Friday, April 21, 2017

2017 OMaD - Week 14

So I dropped off the face of the planet after my run with the Rock 'n' Roll Dallas Half Marathon.... read on to find out where I've been and what I've been up to!

April 2 - 8

Day 92: 0 Miles - The unpacking begins!

Day 93: 0 Miles -  We found  our kitchen and had unpacked enough boxes that it was time to bring the kitty cat home. We also cooked (from scratch) our first meal in the apartment... Cincinnati Chili. Yum!  

Day 94: 0 Miles - The unpacking continues...

Day 95: 0 Miles - And so it goes... the unpacking...

Day 96: 2.50 Miles - There are still more boxes! Upside! I went to the gym and used the elliptical. 2.5 miles! Yes!

Day 97: 0 Miles - How many boxes do we have?

Day 98: 0 Miles - I hate boxes. With a passion.

Total Miles this week: 2.50 Miles

Miles to Date: 96.86 Miles

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