One Mile a Day update of my fitness activity!
August 23 - August 29
Day 229: 7 miles - Not a bad run. The lake wasn't as packed as it was last Sunday, but it was still very popular. I love being part of the running community (can't you tell that I'm writing this when I'm still on my runner's high?).
Day 230: 1 mile - A mile walk after having a tasty treat with a friend today!
Day 231: 3.15 miles - Oh, so early! I keep telling myself that I have to stick the routine!
Day 232: 2.60 miles - Cross training Wednesday! 2.60 miles on the spin cycle!
Day 233: 4.1 miles - First mileage bump up for the medium mid-week run, and with a wonderful temperature to run in to boot!
Day 234: 3.11 miles - last run for the week! I was up at the butt crack of dawn so that I could get the run in, take care of some big chores and make sure I was at work on time at 9am. Whew! I was just tired enough I was almost dozing off when I was stuck at a standstill in rush hour traffic! Thankfully my boss needed caffeine too and I was blissfully sent on a Starbucks run!
Day 235: 0 miles - Rested big time after a long day after work.
Total Miles this week: 20.96 Miles
Total Miles Thus Far: 472.77 Miles
Sunday, August 30, 2015
Monday, August 24, 2015
Marathon Training Monday - Week #1 and Week #2
Hi everyone! Well, two weeks of my first ever marathon training! Even though I do a weekly activity update for my One Mile a Day challenge, I thought try my hand of keeping readers update on how the training is going.
R = Rest*
# = Miles
CT = Cross Training
*Rest days I don't do anything other than chill/work/walk 1 mile. I may do light core workouts, especially if I missed it on CT day.
Tuesday: 3.11 miles - Great! I was excited about starting the training for a marathon and what I hope would be a "life-changing moment for me" (yeah, I know that may not happen... but here's to hope!). I was still sore from the Badass Brazos Half Marathon I ran the previous Sunday, but I know I'll just need to be able to roll and stretch the aches out.
Wednesday: Cross training - I actually did not do CT this day because my stomach was messing me up again. I manged to do a mile walk, but that was all I could muster.
Thursday: 3.11 miles - Pretty good. I still had some soreness from the half. I wasn't ready to get up to run that morning because of how my stomach wasn't happy the night before.
Friday: 3.11 miles - Felt better this morning, and I was impressed that I was able to get up and run before work. Granted I didn't have time for a proper breakfast, but I was still impressed, nonetheless.
Sunday: 6.21 miles - The weather was awesome that morning, and it was fun to hit White Rock Lake again. The 6 was a little bit of a struggle, but I felt good afterwards. I tried the Sports Beans as my mid-run fuel, but I'm thinking it isn't for me, which sucks cause I love jelly beans!
Tuesday: 3.11 miles - It was muggy this morning due to rain that was coming in later, but it was a good run. I'm getting use to waking up really early!
Wednesday: Cross Training - I rode a 20 minute 2.2 miles on a spin cycle before doing some push ups, sit ups, and arm weights. Baby steps in the realm of cross training.
Thursday: 3.13 miles - Hello, 60 degree weather! I ran a really good 5k with negative splits in great weather and my awesome purple running tights!
Friday: 3.12 miles - I think the pressure of making sure I get the run in with enough time to get clean, dressed and fed before work got me starting the run too fast this morning. But it was still a good run.
I'm still pretty stoked about being in training for the marathon. I think I'm getting use to the idea of waking up uber early to get ready for a run. However, I'm still working on waking up early enough to eat something and get my body, if you know what I mean. I'll figure it out at some point! Oh, and my nutrition has been crappy this week too, and I need to reel it in! A good start to training, I think!
R = Rest*
# = Miles
CT = Cross Training
*Rest days I don't do anything other than chill/work/walk 1 mile. I may do light core workouts, especially if I missed it on CT day.
Tuesday: 3.11 miles - Great! I was excited about starting the training for a marathon and what I hope would be a "life-changing moment for me" (yeah, I know that may not happen... but here's to hope!). I was still sore from the Badass Brazos Half Marathon I ran the previous Sunday, but I know I'll just need to be able to roll and stretch the aches out.
Wednesday: Cross training - I actually did not do CT this day because my stomach was messing me up again. I manged to do a mile walk, but that was all I could muster.
