We're now into holiday season! It'd be nice if it was cooler out, but this is Texas after all. Mornings are chilly, but afternoons are not.
November 26 - December 2
Day 330: 5.03
Miles - Today I was aiming for between 4 - 5 miles. 5 would be awesome and 4 would be acceptable. I'm excited to say that I did a solid 5. I felt great! I still feel like I'm getting somewhere, finally! The rest of the day was perfect in the fact that M and I were off from work, and we got to completely relax (stuff we use to do before wedding planning hit!). So nice!
Day 331: 0
Miles - To start off my day to myself, I did a complete beginner yoga sequence from Yoga with Adriene (http://yogawithadriene.com), which I liked quite a bit. I think I'll give this ago for a week or so before advancing onto another beginner video. After that I wrote all of our Thank You cards for our wedding gifts. What do you do when you have gifts from an unknown giver? After that... grocery store. I did make a tasty meatloaf for dinner, though!
Day 332: 3.11
Miles - I needed a great big straw this morning cause I really needed to Suck It Up, Buttercup. I would find an excuse even though the little runner in my head told me to just go. M finally had to convince me to go. I felt better the moment I saw the park. I ran a good 5k, and tried to add in some fartleks here and there.
Day 333: 0
Miles - What can I say? Work is work, and I'd rather be doing something else... like trying out that new yoga sequence or at the gym and being at home where there is comfort. Do you ever have those days where little things creep into your head and get you down? To the point that if you actually stop and listen to those voices that you'll breakdown and cry, but you force yourself to be preoccupied? Today is one of those days for me. It turns out M got home early, which is just what I needed because my back was in a lot pain. I must've slept wrong overnight and throughout the day the aching progressively got worse. He helped made dinner, which included a delicious arugula salad (I heart me some arugula!). The tens unit and ice was my post-dinner activity.
Day 334: 0
Miles - I didn't run today. My back was still achy and if I arched it in any way it hurt. Whatever I did yesterday, I did it good. I don't think the yoga did it to me cause I didn't do any crazy moves. I think I just slept wrong. My back wasn't too achy when I woke up, but as the day went on at work it was definitely sore. Thankfully and Ibuprofen helped me out. I pretty much felt good the rest of the day with a few twinges here and there.
Day 335: 0
Miles - Back getting better, but I get a tweak every so often. Work was slooooow, but it was awesome to come home to the Hubs (who was off from work that day) who made a delicious ropa vieja and rice and beans. Mmmm!
Day 336:
Miles - I completely thought that this day was Sunday, and I was thinking to myself about my run when I realized that I needed to go to work! Ack! I went to my employer's very large Christmas Party. I was totally have social anxiety leading up to do this, but I'm glad I went and socialized for a bit with some people I know. Granted, I ate all the food (including a slice of cheesecake), and I regretted in the morning. It was nice to come home to my hubs, who just got home too.
Total Miles this week: 8.14
Miles to Date: 352.42 Miles
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