Tuesday, September 27, 2016

OMaD - Week 39

Surprises. Change to training. A 5k race.

September 18 - September 24

Day 262: 9.01 Miles - Last short-er run until taper! Aaaah! I slept in this morning because I was up late with my love. We got engaged after all! Plus some rain was coming through early this morning. It all worked out because I was still under the impression that I was surprising M with brunch with his friends and I had a time schedule to follow. I got to his place right on schedule and we headed out for brunch soon after. Little did I know it was actually an engagement party! After that it was spending time with friends before hitting up the families. Then we made the announcement on Facebook and proceeded to break it!

Day 263: 7.33 Miles Cross Training - While I ran a load of laundry I went to the gym for 30 minutes. I cycled while I talked to my mom. Got more chores done. Bought my first ring holder to keep my sparkly pretty safe when I'm running or doing chores or cooking. Oh, and I think we broke Facebook with our engagement announcement.

Day 264: 6.52 Miles - I was suppose to run 8 today per the training schedule I have. However, since I'm running a 5k race on Saturday I didn't want to go over my mileage because I'm always a little worried about over training. So,  subtracted 1.5 miles from each of my mid-week runs. It was a hard run cause it was already 85 degrees and it was humid in the morning before the clouds moved out. A lot of walking, but I got it done.

Day 265: 0 Mile - Rest day! I was so tired this morning that I slept in till the very last minute without being late to work.

Day 266: 5.5 Miles - It's been a long day. My run was less than stellar, but it's done. Now I just have to run a 5k for the Beef Team on Saturday at the Plano Balloon Fest. I kept on thinking that it was Friday too, which totally sucks! Also last night I had a moment of reality hitting me. I'm engaged. This is really happening. Not a year from now, but now.

Day 267: 0 Mile - Extremely tired this morning so no cross training. I got to have lunch with my good friend HL and helped boost my day.

Day 268: 3.10 Miles - Plano Balloon Fest 5k! I woke up before dawn to get myself ready for the race. I got there about 1.5 hr early, which was a little too early for my taste, especially I was there by myself (HC couldn't make it... bummer). They had some good amount of porta potties that were clean (nice!). I scared a guy when he opened the door to mine (thankfully I had my shorts up already!). I was starving 30 minutes before the race, which made me frustrated. Thankfully, however, there was a Clif bar tent with samples and I totally took advantage of that. I met some other Beef Team runners, which was nice. The race started a little later than 7:30 for some reason, but all was good. I ran the entire race (minus 30 seconds or so right before a hill), and finished in 34 minutes. That was great! Last year I ran it in 30 minutes and some change, but I know my body is a little different now. All in all it was good. After that my boyfriend fiance and I spent the afternoon shopping at places that we can't get to (aka the stores that are closed on Sunday!).

Total Miles this week: 31.46 Miles 

Miles to Date: 544.73 Miles

How was your week?

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

See Dot Engaged!

So. I mentioned in my last One Mile a Day update post that on Saturday I was going to surprise my boyfriend by leaving work early to get to the grocery store then to his apartment to start cooking him dinner. All of this was in connection of celebrating an important anniversary for him. Additionally, his best friend BM and I had been in cahoots to surprise him with brunch with all of his friends.

As of Saturday night, everything was going to plan. M was surprised. He loved my dinner. Yay! Score! After we did dishes I got into comfy clothes and plopped onto the couch. I was guessing that we were going to watch a movie or Netflix next. M disappeared into the bathroom then came back and sat down on the chaise part of the couch. He was facing me... as I'm still lounging. He started getting all mushy. Saying how much he loved me. How he can't wait to see what the next chapter will be in our future. That he can't wait to start writing that chapter with me.

As he was saying that he was struggling to pull out something from his pant packet. I thought it was his phone, but nope.

It was a box. A little black box. He cracked it up open and said, "Dorothy, will you marry me?" There was a beautiful ring staring at me.

I was stunned! I stared at the ring. It was so quiet in the room! I know one of my hands went to my mouth, and I thought "Don't do that!" and I dropped it down to my lap. I looked up at him, and said, "Yes!" And he slipped the ring on.

The picture doesn't do it justice. It's VERY sparkly!

I started to giggling like crazy. To the point that tears were coming out of the corner of my eyes. Giggle, giggle, giggle, giggle.

I did ask him if he had talked to my parents. He did. A couple days before.

I was completely surprised. I knew that we would get engaged at some point, but probably next year at the earliest. Boy was I wrong!

Wanna know another surprise? That brunch party for M. It was actually a surprised engagement party for me. He had his friends and two of my friends were there (more were suppose to come but things like sickness happen). My boyfriend was in on that brunch idea the. entire. time. It was his idea. I was basically double-crossed. I'll forgive the him and his friend. But I may not trust them for a little while. Hee hee!