Thursday: 3.11 miles - Pretty good. I still had some soreness from the half. I wasn't ready to get up to run that morning because of how my stomach wasn't happy the night before.
Friday: 3.11 miles - Felt better this morning, and I was impressed that I was able to get up and run before work. Granted I didn't have time for a proper breakfast, but I was still impressed, nonetheless.
Sunday: 6.21 miles - The weather was awesome that morning, and it was fun to hit White Rock Lake again. The 6 was a little bit of a struggle, but I felt good afterwards. I tried the Sports Beans as my mid-run fuel, but I'm thinking it isn't for me, which sucks cause I love jelly beans!
Tuesday: 3.11 miles - It was muggy this morning due to rain that was coming in later, but it was a good run. I'm getting use to waking up really early!
Wednesday: Cross Training - I rode a 20 minute 2.2 miles on a spin cycle before doing some push ups, sit ups, and arm weights. Baby steps in the realm of cross training.
Thursday: 3.13 miles - Hello, 60 degree weather! I ran a really good 5k with negative splits in great weather and my awesome purple running tights!
Friday: 3.12 miles - I think the pressure of making sure I get the run in with enough time to get clean, dressed and fed before work got me starting the run too fast this morning. But it was still a good run.
I'm still pretty stoked about being in training for the marathon. I think I'm getting use to the idea of waking up uber early to get ready for a run. However, I'm still working on waking up early enough to eat something and get my body, if you know what I mean. I'll figure it out at some point! Oh, and my nutrition has been crappy this week too, and I need to reel it in! A good start to training, I think!
Stay tuned for the recap of Week #3 and Week #4!
Sunday, August 23, 2015
OMaD - Week 34 Recap
One Mile a Day update with a brief cold front mid week!
August 16 - August 22
Day 222: 6.21 miles - The weather was AH-mazing this morning! That meant that White Rock Lake was packed with runners, cyclists, and walkers, but that was OK. I did a really nice steady 10k for my long run, and enjoyed the scenery. Ladies, there are some very nice male runners out there!
Day 223: 1 mile - Doggy walk today!
Day 224: 3.11 miles - It was muggy today, but I did it. Rain is coming!
Day 225: 2.2 miles -I did my miles on a spin cycle for cross training. My apartment complex finally fixed the projector for the workout program they have. I might be able to try out some workout videos soon!
Day 226: 3.13 miles -It feel even more AH-mazing this morning. Hello 60s! I was a little worried because it started raining when I work up this morning, but by the time I got myself out there it had stopped. So nice!
Day 227: 3.12 miles - Last 5k for Week 2 of Marathon Training. It was more humid this morning, and I was started out too fast. Oh, well.
Day 228: 1 mile - A nice stroll before bed.
Total Miles this week: 19.77 miles
August 16 - August 22
Day 222: 6.21 miles - The weather was AH-mazing this morning! That meant that White Rock Lake was packed with runners, cyclists, and walkers, but that was OK. I did a really nice steady 10k for my long run, and enjoyed the scenery. Ladies, there are some very nice male runners out there!
Day 223: 1 mile - Doggy walk today!
Day 224: 3.11 miles - It was muggy today, but I did it. Rain is coming!
Day 225: 2.2 miles -I did my miles on a spin cycle for cross training. My apartment complex finally fixed the projector for the workout program they have. I might be able to try out some workout videos soon!
Day 226: 3.13 miles -It feel even more AH-mazing this morning. Hello 60s! I was a little worried because it started raining when I work up this morning, but by the time I got myself out there it had stopped. So nice!
Day 227: 3.12 miles - Last 5k for Week 2 of Marathon Training. It was more humid this morning, and I was started out too fast. Oh, well.
Day 228: 1 mile - A nice stroll before bed.
Total Miles this week: 19.77 miles
Wednesday, August 19, 2015
OMaD - Week 33 Recap
This One Mile a Day update was also the first week of Marathon Training! Ahhhh!
August 9 - August 15
Day 215: 13.29 miles - Badass Brazos Half Marathon! This was a tough, but good race! I finished well after I got some GI troubles at of the way. Read more at the race recap soon!
Day 216: 2 miles - I walked and walked out some of my soreness while catching up with one of my dearest friends. We have lots of bathroom humor, so I had plenty of fodder thanks to the half marathon.
