Sunday, December 17, 2017

2017 OMaD - Week 50

This week marks the first week of my half marathon training! Aah! I'm excited.

December 10 - 16

Day 344:  0 Miles - Rest day! Since I ran a race yesterday (not to mention totally kick butt at doing so!)  I counted that as my weekend run. Which was good cause... I. was. so. tired! M had gotten up before the sun did to get ready for work (last brunch shift at his current place of work!), and I could not wake up. I couldn't get out of bed. So tired! He pretty much had to kiss me good-bye while I was still half-asleep. I eventually ended up having coffee and water in bed before going out to hang with my sister for a while. We had fun together, which is something that doesn't as happen as it should (in my opinion)!

Day 345: 0 Miles - Monday = doggy sitting day! I did have time for lunch with my friend HL, who I haven't seen since the wedding! We had lunch at XO coffee, which was right near the place we got married. Oh, the memories! After lunch and coffee I ran some errands before heading back to my parents' doggies.

Day 346: 3.17 Miles - I had to force myself to get out there and run before. My knee was achy, and I just wanted to rest. But I got out there. I ran most the 5k, which is great. I didn't turn my interval reminder back on so it was a "free running." I glad that I got out there and ran. I had to roll out an achilles on one leg and ice the knee on the other, but it was good. Now that I'm in official training, I need to get serious on the cross-training to help strengthen my hips and thighs. 

Day 347: 0 Miles - I did a little, itty bitty kettlebell workout when I got home form work. I'm so out of shape! I use to make it through a whole workout sequence before my legs would shake. Nope. Not even half way through did that happen.

Day 348: 0 Miles - I did not fall asleep until 3am this morning. So needless to say I slept in as much as I could. That meant skipping my run. 

Day 349:  0 Miles - I made sure I took some sleepy gummies last night to get a better night's sleep an it worked. Before going into work M and I got to view our wedding photos for the first time! Yay! They turned out great! I was beginning to become self-conscious about how I looked cause when I'm excited happy my shoulders have the habit to shoot up and arch, and I smile with my mouth closed a lot more than I used to. There are some pictures where I look like I'm crying cause I smiling with my mouth closed, but I'm not. But overall, they're great pictures! Now we have the job to pick some of them for a photo album that our photographer is making for us!

Day 350: 0 Miles - Work day, but it ended with fun! My brother-in-law (my favorite in-law) wanted us to meet his girlfriend, which is a huge deal for him. So we had them over for dinner!

Total Miles this week:  3.17 Mile (that's it? Really?!)

Miles to Date: 370.95 Miles

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