After brunch we had coffee with BM and my bestie JM. Then it was off to my future in-law's house. Then to my parents. Then it was a dinnertime alone.

We don't have any dates and plans yet because we want to enjoy the engagement. But we're prepping ourselves for that planning stage when we're ready!

Oh, I already got an engagement gift. A wife of one of M's friends framed a picture of us and gave me D Magazine Wedding and The Knot's Texas Look Book. And a punch of ring pops!

Aaah! I can't believe it happened!!! I'm ready to spend the rest of my life with my best friend and the love of my life!

So, yes, I will be talking about wedding stuff eventually!

OMaD - Week 38

It's the middle of September already! What is happening to the time?!

September 11 - September 17

Day 255: 12.01 Miles - I had one of the best days so far this year. It started out a little rough with not being able to find my running shorts, which is crazy. But I found them after 30 minutes. Grrr. I was a little grumpy at the fact that I was off schedule, but stepping outside and feeling the cool 66 degree weather totally made up for it. My 12 miles were really good, especially compared to last week's 11. Only the last 3 miles were hard and required more walking intervals, but I got it done. Then when I got to my boyfriend's I found flowers on the dining table. He made me breakfast then I totally took a nap on his couch while he vegged on a Netflix for an hour. After that, it was time to stroll around the Galleria for a while. We eventually found our way to our favorite ramen place for dinner, which was so good. We had such a good time, and at least I was laughing a lot. It was a great day and I want more like this!

Day 256: 7.35 Miles - Well, I  decided to do my cross training today. At the gym I cycled for 30 minutes and gained 7.35 miles. Then I did a 20 minute kettle bell workout. After getting clean and snuggling with my kitty cat I went to my parents' house for lunch. My mom and I went out to Nordstrom Rack were I tried on at least 15 dresses to find something to wear to my brother's wedding that's coming in a couple of months. I found three dress, two of which are potentials for the wedding. My mom was totally awesome and she helped pay for one dress and a pair of shoes. Yay! I'm also excited that I found a dress (that matches the girly shoes that I got) I could wear for my anniversary dinner that's coming next month! Score!

Day 257: 6.01 Miles - So I learned a lesson to day. Do not kettle bell work out the day before a run. Nope. I was so sore that running this morning was hard. It took me an extra 10 minutes or so to get it done. There was a lot of walking involved.

Day 258: 0 Mile - REST DAY! Yay! I'm hoping that my muscles will recoup from working out three days in a row. Doh! I was certainly walking a little funny today, and sitting down is hard. Hee hee. Anyway. I'm hoping that running tomorrow is going to go well. In other news I totally spent my entire lunch our to drive to my hair dresser's so that she could take 5 minutes to trim my bangs. I've been trying hard to wait to get my hair cut until next month a couple weeks before my brother's wedding, but also for my anniversary. I think I'll pull it off, but it's gonna be hard! Oh! I'm so happy I spent the time to get them trimmed cause I'm meeting my boyfriend's friends and wives again for a surprise brunch on Sunday! (I'm posting this after the brunch so that he won't see it before hand!).

Day 259: 6.01 Miles - I woke up extra early this morning to get my run in because I had a business meeting set for 2 hrs before my normal work schedule. Ack! I started out at 7:30 then all of a sudden my phone is blinging! My mom started a group text with my sister and I to talk about plans for my brother's wedding! Oh boy! Well, every 0.25 - 0.5 mile I would stop and say something. What also made it a challenge was the humidity. It was at 88% that morning. I was dripping sweat from the brim of my hat it was that bad! After my meeting I got some nice strong cold brew fro the local coffee shop (it's stronger than Starbucks, people!) and I was set for the entire day! No joke!

Day 260: 0 Mile - Rest Day! I was definitely tired, as usual. So it was a good thing I switched my cross training days to Monday. But I would really like to be able to get some core or arm strengthening work out of the way on Fridays. Work in progress... again!

Day 261: 0 Mile - I was up late last night I'm kinda paying for it now. Just overall tired in the head an eyes. What helped with my work day is I got to leave 2 hours early so that I can get some grocery shopping done and surprise my boyfriend. I made him dinner tonight, which he loved! Then it was his turn to completely surprise me! More to come on that!

Total Miles this week: 31.38 Miles 

Miles to Date: 513.27 Miles

How was your week?

Sunday, September 11, 2016

OMaD - Week 37

Back to running,... but still no cross-training.... what's up with that?  