Day 217: 3.11 mile - First run of Marathon Training! I had one achy achilles and still had blisters on my toes, but I felt way better. I wore an old pair of running shoes at work all day (dress code be damned!), and it melted away all of my soreness.
Day 218: 1 mile - I was suppose to do some cross training after work, but lunch didn't agree with me and by the time I got home I could only pull out a mile walk at a slow pace.
Day 219: 3.11 miles - Because my stomach was hurting the night before, I didn't want to wake up to run this morning. I had a later start than I would have preferred. I also had to politely yell a sarcastic "Thank you! So much space!" when I ran past three week walking towards. They took up the entire side walk and they managed to get two across, but it still wasn't space on the narrow side walk. I had to race my arm so that I didn't hit one of them when I passed. I refuse to run the pitted ground to make room for people who are clearly the ones who need to move. Ugh.
Day 220: 3.11 miles - Woke up earlier, which was good. I had just enough time to run, clean, and get to work, but eating a proper breakfast and prepping lunch was out of the question. But at least there weren't many of the walking moms around.
Day 221: 0 miles - Got home from work just to change clothes. My sister and I had dinner at a restaurant called Asian Mint here in Dallas. It was so good! Then I got home and rested.
Total Miles this week: 25.62 miles
August 9 - August 15
Day 215: 13.29 miles - Badass Brazos Half Marathon! This was a tough, but good race! I finished well after I got some GI troubles at of the way. Read more at the race recap soon!
Day 216: 2 miles - I walked and walked out some of my soreness while catching up with one of my dearest friends. We have lots of bathroom humor, so I had plenty of fodder thanks to the half marathon.
Day 217: 3.11 mile - First run of Marathon Training! I had one achy achilles and still had blisters on my toes, but I felt way better. I wore an old pair of running shoes at work all day (dress code be damned!), and it melted away all of my soreness.
Day 218: 1 mile - I was suppose to do some cross training after work, but lunch didn't agree with me and by the time I got home I could only pull out a mile walk at a slow pace.
Day 219: 3.11 miles - Because my stomach was hurting the night before, I didn't want to wake up to run this morning. I had a later start than I would have preferred. I also had to politely yell a sarcastic "Thank you! So much space!" when I ran past three week walking towards. They took up the entire side walk and they managed to get two across, but it still wasn't space on the narrow side walk. I had to race my arm so that I didn't hit one of them when I passed. I refuse to run the pitted ground to make room for people who are clearly the ones who need to move. Ugh.
Day 220: 3.11 miles - Woke up earlier, which was good. I had just enough time to run, clean, and get to work, but eating a proper breakfast and prepping lunch was out of the question. But at least there weren't many of the walking moms around.
Day 221: 0 miles - Got home from work just to change clothes. My sister and I had dinner at a restaurant called Asian Mint here in Dallas. It was so good! Then I got home and rested.
Total Miles this week: 25.62 miles
2015 Badass Brazos Half Marathon Race Recap
Not that there was any doubt before... but I'm now officially a badass! I completed the Badass Brazos Half Marathon the other Sunday!
I have to say that this was by far the hardest course I've run on. Hands down. And it wasn't the heat that got me! I have to admit that I didn't really study the course like I typically do. If there isn't an elevation map I tend to create the course on Garmin Connect so I can see the elevation to see what I'm up against. This time I did not do this. Uh oh. My brother, who lived in Waco, said that there were hills in the area. He didn't mention that they were mountainous hills! (He responded with an "Oops!" when I told him later he lied to me!).
This is a brand new race put on by the Run Project, and is located down in Waco, TX along the Brazos River. I was roped into it by my running buddy H a few months back. I've had good experiences with the Run Project's Too Hot to Handle races, and knew that their promotion of water stations every mile and ice towels along the course was a true thing. Granted at the time I wasn't thinking it would be a 105 degrees every day for weeks, but I knew it was going to be hot. The heat was the least of my concerns, as it turned out!
I have to say that this was by far the hardest course I've run on. Hands down. And it wasn't the heat that got me! I have to admit that I didn't really study the course like I typically do. If there isn't an elevation map I tend to create the course on Garmin Connect so I can see the elevation to see what I'm up against. This time I did not do this. Uh oh. My brother, who lived in Waco, said that there were hills in the area. He didn't mention that they were mountainous hills! (He responded with an "Oops!" when I told him later he lied to me!).
