Monday, November 23, 2015

OMaD - Week 47 Recap

One Mile A Day challenge update... and the week before Thanksgiving! Whah???? Time is flying!

Oh! And it came to my attention that I've been number my Weekly Recaps wrong for almost two months! So! This recap is actually Week 47!

November 15November 21

Day 213: 14.02 Miles - It was the hardest 14 mile run ever today. My mind was starting to get into the game when I parked at the lake, but my body wasn't agreeing with it the moment I began to run. I kept telling myself, once you get past mile 2 it'll get better. It sorta did, but after the turn around it sucked more and more. My legs and hips were definitely feeling the standing for 1.5 hours on a concert floor at that punk rock concert the previous Friday. Ugh. But I pulled through and finished. Then I got home just in time to eat something before heading out to do my turn of working a Sunday.

Day 214: 3.1 Miles - I  finally cross trained!!! Hee hee. I got myself to hit the gym and spin a 5k distance to help with any aches I had left from the Sunday LSD. Then I it was off to do errands and enjoying a day off from work. 

Day 215: 5.01 Miles - It finally stopped raining when I got myself to the gym (I only had time to get to a treadmill before work) to get at least 5 miles in. Now I have to see if I can get an additional 5 in on Friday. Ugh.

Day 216: 0 Miles - No cross training. Running Buddy H was telling me she was switching her intervals from 2 miles down to just 1 mile with a 1 minute walk in between. Apparently her runs have been much better since then. Hmmm. Something to consider.

Day 217: 10.03 Miles - So, yes! I did the 1/1 interval instead of the usual 2/1 during my 10 miler. I have to say that I didn't get tired as quickly and the run didn't feel as torturous, which was quite nice. I think I'll give this a try for my 20 miler on Sunday.

Day 218: 3.1 Miles - Caught up some on my the mileage that I missed on Tuesday. There wasn't enough time to do all 5 miles so the last 2 will be sacrificed so that I could get to work on time then have time to go to the grocery store, eat and relax.

Day 219: 0 Miles - Nothing today. It's called resting up for the 20 miler tomorrow morning!!!!

Total Miles this week: 35.26 Miles

Miles to Date: 802.72 Miles  

How was your week?

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