Tuesday, July 10, 2018

2018 Weekly Workout Recap - #20 - #27

Heeeeeeeeyyyy. Long time no write. Things have been kinda crazy over here. Between juggling our new schedule (hubby's pulling 90 hour weeks getting this restaurant started) and me dealing with a non-running injury that required a procedure to fix - I've been very busy with no time or ability to run or workout. I'm finally getting better and starting to get myself back into a routine. I feel like I missed so much, and I hope that I'll be able to get back in shape for my marathon training in August!

WORKOUT RECAP #20: MAY 13 - 19

Hope you all had a great Mother's Day! This week I'm slowly but surely getting back into shape!
Day 133: Plan: 10 - 13 miles| Actual: 5.01 Miles
I'm a fur baby mama, and our 8.5 yr old cat woke me up at 5:30am pawing a bag to make a nose. To wake me. So that he could be fed. Yep. I snoozed for a little longer. I felt good enough to go out for a run. I was hoping for something longer than a 5k, but would've been happy with just that. At the 5k mark I felt like I could go for 4 miles. Then I just sorta tacked on the fifth mile. I felt good for the most part, which made me happy. Completely 5 miles set my mood in a good spot since I felt like I'm making headway in getting back into shape. In full Mother's Day mode, M and I spent sometime with his mom and dad. Then, after stopping by the grocery for some supplies (the store was crazy!), we spent the rest of the day with my Mom. We had pizza and I made a gluten-free blueberry cobbler with ice cream. I have to say the cobbler turned out really good for a first try, and my Mom liked it a lot, which is the most important part.

Day 134: Plan: XT | Actual: Rest Day
This was rest day but at the same time I walked a lot. M had to stop by the restuarant to be there for a health inspection. If they passed then they could register with the city. So I dropped him off at work and I went shopping. First I stopped by Academy Sports to see if I could find some more pairs of running compression shorts. I pretty much run in one pair I got at Old Navy years ago. I'm particular about the fabric that is used, and a lot of things have the new "sports cotton" in them. Nope. That isn't for me. I then went to Target and bought some socks (you can never go wrong with some fun socks), and to look around. Basically... I tried to buy stuff that I may or may not need. But it didn't work. I spent $3 at Target in the end. Then I went to the mall, and walked around it twice. I did buy some shirts for my besties' birthdays that are happening in the summer. You know, buying gifts way ahead of time is kinda nice feeling! I need to get on this idea. Maybe next Christmas I'll get all one before December..... Maybe. So, after walking around for the better part of 3 hours I picked up Mark.

Day 135: Plan: 45 min run (or a 5k run) | Actual: 4.01 Miles
I woke up early to get out the door early enough to get a run in before a dentist appointment. Even with losing my phone (which was set on vibrate) I was still at the park early. I really wanted to do a 4 miler instead of a 5k. I was able to do it and I felt like I'm getting back into shape after this run. I'm hoping I can keep it up. I really didn't want to go to work today, but I did. Do I get some gold stars for that?

Day 136: Plan: XT | Actual: Rest Day 
This was a busy day at work, which ended in frustrations. Meetings with staff and the administration is always so much fun. At home I took it easy, cried out the frustration, then ate dinner with the hubs.

Day 137: Plan: 45 min run (or a 5k run) | Actual: 3.10
I squeezed in a 5k run early so that I could be home when M headed out to work (he's finally starting! Yay!)! This run was pretty crappy. I ran on empty since I've been burned out on my waffles and peanut butter. While running I had no energy and after the first 2 miles at a fast pace I petered out during the third mile. Ugh. Some serious self-doubt was happening. How am I going to be able to run a half marathon in 10 days if I can't do a 5k. Plus, I'm stilled worried that I'm going to hurt myself. Double Ugh. We'll see how it goes in the days leading up to the race.

Since I was done with my run so early I managed to run some errands like heading out to Run On to pick up some Generation Ucan single packets to try out. I know I respond well when I have white rice or sweet potatoes the night before my runs. I've stopped eating white rice for a few reasons. I'm hoping that the superstarch will help me out. Wish me luck! After the running store, I stopped by Kohls to buy M a shirt. I also grabbed some Wasa flatbread and hummus for a light lunch before coming into work.

Day 138: Plan: XT | Actual: Rest Day 
Rest day. I was able to go to M's soft opening of the restaurant with the family, and it was great! 

Day 139: Plan: Rest Day | Actual: Rest Day
Another day at work and rest at home.

Total Running Miles this week: 12.12 Miles 

Total Time Cross-training this week: 0 Minutes  

Total Miles Cross-training this week: 0 Miles

WORKOUT RECAP #21: MAY 20 - 26

Days 140 - 146: Plan: Rest | Actual: Rest Day
I started having some more pain and new symptoms over the weekend, and I was able to find a new specialist. She was able to diagnose me (granted my new symptom made it really, really easy). In the coming week I'll have an out-patient procedure done to fix everything. I feel so relieved to have a diagnosis 


Days 147 - 153: Plan: Rest | Actual: Rest Day
A very busy week getting work prepped for the time that I'll be away after my procedure. I'm going to have a whole week away from work. I know I wanted a vacation, but I wasn't expecting to have basically "minor surgery."


Days 154 - 160: Plan: Rest | Actual: Rest Day
So I had my procedure, and I'm on the mend.  Each day I'm a little better. I feel a little guilty that I haven't missed running one bit during all of this, but at the same time I knew I couldn't run.

WORKOUT RECAP #24: JUNE 10 - 16 

Days 161 - 167: Plan: Rest | Actual: Rest Day
It's my first full week back to work. It was little slow going cause I really missed my naps! But I did pretty well!

