Monday, April 20, 2015

Motivation Monday - I Ran... A Lot

Running is emotional. Plain and simple.

I run a lot (or at least in my mind I do). One reason is because I love running. Another it's because I'm gearing up for marathon training later this year. A third reason is because I have so many emotions going through me it's flat out ridiculous.

I feel alive when I run (until I bonk then I feel like shit). For X amount of time my mind isn't racing - my body is. My mind is focused on what my body is doing and how it feels and focused on the course. Other thoughts pop in my head, but they are soon pushed aside. Then afterwards it's all the hormones that kick in that make feel great and ok and nothing is or could be wrong in the world.

I'm sure everyone can share stories of how running has made them cry, scream, and brood. 

One of my "cherished" moments during a race was when a cyclist crossed my path during the 2015 Too Hot to Handle 15k and I fell on the sidewalk - skinning my knee. Right after the halfway point. I was bleeding. My knee hurt like hell. I was crying because of the stinging pain and the frustration at the cyclist (who never stopped) and the fact that my pace was ruined because of pain and the fact that I had to wipe the blood that was streaming down my leg. 

I never cried at the finish of a race, but I can count the number of times when I finish a training run with tears streaming down my face cause of the pain that I ran to avoid came flooding back. In the end of those runs I do feel better - or perhaps it was the fact that I just go numb by then. Maybe it's both. Last Fall I actually cried, praying to the Big Guy Upstairs - asking to help my then-boyfriend to stay strong during his mom's death and through his grief afterwards, then again (selfishly?) asking for this guy to be the One for me because I never felt so happy and special in my life before him - all of which during 5k training runs. My first 10k PR during a training run was because a running buddy frustrated the hell out of me that very morning (I don't think I even said anything to her until she texted me that she was done).

You know, maybe I should just say that my eyes sweat too. Does that sound better than crying?

I have a best friend, K, who is going through a really rough time. It's rough enough that sometimes when I talk to her it puts me into perspective on my recent breakup (I'm not saying that my pain and broken heart don't matter - cause it does - but I have to remember there are worst things out there). She still has a long road ahead of her, but she's finally putting her foot down that make me feel so proud of her.

What also makes me proud is that K even started walking, and confessed to me that she even wants to running. She's starting out very slow and is just walking and isn't ready to run yet. I know that she'll get to that point eventually, and she knows that I'm here to help her. I can't wait till our mutual BFF Jennie and I get her to do a 5k race (2016 Hot Chocolate 5k, anyone?!) with us!.

I can't say for sure, but I like to think that K's new desire to be active is due, in part, to me. I can't say I'm the most inspirational type person out there, but it makes me feel good to know that I can help her through rough patches as we walk and run... and hopefully someday doing it together.

My advise.... Keep Running. Keep Walking.

Source of image found here.

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