So I dropped off the face of the planet after my run with the Rock
'n' Roll Dallas Half Marathon.... read on to find out where I've been
and what I've been up to!
April 16 - 22
Day 106: 4.11 Miles - Slowly upping the mileage. It felt good to push myself past the 5k distance. I'm hoping for a 5 miler the next Sunday. I want to steadily get myself back to the 15k Sunday distance run like I use to be at. I'll get there. Since it was Easter I spent the day with my family (M had to work... being chef = working holidays). We had a great healthy meal. My mom and I made beet hummas after my sister raved about a beet hummas she ate when she was in New York City a few weeks back. It turned out to be really tasty, and was uber tasty on a slice of rye toast!
Day 107:
Miles - Happy Marathon Monday! I had fun updating M on the movements of the Boston Marathon elite runners. They're amazing! This was a busy day. He went wedding suit recon with his best bud, and I had coffee with my friend HL and her adorable baby girl. Then it was errand running in the heavy rain. So much fun! Well, not the rain and errand running... but it was nice to be home again during the rain! What was great was M took me to Cane Rosso for dinner to have amazingly delicious pizza. Because I've been stressed and anxious about stuff he even got us a s'mores calzone, which was amazing! Ladies, if you need a period chocolate fix... get this!
Day 108: 0
Miles - No run today. I did a kettlebell set... two sets of dead lifts, squats, Russian swings, around the worlds, and American swings. I definitely felt in my legs!
Day 109: 0
Miles - Oooh! Talk about sore from the kettlebell workout! I need to do that more often!
Day 110:
3.14 Miles - I was sore and my legs were tired, but I love being able to do a 5k. It's probably cause I haven't run in so long... anything is awesome. I love the feeling of being free and pushing myself to perform. I love running (no I'm not typing this during my runner's high moment!).
Day 111: 0
Miles - I'm ready for my weekend! This includes sharing doggy sitting duties!
Day 112: 0
Miles - Long day at work!
Total Miles this week: 7.25 Miles
Miles to Date: 110.43 Miles
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