I've never been really successful with the whole New Year Resolutions thing, especially prior to running. Perhaps it's because I didn't have accountability and I didn't have the drive or discipline to keep it up. But I know that I have achieved some of my goals before. For example, successfully running a full marathon not once but twice so far in my running career.
Even though I wouldn't view this as a "how-to" post by any means, I do recommend that if you want to achieve something or change something in the coming year that you should...
Call it a Goal and not a Resolution
That may not mean much, but I feel like a "goal" is more attainable sounding than a "resolution." It's like a mind trick. Just the other day I read the post, "4 Tips for Creating and Achieving Running and Life Goals in 2018" from Coach Debbie Runs, and think she explains/breaks it down much better than I ever would. Her post definitely helped me think about my goals (which I've been pondering everyone so often for the past few months). I loved how she tells you to not be afraid to pick a big goal (BHAG - Big Hairy Audacious Goal), to break it down into smaller goals to help you get to your big goal, get accountability, and that S%*t happens.
So, what are my Goals for 2018? Let's see...
The Big Goal
Run and finish a full marathon (maybe with a PR)
Because of the crazy year of wedding planning I opted to not run a full marathon in 2017. Because I had no goal set I kinda let my training go to the side. I'm now in the frame of mind that I want to achieve another full marathon. For a long time I planned/wanted to my third marathon to be my best thus far. That means refocusing on improving my fitness and my health leading up to the big race, and being the best shape that I've been in. Hopefully with that I'll set that PR (Sub 5:50:00) since I'll be working on smaller goals to get me to this point. This may seem a bit much after almost a year sans serious running, but I'm ready to try! If not, at least I finished another marathon!
I haven't picked a marathon out just yet, but so far the BCS Marathon in December is in the running. I've also contemplated the Dallas Marathon, the Metal Saw Marathon (Kingwood), and the Route 66 Marathon. Oh, the choices!
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http://gymaaholic.tumblr.com/post/141166560609/ you-dont-notice-it-but-this-workout-is-one-step |
The Small Goal Breakdown
My breakdown of my big goal is to improve myself overall. I know there are things that I need to work on to get me there.
1. Run at least 3 half marathons races leading up to full marathon
To date the last half marathon I ran was the 2017 Rock 'n' Roll Half in March. That was a less than stellar race because I was actually getting a cold that morning and didn't know it. The weather was hot and miserable, and the ride back on the Dart train was agonizing! Thankfully, I have a do-over chance next March with this race.
I want to run at least 2 halves before which ever marathon I choose. I'd be super excited if I can improve my finish time each time, but I'll be happy to finish strong. I've been contemplating jumping on a deal with Run Project to get discounted entry for four halves, which all would be before a December marathon. If I did that, I'd be at 5 halves, 1 5-miler, 2 5ks and 1 marathon in 2018. Am I ready for that? This is definitely something to seriously consider!
2. Improve Nutrition
I know I set this as a goal for 2017, but I sucked at it. Like big time sucked at it. With us moving apartments in during the springtime and all the wedding planning during the rest of the year, I was stressed out and eating horribly. I tried my hardest to keep my nutrition in check, but failed miserably. After the wedding we started eating more vegetables and I was watching my portions (until Christmas came along), and I felt so good!
For Christmas I got two cookbooks - The No Meat Athlete and Shalane Flanagan's Run Fast. Eat Slow. that I've cooked from before. I'm definitely going to be utilizing my gifts to their fullest extend. Plus, I've found more blogs to read and learn from. I'm in charge of cooking at home, so it'll be my job to make sure we're eating healthy! Oh, and this includes watching my portions because... well, I married a chef after all!
3. Cross/Strength Train More
This is something I did well when I was training for my first marathon. Basically cause I had no life other than surviving work and letting running occupy the rest of my world. In 2016 for my second it was harder to do. I need to get my upper body (core and higher) into shape, which means hitting the gym and my home kettelbell a lot more. Basically, my training schedule should look like I'm doing some sort of activity every day. If I had the money and time I would consider Camp Gladiator or a real gym, but I'm poor, especially after the wedding. So, I'm determined to do this on my own capabilities and what I have for free.
4. Lose the Fluff
Now, I know that I should not be setting a goal to basically get skinny. But that being said, I'm hoping with these other goals - improving nutrition and training better - that I'll lose some of the weight/fat that I've gain over the past couple of years. My weight has always been a troubling thing for me. I'm not fat. I'm not thin. You can tell I like my sweets. I know I may not lose everything like I did the two years that I barely ate anything at all, but I want to trim up and look strong.
5. Remember that I'm Awesome
I think everyone needs this goal. Every year. We all, especially us girls/ladies, need to tell and see ourselves that we're awesome and shouldn't compare ourselves to anyone else either its physically or in the realm of running achievements. I know that I struggle from time to time, especially when I know that I'm not doing so well fitness and weight wise. Some days I also feel like I'm so far behind on running capabilities because I took practically a year off from serious running compared to my running friends. So, this goal is just a reminder that I've done awesome things in the past and will always do awesome things (and, yeah, probably not-so-awesome things) in the future if I put my mind to it!
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Image found on Pinterest - https://www.pinterest.com/pin/509399407826679956/ |
My Accountability
See Dot Run as always served as a way to have accountability, especially when I had no one else a few years back to go to. Now, I have my husband and some of my running friends along with the blog. So, I'm telling you now that you will help my stay accountable and strong!
Well, that's it. I'm gonna try my hardest to make 2018 amazing for me and my life. I know there will be ups and downs, but I'm determined. I'll say it now, by this time next year we're going to revisit this post and see how many of these things we'll cross off in success! Wish me luck!
What are you running and health goals for 2018?
I wish you all the best in making 2018 awesome!
Remember that you are not a failure if you did not achieve the final big
goal. If you achieved even some or ALL of your smaller goals you still
achieved something and you improved yourself compared to 2017. That along is amazing!
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