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What I thought I had to worry about... |
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Checkout that elevation! PS... I know my pacing sucks... |
So! The course. We started out at the Waco Convention Center, which was a great spot. We followed the Brazos River heading into Cameron Park. Beautiful area. Soon enough we getting to some residential area. Then we hit the first hill. I ran up this one, but then wondered if that was a good thing to do. A group of ladies, who turned out to be locals, said that this wasn't the only hill. There were more. Oh, fun. At the top of the hill there were some great views, such as at Lover's Leap. Pretty much from then on, H and I said we'd go for a finish time that was in the 02:40s somewhere instead of the 02:30s, which was the original goal.
At every hill H and I faced we walked up. For one thing we knew with the increasing heat and distance the more we ran up hills the more exhausted we'd get. There were times when the course were stretches of flat roads, which was great cause you could catch up on the time that was spent walking (oh, and running downhill helps too).
The finish was nice and climatic. For the last 0.10 of the race you got to run across the the old suspension bridge to the finish line. The closer you got to the line, the more people were sitting on the bridge, resting/waiting, and they'd clap for you. The only thing with this, however, is you had to be careful speeding up your pace cause the bridge had old boards. I was afraid I'd trip myself and have a complete face plant that would not only painful but also embarrassing!
At every hill H and I faced we walked up. For one thing we knew with the increasing heat and distance the more we ran up hills the more exhausted we'd get. There were times when the course were stretches of flat roads, which was great cause you could catch up on the time that was spent walking (oh, and running downhill helps too).
The finish was nice and climatic. For the last 0.10 of the race you got to run across the the old suspension bridge to the finish line. The closer you got to the line, the more people were sitting on the bridge, resting/waiting, and they'd clap for you. The only thing with this, however, is you had to be careful speeding up your pace cause the bridge had old boards. I was afraid I'd trip myself and have a complete face plant that would not only painful but also embarrassing!
As they promised there were water stations at every mile (not necessarily at each mile marker but really close) depending on the terrain. The water was cold, which was impressive! They also had red Gatorade that I did not drink. At one point there were the ice cold wet towels that you could drape around your neck or but on your head. That was wonderful! I pretty much did a combo of sipping the water then pouring it on top of my head or splashing it down my back or on my front and I used the towels for me neck.
Occasionally there was a person with a supersoaker water gun that, if allowed, would shoot you with water. That was fun and refreshing!
At the start/finish line we were allowed to use the indoor bathrooms!!!! YAY!!!! There were port-a-potties along the course. One or two here and there. We happened to pass some permanent potties in the Cameron Park, which was nice. I'm going to admit that they needed more port-a-potties because at around the halfway mark I was starting to face some GI troubles, the first time ever in a race. I would pass one potty and think I'd be OK (plus I didn't want to leave H hanging). But at around Mile 9 I had to walk longer because I was getting the occasional chill and cramps. Eventually at Mile 12 there was one last potty and I ran in and was totally saved! Despite not finishing in the time I really wanted to do, I was able to finish the race feeling waaaaay better. If I had to wait till the Finish to go potty, it would have been torturous and perhaps embarrassing!
After you finish and get your medal, you can get yourself over to the Athlete's Food Tent (oooh, I'm considered an athlete!) to get bananas, Uber Larabar, and a egg and potato burrito. There were other tents around to promote other races and so on, but I wasn't really paying attention to those after I finished.
Not bad! The heat wasn't bad at all, even though I wish it'd been cooler. "Challenging" is most definitely thepolite correct word to use when describing the course. The water station was one of the best things of the race. As was the starting/finishing location. There was plenty of parking by the convention center. We got to use the indoor bathrooms before and after the race. The Finish was really nice, and there were plenty of photo opportunities for all the runners. Packet pickup was outside right near the Finish (versus being inside the convention center), which was nice too.
My only recommendation is that they try to get more potties out there on the course. Just in case a runner is in desperate need.
Finally, I really wished I could have kept up with H and we finished together. I like it when we compete in who crosses the Finish Line first. But when I was having my GI troubles she went on ahead. She finished 4 minutes before I did.
Oh! And the media is HUGE!!!
Maybe. If I trained better for the mountains I could do better on the timing. But also if it doesn't get too hot. That being said, Run On did a great job for this race, which is definitely appealing for a second try!