WORKOUT RECAP #25: JUNE 17 - 23 

Day 168: Plan: Rest | Actual: Rest Day

Day 169: Plan: XT| Actual: 15 min XT 
So I felt well enough to try some light cross-training today! Yay! I did this resistance band work out (two sets total) (I used this video here: The Live Fit Girl: Full Body Resistance Band Loop Workout). Boy, let me tell you that my core is out of shape! I had lunch with a bestie and her baby girl before I spent the day with my mom.  

Day 170: Plan: XT | Actual: Rest Day 
I wanted to use the elliptical today, but I had to run to the grocery store before I got my hair cut. Did you ever get a hair cut and realize that, despite expressing what you want - even though it's the same style that you've had the past 6 months - it turns out a little too different?

Day 171: Plan: XT | Actual: 20 minutes XT
After work and running by the grocery store, I repeated the resistance band cross-training. I felt a little stronger than I did on Monday, which was nice. 

Day 172: Plan: XT | Actual:  3.13 Miles Run
Leading up to this day I was planning on using the elliptical. But this morning I had the sudden thought that if I should just walk on the treadmill and if I felt like it I would run a bit of it. So that's what I did... I got dressed, walked over the community gym and got on a treadmill. I did a 5k. I ran the majority of it at a slow pace. After finishing Mile 2 I felt tired, but mentally I wanted that third mile. So I pushed myself. I didn't hurt. I may have had some slight discomfort, but it wasn't painful. I'm hoping this is a start of a good, new beginning!

Day 173: Plan: XT | Actual: Rest Day 
I spent the evening out with my best friends  at the local Shakespeare in the Park play. We had fun. Healthy food potluck... until we got to desserts. Hee hee.  

Day 174: Plan: XT | Actual: Rest Day 
My evening plans changed when I needed to drop some things off at my husband's restaurant. I had dinner there and stayed with him till it closed and kept him company while he cleaned the place.

Total Running Miles this week: 3.13 Miles 

Total Time Cross-training this week: 35 Minutes  

Total Miles Cross-training this week: 0 Miles


Day 175: Plan: Run| Actual: 3.18 Miles Run

I ran on the treadmill.

Day 176: Plan: XT | Actual: Rest  
There was too much to do to cross-train. 

Day 177: Plan: Rest | Actual: Rest Day 
I had a doctor's appointment so no running.

Day 178: Plan: XT | Actual: Rest Day
Busy day at work, and I was way too tired to do anything.

Day 179: Plan: XT | Actual:  3.10 Miles Run
I managed a 5k on the treadmill before a crazy day at work.

Day 180: Plan: XT | Actual: Rest Day 
This was the craziest day at work so far this year. I broke down and drank a cherry coke as a reward for doing so well. Then I spent the rest of the evening at the hub's restaurant till it closed.

Day 181: Plan: XT | Actual: Rest Day 
I decided to have dinner with my sister, which was really nice.

Total Running Miles this week: 6.28 Miles 

Total Time Cross-training this week: 0 Minutes  

Total Miles Cross-training this week: 0 Miles


Day 182: Plan: Run| Actual: 4.17 Miles Run
I ran outside for the first time in almost 1.5 months! It felt great. It felt HOT!

Day 183: Plan: XT | Actual: Rest  
M and I spent some time dog sitting before we did our own thing.

Day 184: Plan: Run| Actual: 3.16 Miles Run
By the time I walked out the door for a run it was HOT. So I headed to the gym where it wasn't so hot. I did a slow interval run with varying elevations, which was a nice change than just flat.

Day 185: Plan: XT| Actual: Rest Day
Happy July 4th! After M went to work, I made it down to my parents house and just hung around. We had dinner out, watched fireworks, got stuck in traffic, and I got home late. It's like a annual July 4th tradition!

Day 186: Plan: XT | Actual:  3.35 Miles Run
So... today's my birthday! I'm now 33. I decided to embrace the number and ran 3.3ish miles. Also, after much deliberations and soul searching I was finally brave enough to take my tank top off when it got hot out. Since for forever I would tuck the em of my tank in my bra, but it wasn't the same. So, with about .70 miles left in my run... and ironically at 33 minutes into my run... I took my tank top of and joined the Sports Bra Squad! I'm by no means a lean and mean girl. I have some rolls like anyone else. So I was self conscious about it and sucked in when cyclists passed me (and was glad I wore my high-waisted compression shorts), but I felt bad ass and cooler when I did this. After my birthday run I picked up bundt cake from Nothing Bundt Cakes to share later with the family. My besties come over and we went to Ham Orchards in Terrell for the afternoon. Then it was a home grill-out complete with cake and ice cream with my family and the hubs who was able to get off a couple hours early. It was pretty awesome day!

Day 187: Plan: XT | Actual: Rest Day 
Total rest day due to stress and needing to be with people. I met up with my bestie JM. We ended up having dinner at the Hub's restaurant. Turns out my brother-in-law was there, so we got to hang with him too. Nice way to end the week.

Day 188: Plan: XT | Actual: Rest Day 
After a stressful and busy day at work, I went to Shakespeare in the Park with my besties to celebrate all of our July birthdays. It was so much fun!

Total Running Miles this week:  10.68 Miles 

Total Time Cross-training this week: 0 Minutes  

Total Miles Cross-training this week: 0 Miles

Total Running Miles to Date: 283.81 Miles 

Total Time & Miles Cross-Training to Date: 07:20:00 | 0 Miles

Hope you all have a great week! 

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