R = Rest*
# = Miles
CT = Cross Training
*Rest days I don't do anything other than chill/work/walk 1 mile. I may do light core workouts, especially if I missed it on CT day.
WEEK #13
Sunday: 12 Miles - Well, I had contemplated running the Dallas Running Club's annual DRC Half Marathon because I didn't want to see it happen while I was running solo at the lake. But I had some reservations because of costs, timing, and so on. Plus, I knew I'd be eating some junk food at a Halloween Party the night before. So! Instead I went to a park closer to home and found a way to do 12 miles. It was torturous! I didn't have too much trouble, but I felt slow. Plus, at Mile 10 or my achilles was achy, which is new for me. Hmmm.
Tuesday: 5 miles - I woke up late and only had time to run 5 miles. I'll make the 4 later on this week.
Wednesday: No cross training tonight.
Thursday: 9 Miles - Well, all week forecast said it was suppose to rain. Thus, I already knew that I'd probably hit the gym's treadmill this morning. I got out of bed and it was wet and gray out. Then as I was walking to the gym and just as I started running it began to rain. Then it stopped. And did rain again from what I could tell. You know what, though, if I had run outside it would have rained. Heehee. I kept the treadmill simple. Flat, flat, flat, flat.
Friday: 0.00 Miles - Yeeeeeah, I didn't finish my training schedule for this week by getting in a 4 miler. Oh well. I think I can get away with slacking off a little bit. I'll just make sure it doesn't happen from now on.
WEEK #14
Sunday: 18.01 Miles - Oh, yeah!!!! Despite being nervous leading up to the run, I did a really good job! I was worried that I would have to break down my 2 mile intervals into 1 mile intervals. I know that would've been OK to do because it was what my body would, but it deviates from my training plan, which sometimes I don't like. Well, for the most part I did not have to break it up. I did stop at a nasty porta-potty at around Mile 14 (ick). Then when it came to finishing Mile 17 I had to walk a bit longer than my 1 minute rest period. I had to give my quads and hammies a little longer rest before I finished the last mile. For the most part I did not mentally hit the wall, which was great! Running Buddy H lopped the lake twice to get the needed miles and I was sooooo not about to do that because I knew it'd break me mentally more than anything. I'm glad I made it through this run. I do wonder how I'm going to feel when I do 20 miles in two weeks let alone the full 26.2 miles in December!
Tuesday: A good 9 miler this morning. My legs, especially one hammy was sore from Sunday. Even though I was technically within my pace range it felt like I was working harder than normal. I did have a frightening eyeful experience in the porta-potty this morning too. Ick. But when you gotta go you gotta go.
Wednesday: No cross training today. I'm going to try to do some yoga or spinning at least on Friday. I promise!
Thursday: 10.01 Miles - I had a late start, but it wasn't bad. I got into the zone and didn't have much challenges until a hill close to the 5 mile turn around. My muscles were getting sore towards the end. I didn't have time to foam roll before heading to work since I only had 45 minutes to get clean, get dress and cram some food before heading out again.
Friday: I tried to do a little yoga, but I failed. Herrrumf.
After completing the 18 miler, I've come to the conclusion that my legs will forever be in a state of soreness and the muscles being tight. I recover for the most part only to run another long run that will bring back to achy state again. I tried hard to foam roll the moment I get home and before I hop into a hot shower. Now, I really need to try to get cross training in.
Also, I'm not sure if I feel ready for the marathon. I'm sure that's normal. I do feel that if I can hit 18 miles again (and will have to do so two more times this year) I should be able to go further than that. We shall see!
Stay tuned for the recap of Week #15 and Week #16!
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