Official finish time: 02:47:36
Occasionally there was a person with a supersoaker water gun that, if allowed, would shoot you with water. That was fun and refreshing!
At the start/finish line we were allowed to use the indoor bathrooms!!!! YAY!!!! There were port-a-potties along the course. One or two here and there. We happened to pass some permanent potties in the Cameron Park, which was nice. I'm going to admit that they needed more port-a-potties because at around the halfway mark I was starting to face some GI troubles, the first time ever in a race. I would pass one potty and think I'd be OK (plus I didn't want to leave H hanging). But at around Mile 9 I had to walk longer because I was getting the occasional chill and cramps. Eventually at Mile 12 there was one last potty and I ran in and was totally saved! Despite not finishing in the time I really wanted to do, I was able to finish the race feeling waaaaay better. If I had to wait till the Finish to go potty, it would have been torturous and perhaps embarrassing!
After you finish and get your medal, you can get yourself over to the Athlete's Food Tent (oooh, I'm considered an athlete!) to get bananas, Uber Larabar, and a egg and potato burrito. There were other tents around to promote other races and so on, but I wasn't really paying attention to those after I finished.
Not bad! The heat wasn't bad at all, even though I wish it'd been cooler. "Challenging" is most definitely the
My only recommendation is that they try to get more potties out there on the course. Just in case a runner is in desperate need.
Finally, I really wished I could have kept up with H and we finished together. I like it when we compete in who crosses the Finish Line first. But when I was having my GI troubles she went on ahead. She finished 4 minutes before I did.
Oh! And the media is HUGE!!!
Maybe. If I trained better for the mountains I could do better on the timing. But also if it doesn't get too hot. That being said, Run On did a great job for this race, which is definitely appealing for a second try!
Official finish time: 02:47:36
Thursday, August 13, 2015
Beginner Series - Clothes and Shopping... The Addiction!
After I wrote my post about getting into walking/running I realized that I could've talked all day about clothes and shoes in that post! That totally meant that I needed to write another post just on this topic... cause seriously... who doesn't like talking about clothes and shopping and running?
Now, for the sake of... me... I'm going to refer to the clothes as "running clothes." But, these clothes can count towards walkers and cross training people!
Where to Go for Running Clothes
Some people may think that you need to buy all of your clothes at the local running store. You could if you wanted to... and your bank allowed you to too. Some people may only want name brand clothes where you pay for the logo. Then there are people like me that pretty much finds deals wherever she goes to, and if she can score anything Saucony she's doing the happy dance!
So! Where to get your cool running duds? I've bought things from:
They say running is one of the cheapest/free-est sports out there... LIE!
Shoes and Socks
The #1 important thing that you need to buy... no matter the cost (cause there is no way around it, really)... is buying fitted running shoes. This is not a "oh, I'll go buy some running shoes at DSW or Target" type shoes. This is go to a running store and talk an employee (who is a runner) and have them fit you in a shoe that is best for your feet. They may have run around the store, outside the store or on a treadmill.
When I first started out running I had crappy cross trainers from Target. I didn't get fitted for real running shoes until a year after my first 5k. I remember walking and jogging in a pair of Saucony Omi going, "Ooooh. Yum!" which is a really good sign when it comes to shoes for me. I've replaced these shoes a couple of times already (running shoes only last about 500 miles).
So! Bottom line... get shoes at a running store!
Now, as for socks! There are so many types! I started out with socks from Target, but switched to socks from the running store that like waaaaaay better. I prefer a little cushion to mine socks. I also like "no shows" cause I dislike seeing socks... and not to mention the not-so-awesome above the ankle sock tan line. Look at the running store and see what peaks your interested.
You don't have to get running bras at a running store, but the women staff members will know their stuff and help you get fitted. What I like is my local store Run On! has Bras and Breakfast a couple times a year, which is an event for women to be fitted for bras and have some nom noms at the same time!
I have a couple Moving Comfort Fiona bras that have worked out great for me. Come to think of it, I've had them for over a year, but so far I haven't had any huge wear on them. But I'll need to get them replaced soon. I got fitted at the running store because I couldn't find a bra that stopped the bouncing from my B cups at any of the other stores. I've lost a little weight since then, but I'm still feeling secure, but, yeah, I'll be getting some new ones soon.
