Saturday, September 30, 2017

2017 OMaD - Week 37 to Week 39

Welp... I did it again. Life took over and I totally didn't even think about the blog. There's been a lot of ups and downs the past few weeks. Most of which I will not share here, but all is going well.

Wedding planning is still happening. Run... eh... sadly, not so much.

September 10 - 16 

Day 253:  3.29 Miles - I got in a short 5k and some change in before I had to get ready for my first bridal shower. My best friends (aka my wedding party) did a wonderful setting a low-key party at a local tea parlor. This one was for my family and closest friends, and it was so nice! I was nervous as all gets out before hand, but it was great once we go going!

Day 254: 0 Miles - Today M and I spent the day out. First we had a meeting with our caterer to go over the details of our reception. We finally got the menu you down! Yay! After that we drove up to Denton to have lunch at a Chinese place we both use to go to back in the day (years before we even met). Then we totally got hooked on buying records at the downtown square. It was a good day!

Day 255: 0 Miles - No running

Day 256: 0 Miles - Can't remember what I did this day.

Day 257: 0 Miles -Memory still a blur!

Day 258: 0 Miles - Ditto!

Day 259: 0  Miles -Yep, nada!

Total Miles this week: 3.29 Miles

Miles to Date: 285.28 Miles

September 17 - 23 

Day 260:  3.16 Miles - Another 5k run and another bridal shower! For the run, I had to park in a different are of the park due to a church fundraising 5k race. I didn't want to get mixed up in that. So I looped a 1 mile road a few times. After that I got dressed up really pretty (a nice dress I bought the week that M proposed to me, but never wore until now) and an old pair of earring that my grandma gave me for the wedding. The shower was hosted by my coworkers, and it was even more low key than my first shower. It was really nice. We had brunch (complete with my favorite ... cinnamon rolls!) and just chatting. I did get gifts as well.

That night M and I went out to dinner to celebrate our Engagement Anniversary (yes, we're silly) at Ida Claire! It was so yummy!

Day 261: 0 Miles - Today M and I had a chance to get some wedding things taken care of in the morning, then we had lunch at a friend's restaurant.

Day 262: 0 Miles - No running

Day 263: 0 Miles - Like last week - can't remember what I did this day.

Day 264: 0 Miles - Yep, the memory still a blur!

Day 265: 0 Miles - Eeeeh... Ditto!

Day 266: 0  Miles - Today was awesome! Me, M and our friend BM drove down to Austin to catch the Descendents concert! We got to stop at the Czech Stop and Buccees, two experience that were new to BM. When we got to Austin we went to Waterloo Records (a must!) then found a great little pizza place Hoboken Pie that the greatest Mediterranean Pizza (sauce and cheese with artichoke hearts, kalamata olives, and feta cheese) that was so good I was thinking about it for days! The concert was across the street and it was amazing! Afterwards... we drove back home to Dallas! Crazy! M did the driving and had lots of caffeine in his system. I feel asleep for a time. It was a great day!

Total Miles this week: 3.16 Miles

Miles to Date: 288.44 Miles

September 24 - 30  

Day 267:  0 Miles - No running today. I was way to tired and full of junk food to consider going out.

Day 268: 0 Miles - Today my mom and I worked on making a game plan for our wedding flowers. Yay! When M and I got home from the store later that night I discovered that our cat decided to eat the toxic flowers in the bouquet that I made. Dammit! He never got sick, but I was certainly sick with worry. He did sleep next to be that night, which he typically doesn't do. But he was just fine! Whew!

Day 269: 0 Miles - No running... I forget why.

Day 270: 0 Miles - Busy day at work.

Day 271: 0 Miles - Long day at work. I started working on a course for HM and MW's 17 mile run. At least I'm somewhat involved with my running buddies.

Day 272: 0 Miles - Today M and I had our first dinner guest at our apartment! M's brother DS came over. While we talked and hung out M cooked Tikka Marsala, which was soooo tasty! It was a great night!

Day 273: 0  Miles - So HM and MW told me that they missed me during their 17 miler (for one thing I'm good at directions), and it kinda bummed me out. I'm so out of shape. My endurance is gone. I'm getting fluffy. I'm starting to regret not trying to train for another marathon this year. Along time ago I decided not to cause I knew I would need to focus on the wedding planning. But honestly... the mornings of the days that I could have gone running we don't do much wedding planning. I'm desperately starting to count down the weeks till the wedding is over so that I can get back to a normal routine.

Total Miles this week: 0 Miles

Miles to Date: 288.44 Miles

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