Saturday, December 12, 2015

Marathon Training Monday on a Saturday!!! - Week #17 and Week #18

So here it is! The last Marathon Training Monday (Week #17 and Week #18).

This recap is in addition to my weekly One Mile a Day challenge updates.

R = Rest*
# = Miles
CT = Cross Training

*Rest days I don't do anything other than chill/work/walk 1 mile. I may do light core workouts, especially if I missed it on CT day.

WEEK #17

Monday: 12.02 Miles - Well, my typical Sunday long run was postponed until today because of a weekend full of rain! The run wasn't bad, but I had to deal with the debris that was left on the trail after the lake water receded. I'd came close to spraining my ankle at least one as I ran over some sticks.

Tuesday: 0.00 Miles - I couldn't get myself to wake up and run. My lower half was achy, especially the hip flexors. I realized that I hadn't foam rolled when I got home from the 12 miler the day before. Booo! Well. I after consulting H, I decided to sleep in and rest up. Rest of the day my leg, from the hip through the knee was in painful. Boo!

Thursday: 5.51 Miles - I totally felt like I slacked off a bit today, but I was so tired I didn't realize how late it had gotten this morning! I thought I had just enough time to run at least 6 miles; however, it wasn't just so. To do even run the last half mile I would've been late for work. Ack!

Friday: No cross training today. I felt crummy during work time them I had to do things for my parents.

WEEK #18

Sunday: 8.11 Miles  - I wasn't quite sure what to expect during this run because I had gone to two Christmas parties the night before. Plus, I had been eating more sugar than normal this past week. But the run wasn't too bad! In fact, I ran a 01:30 8 miler, which was exactly what I predicted to my boyfriend who came to the lake and waited for me. During the run I felt good, but I remember being a little achy in my calves because I have a tendency to point my toes when I'm under the covers of a tucked in blanket (weird, I know). After the run I felt confident, which is great! I noticed how I knew exactly how many miles I had left based on my location, which will be nice on Marathon Day because where I had been training is actually part of the race course. I have also noticed that I get a little tired of seeing the same thing every week at least once a week. I'm hoping that this will all work out great on Sunday! 

Tuesday: 0.00 Miles - I was suppose to run 5 miles. But, I had so many things on my mind on top of being tired. After a light breakfast I sat down on my bed to think before I got dressed in my running gear. The next thing I know I was asleep again. I don't think missing the miles would kill me or effect my marathon too much, but I have to admit that it certainly adds a bit of fuel to the marathon day jitters that hit me the moment I got to work! 

Wednesday - No cross training today. I had so much to do at work then I wanted to relax with the boyfriend. I hope the lack of cross training doesn't get me in the end on marathon day!

Thursday: 5.01 Miles - My last training run! Aaaah! I got 5 miles in, which was great. I did five instead of four to sorta help make up for the fact that I missed Tuesday's run. It was a little hard going at first since I hadn't run since Sunday, but after Mile 3 I was loosened up. My pace was a at least a minute faster than my race pace. I didn't bring fuel, and I'm wondering that's way I also felt a little weak at the end (in addition to the pace).

Well, folks. This is it! The last recap of my training before the Dallas Marathon. Apprehension is starting to pop up as I think about the weekend, about how long I will be running (5.5 - 6 hours!), and not hurting myself. I'm starting to question a little my lack of cross training. Will it effect my hips? I'm starting to regret missing some of my runs. I'm sure that it isn't going to ruin my marathon, and it's just part of the pre-race jitters. I just can't help get a little paranoid now. That being said. I can't wait to feel the energy and the excitement that will hit me while I run on Sunday. Stay tuned, everyone!

This is the last Marathon Training Monday Saturday! 
Stay tune for my Marathon Recap!!! 

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