September 4 - September 10

Day 248: 11.01 Miles -Well. After spending a day and a half with a low grade fever I felt well enough to go for my run. It was hard after 6 or so miles, which caused a lot of walking breaks. Basically, it took my 2:50:00-ish to finish the miles, which is typically a slow half marathon pace for me. That was frustrating, but I know I was coming off of being sick. At least I got the miles done. My boyfriend made the most tasty breakfast to go along with the watermelon I bought on the way home (I was dying for some watermelon during my run). After that it was a pretty relaxing day. We made some pulled chicken taco meat for a housewarming party. Then we stayed up late watching The Following, which unfortunately gave me bad dreams.

Day 249: 0 Miles - Holiday! Well, I never work on a Monday, but it was a holiday for my boyfriend. We chilled before running some errands. I did finally got to the local running store to get some socks and glide. I forgot they were having their sales for the holiday, and I totally scored big time. I got a new pair of shoes and four pair of socks all for less than the price of new shoes!

Day 250: 6.01 Miles - This run was a challenge, it helped that the humidity dissipated half way through the run. I'm hoping that I'm not losing my motivation for the marathon already. I know it's part mental, also physical that it's taking me forever to even run 6 miles.

Day 251: 0 Mile - A long day that just dragged and dragged. At least it was a rest day!

Day 252: 6.01 Miles -This morning's run was better than Tuesdays. I had a lot more protein Wednesday night than I did Monday night, which probably helped. I also noticed how my pace and stamina changed a little (for the better) by how I kept my arms closer to my body or not. Oh, and I need new music to listen to during running.

Day 253: 0 Miles -Yet again... I'm too tried to get to the gym or do a kettlebell workout before work. I'm going to rethink this cross-training schedule so that it's earlier in the week. I'm just too tired on Friday. The best part of my day, really, was having lunch with a good friend who just announced her first pregnancy! I'm so happy for her and her hubby. It put me in such a better mood that I was able to accomplish some things at work for the rest of the afternoon.

Day 254: 0 Mile - Rest Day! It was cooler and rainy this morning, and perfect to stay in bed with coffee and movie or a book. But it was off to work I go to get things ready for the following week.

Total Miles this week: 23.03 Miles 

Miles to Date: 481.89 Miles

How was your week?

Saturday, September 10, 2016

BCS Marathon Training - Progress Report 1

The first training update for this year's marathon training season? Whah?!?! Ok. Where to begin?!

Well, as you know that I'm running the BCS Marathon in December. I'm using the Novice 2 Hal Hidgon training schedule with some modification. I talk a little bit about it here.

Here's what's going on so far in training!

R = Rest*
# = Miles (running or cycling)
CT = Cross Training

*Rest days I don't do anything other than chill/work/walk 1 mile. I may do light core workouts, especially if I missed it on CT day.

WEEK #1 

Sunday: 0 miles - I ran the SeaWheeze Half Marathon the day before, and Sunday I spent half the day walking around Vancouver, BC before going to the airport to come home. I was so tired! I didn't get home until Monday morning at 5:30am. Oh boy!

Tuesday: 6.01 miles - It was a challenging run. But I got it done. No rest for the weary!

Wednesday: Rest - Last I ended up not doing very much cross-training on Wednesday since I ended up being sore on my Thursday run. So total rest day!

Thursday: 5.01 miles - This was a "run" run in terms of the training schedule. Better than the 5 miles, but still a little challenge. Then, I did it. Later that night at work, I squatted down quickly to put something away and I tweaked something on the inside of my knee and the feeling went down my inside shin area. Damn.

Friday: 0 mile and 0 cross - Instead of going to the gym, I had to spend my morning packing a bag so that I can go to my parents' house to stay the weekend to dog sit.


Sunday: 9.01 miles - Since tweaking my knee last Thursday it's been feeling a little "eh," but not painful. I could definitely feel something was up with the knee, nonetheless. 

Tuesday: 5.01 miles - I was supposed to run six but I was having a little bit of a frustrating time. I was running around the park in my parents' neighborhood, and I was getting bogged down by loads of moms who were doing their walking thing after dropping the kids off from school. So one mile short cause I just couldn't run anymore... other than my knee feeling funny too. 

Thursday: 5.01 miles -Knee felt blah during the run, but I did alter my foot fall and it helped it out.

Friday: 0 miles/cross - I was waaay too tired to even get to work on time. I got up early enough to get to the gym, but I just couldn't get moving from my couch where I had eaten breakfast. I actually ended up falling back to sleep.


Sunday: 6.01 miles - A good 6 miler before I had to go to work. It was one of the first runs without my knee feeling nasty.

Tuesday: 6.01 miles - The run wasn't too bad, but I can remember that I was just glad it was over. At least the weather was getting better, and there was a nice breeze that cut some of the heat down.

Thursday: 6.01 miles - I was sooo frustrated at the end of the run. I couldn't understand why running 6 miles could be so hard. Of course, later that night I had a low grad fever and chills... So I was probably sick already.

Friday: 0 miles/cross - Sick day. No gym. Boo!