That being said, I did find one on uber clearance at Old Navy that is great for my cross training days!
Bottoms - Undies
Ok. There is always the discussion on whether to go commando or to wear a thong or to wear shorts with benefits or to buy runderwear. I'll let in on a secret-that's-not-really-a-secret.... I wear runderwear. I wear compression shorts or capris most of the time. I wish I could wear regular running shorts with attached undies, but I do not want to worry about chafing (who doesn't!?!).
I'm in love with Saucony's hipster style Runderpants. I get full coverage in the back in and they do not ride up! Perfect! They also come in a brief style, but I was worried about coverage. I'm so glad I chose the hipster ones!
There are other brands that have their own runderewear, such as Under Armor, Moving Comfort, and the likes. Target's C9 now have their own undies too. All brands have different cuts too - bikini style or thong.
The choice is yours. You may end up trying several things out before you find the best thing for you.
Bottoms - shorts, capris, skirts, leggings... oh, my!
Oh, bottoms. Something you really need if you end up running commando style! Hee hee!
This is a personal preference choice because all of our bodies are different shapes and sizes. It also depends on the season. Compared to men, women have gobs of choices!
For the cooler seasons 55* to 65*, I wear capris that go down to my knees. I just bought some awesome purple ones that I can't wait to wear in the fall!
In the colder season I wear full leggings that may or may not be lined with fleece.
Bottoms cont. - the color choices and those awkward sweat marks!
Everyone... for the most part... want those really cute colored shorts and capris. I admit, so do I. But I am also aware of those awkward sweat marks. You know... the ones that make it look like you peed your pants. Awkward. I know some people don't care... but I want to give newbies a heads up in case they care.
For the most part I only wear black bottoms. I do have ones that are black and charcoal from Old Navy, but I made sure that they don't show sweat. I also have a purple pair of capris, but then again I also tested them. How do I test, you ask. Well, this is gross, but I take a little bit of spit and test the hem area of the bottom to see if the fabric changes color. I know. I know. I know! Gross, but important!
I don't know what else I can say, for those who wear compression style bottoms... think about the sweat marks and if you care what others can see.
Seriously, there isn't much to worry about when it comes to tops. I wear tanks in the warmer/hot season, tees in the spring/fall and long sleeve in the winter time.
I will make a point about seams though. I tend to wear tops that are a little loser in the midsection just because I have to fit my shoulders, which are broad, first. I've tried some Academy BCG tops and I could feel the seams, even though it was suppose to be smooth seamed. Try the shirts on and move your arms like you would when you're walking/running. Do you feel any think rub? If you don't try a different size or a completely different top!
What goes in this section is going to be the extra stuff like hats, gloves and pullovers. Most of this comes to personal preference, like a lot of things.
More Notes
Seriously. Do. Not. Wear. Cotton! Just say no to chafing! Find Dry Fit fabrics that wick moisture from the skin. Trust me.
Runner's World What to Wear
Still wondering what to wear when it's a certain temperature outside? Runner's World can help you with their What to Wear advice page. Just select the info and it'll tell you what RW recommends. I've done this loads of time. After while you'll learn what is comfortable for you after you run/walk through the different seasons a few times.
Seriously, folks. Runners tend to have an addition to running clothes and shoes. You can never have enough. Never. Ever. I mentioned this to my friend J and she just nodded her head in agreement. Running is not an inexpensive sport!
Wearing a race shirt on race day
There is always talk among runners about wearing the official shirt for the race you are running. Some say it's a faux pas. Some don't care. I know some people actually worry about this. To read just a tip of the iceberg, read this article here. I generally don't wear the shirt until after the race because I'm superstitious.
P.S. - In the time that spent working on this post... I've bought at least three more workout shirts, new running socks and a visor. Then! During Tax Free weekend I bought a pair of Oofos and a cool weather jacket that I will most likely wear even when I'm not running!
Now, for the sake of... me... I'm going to refer to the clothes as "running clothes." But, these clothes can count towards walkers and cross training people!
Where to Go for Running Clothes
Some people may think that you need to buy all of your clothes at the local running store. You could if you wanted to... and your bank allowed you to too. Some people may only want name brand clothes where you pay for the logo. Then there are people like me that pretty much finds deals wherever she goes to, and if she can score anything Saucony she's doing the happy dance!
