eat-in with pizza, root bear floats and gummy bears while watching Ghostbusters. In other words, complete junk food. It was so much fun to let loose... granted both our tummies were a little achy after it all.

Day 64: Plan: XT | Actual: Rest Day
I slept in a little, but got myself up so that I could help M get ready for work. He has to start working Mondays now to do inventory of the restaurant. Buuuut.... as he was getting ready the owner texted saying he could have the day off. Sweet! We had a burger lunch at Keller's before getting to the grocery store. Then we totally took a nap with the windows opens. This was soooo nice! I love having the windows open on a sunshiny and breezy day! I can't wait for spring to come and stay! For dinner we had Frankie's Mexican Cuiseine, which was good. I love me some tasty fajitas! We also splurged and got some sopapilla bites. YUM!

Day 65: Plan: 45 min run (or a 5k run) | Actual: 4.20 miles
I had a solid run this morning. I listened to the first podcost of "I'll Have Another." Just recently I starting listening to podcasts when my music just doesn't cut it. So far, all I've listened to is "I'll Have Another," "The Allison Show," and "Run, Selfie, Repeat." At first I never thought that I'd be a podcast person, but I guess I just had to find the right show! Lol.

Day 66: Plan: XT | Actual: 20 minutes XT
Busy day at work. Thankfully right around 5:30 I decided to make some coffee. If I did not... I would be lazy when I got home. I needed to clean out our fridge and reclaim some Tubberware. Lol. I don't know how that thing got so full, but it needed to be emptied... badly! M left work not too long after I got home, I saved the fridge work (hee hee) for when he got home, and I got in a 20 minute strength training session. 2 sets of 15 reps sequence. That made me happy. When he got home, I got dinner started then helped clear out the fridge. PS... my hubs is from Cincinnati. So, we had our Cincinnati Chili for dinner. Mmmm. So good. So, so good.

Day 67: Plan: 45 min (or 5k run) | Actual: 4.05 miles  
So I did something new today! Basically.... I'm kinda excited about it. Not because it's a revelation and something ground breaking, but because it was exciting to me. Let me break it down. I've been running 60:30 intervals. 60 seconds (1 minute) run and 30 second walk intervals. I've been doing it for the past three months or so. I've done intervals prior to this and it worked out well until I was reading to extend my intervals to long running times (to think at my lightest weight and crazy mental time I ran a 2 mile: 1 minute interval. Whoa!). Anyway. Sometimes in the back of my mind I start thinking that if I'm running interval, despite it being a true running form cause it's the Galloway Method, that I'm not really running "true" because I have to talk walk breaks. My husband once asked me if I ever considered running without stopping. To answer that question I had to explain it all to him about my fitness, which he got. I've been telling myself that once my fitness level is better I'd increase my run time to longer minutes. For example, I have a marathoner friend that does 3 minute run and 1 minute walk interval.

Anyway.... fast forward today. I ran a 4 miler. The first two miles I ran the normal 60:30 interval. Then, all of a sudden, I decided to run the 3rd mile with this concept: run 60 seconds at the pace I've been running and during the 30 second walk period actually run at a slower pace than normal. That's it. See. I told you it wasn't groundbreaking. Other runners do it, and that's probably how this idea popped into my head while I ran. I also was thinking about how my buddy HC was practicing Galloway's glides last Sunday. Ok. So that's what I did. How did it go? The 3rd mile went well. Didn't struggle. The 4th and final mile I definitely struggled a little. But, it was great. My average pace per mile changed big time because of it: Mile 1: 12:03 Mile 2: 11:56, Mike 3: 10:37, Mile 4: 10:44. My overall finish time  was 00:45:45. That is 6... count 'em 6!... minutes faster than my average time for a 4 miler, which is around 51 minutes. I know that pace and being faster doesn't mean much. I was definitely happy with the faster, but being able to :: run :: the last two miles and not walk was really awesome!

Day 68: Plan: XT | Actual: 30 minutes XT 
I had the day off, and the hubs didn't have to go to work until late morning. So, while he slept in for a little bit, I went to the gym and cycled for 20 minutes. I really wish I was able to tell how far I biked. After cycling, I did about 10 minutes with my dumbbells because I was ready to stop, and eat some breakfast.

For lunch I met up my friend HL and her little one all the way in Rockwall at the Book Club Cafe. I had never been there, and the food was really good. So was their coffee! Oh, and I bought a chocolate croissant. It was so nice to have some girl time! When it was time to part ways, I got the car's oil changed before hanging out for the rest of the day at my mom and dad's house. I love hanging out with my mom and the doggies. I eventually made it home to make dinner and post some of our honeymoon photos to Facebook (finally!) for our friends to see.

Day 69: Plan: Rest Day | Actual: Rest Day 
Oh, boy. I think I did a food bender yesterday (I don't drink, so it isn't the drink bender), but I almost feel the same way. Ugh. During work I made sure that I was hydrating, and I packed a salad for lunch with a little bit of left over picadillo (it's a Skinnytaste recipe). After work a friend/coworker had a party, and I headed over there for some pizza (with my little salad) and small root beer floats. I'm a little worried about going overboard and feeling horrible on my long run tomorrow morning. But... we'll see. If I'm conscious of my concern than I should be ok. Right? Wish me luck!

Total Running Miles this week: 20.26 Miles 

Total Time Cross-training this week: 30 Minutes

Total Miles Cross-training this week: 0 Miles

Total Running Miles to Date: 146.08 Miles 

Total Time & Miles Cross-Training to Date: 04:55:00 | 0 Miles

What do you do when you feel like you eat
too much during the week?   

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