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December 24 -30
Day 358: 6.52 Miles - Christmas Eve Run! My training schedule had me down for 6.0 miles. I automatically decided that it had to be a 10k and tacked on the 0.20 in my head. However, when I ran further into the park I miscalculated my turnaround and I ended up at 6.52. I felt a little badass about it. It sure helped me mentally knowing that my mom was making my favorite cinnamon rolls for Christmas morning and there is pie to be had too! Anyway, back to the run... It was COLD and WINDY this morning! I'm glad that I always back extra layers in the winter season and I pulled out a polar fleece vest to wear since it was windier than expected, which made the wind chill even worse! I was really glad to be back home in the warmth.
We had planned on staying home all day but the Hubs had realized that he left one of his knives at the restaurant. Even though we knew someone wouldn't take it we both knew he wouldn't rest easy until it was home. So we visited work and I got to see the kitchen and meet some of his coworker and our friend Chef MM. After hanging out there for a bit we had lunch at Waffle House. Growing up my family and I called it Awful Waffle House cause we ate their often when traveling. I couldn't remember why till later in the day. My tummy was achy. Yep. Now I remembered! So, pretty much after grabbing something more for my Dad's gift, we rested till we were hungry for our new traditional Christmas Eve dinner - Christmas Quesadillas! Then we wrapped presents while watched Home Alone, another tradition!
Day 359: 0 Miles - It's CHRISTMAS! Leading up to this day it didn't feel like Christmas even though I was surrounded by holiday music, decor, movies and wrapping paper. It just didn't feel like it. But Christmas morning, I woke up smiling! This year was my family's turn to have Christmas morning with us, so I eventually got M out of bed (I literally had to jump on the bed to get him up!) and we got ready to go. It was a great Christmas! The family had fun. After presents with my family, we drove across town to M's parents house for round two. After gifts were exchanged we also showed his parents our wedding photos. Then... it was back down to my parents' house for the rest of the day and Christmas dinner! At the end of the day we were back home. I gave our cat a catnip toy that my mother-in-law made for him (needless to say that he didn't come to bed last night... I think he was up all night!). M also gave me another gift... a Runner's World calendar and a two year subscription to RW magazine! Overall, it was great day!
Day 360: 3.14 Miles - After M went to work I got ready for my run. I wimped out on the cold and got on a treadmill at the gym. The run was definitely slow going at the beginning. I was just plain tired and I ate so much sweets yesterday (which really wasn't, but at the same time more than I should've... but it was Christmas!). Especially during the last mile I finally got into a groove. I was hoping to go with 4 miles, but mentally I don't think I could've gotten that far. Also right at the 5k mark two other people entered the gym and took it over with their music (I was listening to Netflix) and they turned off all the ceiling fans, even the one behind me... So. I was ready to go before I started to say something.
The rest of the day I was a out of sorts and tired. I managed to do the grocery shopping without the list (I lost the list, but I only missed two items!). Then I hung out with my mom and puppy for the day before heading home to make dinner.
Day 361: 0 Miles - Back to work! It was a slow day, but not as miserable as the days leading up to Christmas. After work I got to hang out with my besties for our Christmas get together! Oh, and I've been eyeing the weather since we're now in winter mode here in North Texas. So far it looks like I may have to run my 7.5 miles on the treadmill - it's showing that Sunday will have AM showers with a high of 38. Yikes!
Day 362: 0 Miles - I totally slept in this morning, and didn't go for my run. I told myself that I could either run on the treadmill after worker later tonight or tomorrow morning since I'm free from work. Basically... when I got home... I decided to run the next morning.
Day 363: 3.11 Miles - I accidentally slept in, but since it's my day off with no plans until later in the afternoon, it was OK! I got to the park and ran my usual 5k. I work an old pair of fleece lined leggings and remembered why I didn't were them often - the waist band is thin and when I run it rides down, which makes the crotch lower itself to about my thigh unless I tug on it. Ugh!
Day 364: 0 Miles - So, I've been watching the weather for tomorrow morning. Depending on the report it's either going to be horrible with winter mix or not so horrible. I can't figure out if I need to run 7.5 inside or outside yet. We'll see what I end up doing on the last day of 2017!
Day 365: 7.58 Miles - Last run of the year!!!! I woke up half expecting freezing drizzle/flurries swirling outside my window. What I saw instead was a very grim and grey morning with strong winds. I entertained the thought of adding on about 3 layers of clothes to run outside, but I stopped myself. Nope. I was going to the gym. I hopped onto the treadmill by the window (which has been typical spot this past month), and I couldn't help but think... "Man, it isn't freezing drizzling out there so I should be running outside." But I had to tell myself to shut up. I watched two episodes of Supernatural on Netflix. Man, I tell you. I use to watch the reruns on TNT, but it's been years. Now when I watch it I go, "This is kinda creepy! Should I be watching this?" Lol!
After my run (finish time 1:43:37) and I ate a good breakfast of leftover rice, roasted sweet potatoes, red onions and grape tomatoes with two fried eggs. Yum! M didn't have to go into work until later in the afternoon so we got to watch and episode of The Punisher while we cooked some soup for later tonight and tomorrow. In the afternoon, I plan on spending time with the family!
Total Miles this week: 20.35 Miles Total
Miles to Date: 402.77 Miles Total for 2017!!!
Do you have any Christmas traditions to share?
Catch you guys on the flip side! Happy New Year!
Catch you guys on the flip side! Happy New Year!
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