So! Where to get your cool running duds? I've bought things from:
- Target
- Old Navy (my favorite place right now!)
- Academy Sports and Outdoors (their BCG brand is inexpensive)
- Dick's Sporting Goods
- Local running stores
- Name Brand website/outlets websites
- Local thrift stores
- TJMaxx
- Ross
- Amazon
- Outlet malls
They say running is one of the cheapest/free-est sports out there... LIE!
Shoes and Socks
The #1 important thing that you need to buy... no matter the cost (cause there is no way around it, really)... is buying fitted running shoes. This is not a "oh, I'll go buy some running shoes at DSW or Target" type shoes. This is go to a running store and talk an employee (who is a runner) and have them fit you in a shoe that is best for your feet. They may have run around the store, outside the store or on a treadmill.
When I first started out running I had crappy cross trainers from Target. I didn't get fitted for real running shoes until a year after my first 5k. I remember walking and jogging in a pair of Saucony Omi going, "Ooooh. Yum!" which is a really good sign when it comes to shoes for me. I've replaced these shoes a couple of times already (running shoes only last about 500 miles).
So! Bottom line... get shoes at a running store!
Now, as for socks! There are so many types! I started out with socks from Target, but switched to socks from the running store that like waaaaaay better. I prefer a little cushion to mine socks. I also like "no shows" cause I dislike seeing socks... and not to mention the not-so-awesome above the ankle sock tan line. Look at the running store and see what peaks your interested.
You don't have to get running bras at a running store, but the women staff members will know their stuff and help you get fitted. What I like is my local store Run On! has Bras and Breakfast a couple times a year, which is an event for women to be fitted for bras and have some nom noms at the same time!
I have a couple Moving Comfort Fiona bras that have worked out great for me. Come to think of it, I've had them for over a year, but so far I haven't had any huge wear on them. But I'll need to get them replaced soon. I got fitted at the running store because I couldn't find a bra that stopped the bouncing from my B cups at any of the other stores. I've lost a little weight since then, but I'm still feeling secure, but, yeah, I'll be getting some new ones soon.
That being said, I did find one on uber clearance at Old Navy that is great for my cross training days!
Bottoms - Undies
Love these Runderpants! |
I'm in love with Saucony's hipster style Runderpants. I get full coverage in the back in and they do not ride up! Perfect! They also come in a brief style, but I was worried about coverage. I'm so glad I chose the hipster ones!
There are other brands that have their own runderewear, such as Under Armor, Moving Comfort, and the likes. Target's C9 now have their own undies too. All brands have different cuts too - bikini style or thong.
The choice is yours. You may end up trying several things out before you find the best thing for you.
Bottoms - shorts, capris, skirts, leggings... oh, my!
Oh, bottoms. Something you really need if you end up running commando style! Hee hee!
This is a personal preference choice because all of our bodies are different shapes and sizes. It also depends on the season. Compared to men, women have gobs of choices!
- shorts with or without benefits
- skirts with or without benefits
- compression shorts
- compression capris
- compression leggings
- running dresses (yes, these are real!)
For the cooler seasons 55* to 65*, I wear capris that go down to my knees. I just bought some awesome purple ones that I can't wait to wear in the fall!
In the colder season I wear full leggings that may or may not be lined with fleece.
Bottoms cont. - the color choices and those awkward sweat marks!
Everyone... for the most part... want those really cute colored shorts and capris. I admit, so do I. But I am also aware of those awkward sweat marks. You know... the ones that make it look like you peed your pants. Awkward. I know some people don't care... but I want to give newbies a heads up in case they care.
For the most part I only wear black bottoms. I do have ones that are black and charcoal from Old Navy, but I made sure that they don't show sweat. I also have a purple pair of capris, but then again I also tested them. How do I test, you ask. Well, this is gross, but I take a little bit of spit and test the hem area of the bottom to see if the fabric changes color. I know. I know. I know! Gross, but important!
I don't know what else I can say, for those who wear compression style bottoms... think about the sweat marks and if you care what others can see.
Seriously, there isn't much to worry about when it comes to tops. I wear tanks in the warmer/hot season, tees in the spring/fall and long sleeve in the winter time.
I will make a point about seams though. I tend to wear tops that are a little loser in the midsection just because I have to fit my shoulders, which are broad, first. I've tried some Academy BCG tops and I could feel the seams, even though it was suppose to be smooth seamed. Try the shirts on and move your arms like you would when you're walking/running. Do you feel any think rub? If you don't try a different size or a completely different top!