Sunday: 11.01 miles - I felt well enough to get out to the lake and run. I had set a minimum of 8 miles (if not less if I was suddenly wasn't feeling well), but I was feeling good towards the end. I did have to walk a lot during the last mile or so. In the end I was so glad that I was able to finish the miles. However, it took my 02:50:00, which is typically a slow half marathon pace for me, to complete the miles. That was disappointing, but I had to remember that I had a low fever for a day and a half leading up to that morning.

Tuesday: 6.01 miles - Six long and slow miles. I felt a little disheartened that it's still hard to complete a run as short as this. I think it's a mental game, but at the same time I know my body is not what is was a year ago. I was thinner and faster last year and was doing two mile intervals. But I know things change.

Thursday: 6.01 miles -This run was better, but still a challenge mentally. I did play around with how to carry my arms. Closer to the body seemed to have helped in my energy than when they were lower and more free. I'm going to play around with this a little more to see if it's will help get the miles done more efficiently.

Friday: 0 miles/cross - I didn't make to the gym this morning. My alarm went and I snoozed it so many times it was ridiculous! I know I stayed up past my bedtime by a little (I think I was in bed by 11 or 11:30, but that's kinda late for me... I think I'm getting old-ish). So I'm going to have to move my cross-training day to Monday morning. That may help things out. I'll try to do some strength training or yoga or a something on Friday to help get going, but I just won't be able to get the hot and heavy stuff done that morning any more.

Well. Mentally, I feel like I'm not quite there in the training. I know last year I was all about training and it was all I could think about and look forward to. Well, that was because I was still getting over a break up, and basically all of last year's training was me getting over it all and becoming the new me. Oddly enough in the second half my training I met my boyfriend, who I'm madly in love with, and I'm so much happier now. So my motivation is different this time around. I feel like this year I'm seeing that I'm just a one flash in the pan in the marathon realm. Other than that, I know my body has changed. I'm not as thin as I use to be, but I'm just as strong as last year. I'm trying to not over analyze everything and get myself stuck in my head. I just want to be a good, fit, strong runner who can accomplish a goal.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

OMaD - Week 36

What happened to August? More running. And a sick day.

August 28 - September 3

Day 241: 6.01 Miles - A short run today (I love how 6 miles is considered short today). I felt a little self conscious cause all the college girls and really fit runners were at White Rock Lake already who were half my size with abs of steel. My knee felt pretty good and did not annoy me until I was in Mile 4. I also had to half mile intervals instead of one mile intervals half way through. But I still felt strong, which is a good thing. All in all, it was a good run but I felt like I was wimping out because it was shorter than my normal weekend runs. When I got home my boyfriend was cooking bacon, eggs and pancakes. YUM! We watched a couple shows of NCIS before I had to go to work for the day (boo! Sunday work!).

Day 242: 0 Miles - Rest Day! I did Nothing with a capital N today. I should've gone to the gym. I should've gone to the grocery store. But I didn't. I laid on my couch, ate food and binged on NCIS season 13. Then I went to my boyfriend's to help him out with things and to make dinner. I felt so lazy and a little guilty about most of the day, but it was good. I think switching my training from Monday to Sunday has finally hit me. :-P

Day 243: 6.01 Miles - Not too bad of a run. It was cooler, with a slight breeze, but it was muggy. It was sweat central! But I got the miles done.

Day 244: 0 Mile - Rest Day that I really don't do any light cross training. It was a total "Blah Day," peeps. I slept in as much as I could before work. Then work was stressful cause I've been getting my end of year reviews done so that my boss can evaluate me later and send it onto Admin. Yay! So much fun. Plus, I just haven't felt great as the day went on.

Day 245: 6.01 Miles - Rough training run today. I was frustrated with myself that running six miles was so hard. I've been doing shorter intervals than I'm used to, especially in comparison to last year's marathon training (I started out doing 2 mile intervals then dropping to 1). Work took forever to finish.

Day 246: 0 Miles - Well, it's my day off and... I'm sick. I had chills late last night. At 3am I took my temperature and I had 101 degree fever. So I popped some ibuprofen and watched NCIS for a couple of hour since I couldn't get to sleep. The rest of the day I felt better then got worse again in the afternoon. All the symptoms I had was chills and body aches. Maybe some sinus pressure. That's it. My boyfriend and I went to out to get some medicine, kitty food, and the most tasty sandwich from Which Wich I ever had. Some day I will actually be able to go to the gym.

Day 247: 0 Mile - I made it to work and got through the day. By the end of the work day my 99 degree fever was gone. Even MS said that I looked better when I got home. I haven't been sick of any sort since February 2015.

Total Miles this week: 18.03Miles 

Miles to Date: 458.86 Miles

How was your week?