Saturday, April 4, 2015

Running Safely at Night

Night running. I wasn't a fan of it until recently. Let me explain. If any of you read my One Mile A Day - Week 6 recap (it's ok if you didn't - at least you're reading this post!), you would've seen a mention that my then-boyfriend that I loved dearly decided that we should go back to just being friends (huge back story as to why - maybe I'll talk about it some other time). For months, after our busy jobs that made us work late on certain nights, we would meet up at night to go out or just hang at my place. It was wonderful. However, since the beginning of February there's been a void in my after-work night life. What a way to remind you that you don't have a special someone at the moment. Meh. 

Well, now with all the free time at night I would find myself upset, lost, lazy, and lonely - the most awesome (ha!) side effects of a break-up. Even vegging out on TV (something I love to do), playing with Jackson (my cat you'll meet soon enough) and planning my running schedule (I love to plan) wasn't enough distraction for me. Plus, my friends can't be on call all the time. Hee hee.

So, what does a girl do? RUN!

Beyond dealing with personal roller coaster that is life, I started considering some factors:
  • We're having better weather up here in North Texas - hello, Spring! I love you!
  • That I love sleep and tend to sleep in on the mornings I have free during the week.
  • That I need to work on getting my body use to training more often during the week (all part of my plan to prepped for the marathon training down the line - did I mention I love to plan and be prepared as best as possible?).

So, yes! In the past two weeks I've become a weeknight runner. I run between 2 miles or a full 5k around my apartment complex some time after 9pm at least once a week. I'm trying to upgrade that to two nights a week. Crazy? Perhaps. When I first started running two years ago all the safety tips that I saw said to either avoid running at night or be extremely careful for various reasons. Very valid points. I keep all of that in mind when I go out, actually, but I still go out.

Funny enough Women's Running Magazine in the past few days shared the 5 Rules to Stay Safe During Night Runs and New Apps Keeping Runners Safe. What timing, right?!

The 5 Rules are pretty straight forward and common sense, but it's always a good reminder. If you don't know them - seriously, read the rules! Plus, runners have the perfect excuse for wearing those neon colors!

The new apps are interesting to me because I run over at White Rock Lake on one of my days off. And I generally don't tell anyone (unless I'm leaving from the family's house - a place that I visit far more often since February). Of the two apps  I'm interested in Glympse because for one thing I don't need to pay for anything and because I don't need to have a phone app to track my runs. But RunSafe has its benefits too. Though the Panic Button would seem a bit inaccessible if it's in a running belt like my Fitletcis one, which makes me take a minute or two the phone or key out of. Glympse has a 4 hour time span, but I wouldn't be running longer than that by myself - at least I don't think so. I'm going to hem and haw over getting one of these, but I think one would good for when I'm out at night.

Dot's Tips for Night Running
So, in addition to common practice things with running at night here are some other pointers that I've got to share. First some basics then some others:

1. Wear bight colors!
I'm guilty of wearing mostly black (or all black during the winter), but seriously peeps runners have the best excuse to wear neon colors! Perhaps I luck out a little cause I rock the pale alabaster skin tone, and my legs can reflect headlights nicely. Naw, I should wear neon no matter what.

2. Run against traffic!
It's a way to see the cars, but also to see if there is any trouble coming your way (other than the fact there are cars next to your sidewalk!). I always prefer running against traffic and plan my run accordingly. Only once do I need to have my back to traffic but it's for only one block.

3. Bring your phone and ID. 
I know some runners go without their phone, but at night it's best that you do. Even if you don't use one of those new safety apps, if you need to call for help you're not without! I typically forget to pack my license when I go out, but it is a good idea to have it. But if you had an awesome Road ID then wear that!

4. Mix up routine/route.
They always say that the bad guys tend to pick up on consistency. In some ways I don't have much of an option when it comes to where I can run at night, but I don't have a set time and I do mix up when and where I turn.

5. Consider running with a small mace/pepper spray.
If you have a running belt or an armband you should be able to fit in somewhere. I don't have one, but my RB does. P.S. - Make sure it's legal for you to carry it!

6. If your clothes don't have any reflective parts or you're anti-neon consider buying a headlamp. 
I have a Princeton Tech Byte headlamp. Bought it cause the street lights around my apartment were crappy But, as usual, the lights were repaired by the time I spent the money at REI. Also, my ex-boyfriend ran at night a lot since his job started at 6:30 every morning, and I figured that it would another way for us to get together. Whatever. Seriously, this is a nice headlamp and doesn't bounce around too much and isn't heavy. It's also perfect when you're reading in bed at night!

7. Take a Runner's Self Defense class. 
This tips applies to all runners regardless of what time of day they run, but especially those at night. Check with your local running store to see if they have any classes coming up or look around online for tips. Here are some helpful links:

Well, these are just a few pointers for me. Plus, a glimpse into what's going on in my head and heart right now. This new running time might change once I hit my new training schedule, especially for the marathon, but for now it's helps me a lot and I love it. Plus, it helps me fall asleep faster - super bonus!!!

When do you prefer to run? Morning, afternoon or night?

Do you have any tips about running safe for all times, but especially at night?

Images found here and here.


  1. Nothing like running to get past a breakup or other disappointment. Great tips! Hang in there.

  2. I'm ever so thankful for running! For many reasons I'm taking this breakup extremely hard. Pretty much all I want to do is run, talk about running and plan my runs cause it's the only thing that makes me feel good.
