November 1 - November 7
Day 299: 12.00 Miles - It was the day after Halloween. I tried hard not to pig out on junk food , but I still ate it (and what I had was oh so good!). My 12 miles was less than stellar. I'm glad I managed to do it all in spite of feeling a little off and having to deal with running a park that I think isn't built for long distance miles and was having some trail closures due to high rain water. I did it though. Then I proceeded to have one of the best days I've had in a long while!
Day 200: 0 Miles - I rested and chilled with my family, some of which were visiting from out of town.
Day 201: 5.19 Miles - I woke up late because my body didn't want to leave a comfy bed. I only had enough time to comfortably fit in 5 miles before I had to get ready and head out for work. I'll have fit in a 4 miler on Friday sometime. Ugh.
Day 202: 0 Miles - No walking. No cross training. I hung out with a friend after work, and I don't regret it one bit!
Day 203: 9.00 Miles - It was suppose to rain, but it didn't when I was running on the gym's treadmill. After almost two 1 hr sessions I got 9 miles in. Whew! Then I feel asleep after a shower, breakfast and a nap and only had 15 minutes to get ready for work! Agh! I made it just in time.
Day 204: 0 Miles - I didn't make up the last 4 miles that was part of my training schedule. I needed to go shopping for some things (that's right, needed) and by the time I came home I was tired. I think it's OK to slack off just a little right?
Day 205: 0 Miles - No miles or too much cross-training today. I was up on my feet for a few good hours at work, and they're tired. I have to be ready for my 18-miler on Sunday! Aaaah!
Total Miles this week: 26.19 Mile
Miles to Date: 730.36 Miles
How was your week?
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