Sunday, September 11, 2016

OMaD - Week 37

Back to running,... but still no cross-training.... what's up with that?  

September 4 - September 10

Day 248: 11.01 Miles -Well. After spending a day and a half with a low grade fever I felt well enough to go for my run. It was hard after 6 or so miles, which caused a lot of walking breaks. Basically, it took my 2:50:00-ish to finish the miles, which is typically a slow half marathon pace for me. That was frustrating, but I know I was coming off of being sick. At least I got the miles done. My boyfriend made the most tasty breakfast to go along with the watermelon I bought on the way home (I was dying for some watermelon during my run). After that it was a pretty relaxing day. We made some pulled chicken taco meat for a housewarming party. Then we stayed up late watching The Following, which unfortunately gave me bad dreams.

Day 249: 0 Miles - Holiday! Well, I never work on a Monday, but it was a holiday for my boyfriend. We chilled before running some errands. I did finally got to the local running store to get some socks and glide. I forgot they were having their sales for the holiday, and I totally scored big time. I got a new pair of shoes and four pair of socks all for less than the price of new shoes!

Day 250: 6.01 Miles - This run was a challenge, it helped that the humidity dissipated half way through the run. I'm hoping that I'm not losing my motivation for the marathon already. I know it's part mental, also physical that it's taking me forever to even run 6 miles.

Day 251: 0 Mile - A long day that just dragged and dragged. At least it was a rest day!

Day 252: 6.01 Miles -This morning's run was better than Tuesdays. I had a lot more protein Wednesday night than I did Monday night, which probably helped. I also noticed how my pace and stamina changed a little (for the better) by how I kept my arms closer to my body or not. Oh, and I need new music to listen to during running.

Day 253: 0 Miles -Yet again... I'm too tried to get to the gym or do a kettlebell workout before work. I'm going to rethink this cross-training schedule so that it's earlier in the week. I'm just too tired on Friday. The best part of my day, really, was having lunch with a good friend who just announced her first pregnancy! I'm so happy for her and her hubby. It put me in such a better mood that I was able to accomplish some things at work for the rest of the afternoon.

Day 254: 0 Mile - Rest Day! It was cooler and rainy this morning, and perfect to stay in bed with coffee and movie or a book. But it was off to work I go to get things ready for the following week.

Total Miles this week: 23.03 Miles 

Miles to Date: 481.89 Miles

How was your week?

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