What goes in this section is going to be the extra stuff like hats, gloves and pullovers. Most of this comes to personal preference, like a lot of things.
More Notes
Seriously. Do. Not. Wear. Cotton! Just say no to chafing! Find Dry Fit fabrics that wick moisture from the skin. Trust me.
Runner's World What to Wear
Still wondering what to wear when it's a certain temperature outside? Runner's World can help you with their What to Wear advice page. Just select the info and it'll tell you what RW recommends. I've done this loads of time. After while you'll learn what is comfortable for you after you run/walk through the different seasons a few times.
Seriously, folks. Runners tend to have an addition to running clothes and shoes. You can never have enough. Never. Ever. I mentioned this to my friend J and she just nodded her head in agreement. Running is not an inexpensive sport!
Wearing a race shirt on race day
There is always talk among runners about wearing the official shirt for the race you are running. Some say it's a faux pas. Some don't care. I know some people actually worry about this. To read just a tip of the iceberg, read this article here. I generally don't wear the shirt until after the race because I'm superstitious.
P.S. - In the time that spent working on this post... I've bought at least three more workout shirts, new running socks and a visor. Then! During Tax Free weekend I bought a pair of Oofos and a cool weather jacket that I will most likely wear even when I'm not running!
Seasoned runners... do you have any recommendations?
Tuesday, August 11, 2015
Marathon Training Starts Now!
Running Buddy H is doing Hal Hidgon's Novice 1 Marathon training plan. Since we hope to run together I'm following her on this. I'm not 100% sure about her idea of doing 2 mile intervals, but I will give it a go, but I may switch to mile intervals. I'm trying to be cool with the idea of her peeling out and getting ahead of me during the marathon, but we have months to find out. Hopefully H and I will do our Sunday runs together, which will help.
Obviously due to my work schedule, I've morphed the days to fit... well... me! This is what I'm facing:
Not too bad. For the past few months, I've been getting myself prepared for this schedule by making sure I do long runs on Sundays and cross training on Wednesdays. If I ran during the week I did it Tuesdays or Thursdays. Now I just need to continue to wake myself up early enough to get all the runs in!
I'll keep you posted on my progress via the One Mile A Day weekly recaps, but also Marathon Training updates too.
Wish me luck!
Image found here.
Monday, August 10, 2015
OMaD - Week 32 Recap
This One Mile a Day week was also called FREEEEEDOM Week!
I was on vacation this whole week! I got see my brother who just came back from a summer in Spain. Then I went down to Austin for a few days to chill before my half marathon. I wish breaks like this could last longer!
August 2 - August 8
Day 208: 9.3 miles - Ran a 15k, trying to work on my cadence. I would average about a 160, but would manage to get to 175 when I was going up a hill. I noticed when I was getting tired I would dip into the 150s, and it felt so painfully slow. This is going to be a new project for me... cadence.
Day 209: 1 mile - A nice meandering walk around the little neighborhood lake.
Day 210: 3 mile - A big, fun filled day! I got my car back from the auto shop! Yay! Then I got my packet for the half marathon this weekend. Then we went to the Dallas Zoo - cause my brother has never been! Whah?! I think we actually walked closer to 4 miles while there, and I felt every part of it, but I'll make sure I'm not cheating too too much and just go with 3 for the challenge. After a rest at home, we drove to Arlington to watch the Texas Rangers beat the Houston Astros!
Day 211: 1.10 mile - Did a little strength training before walking on the treadmill... in air conditioning!
Day 212: 1 mile - Time to spend some time in Austin! The drive wasn't too bad. I got to stop in Waco to see the Waco Mammoth Site (a must see, in my opinion!). Then I spent the rest of the afternoon in near the place I was staying, and had a huge dinner!
Day 213: 1 mile - After doing a little shopping at the Texas Running Company where I bought some Ooofos and a jacket that will also be for every day I went to the UT-Austin. I was initially thinking of going to the Blanton Art Museum, but decided to go to the Harry Ransom Center instead. I'm so glad I did! I discovered the Texas pastel artist Frank Reaugh, and love his work - especially his small pieces! My mile came from walking around the campus.
Day 214: 1 mile - I walked around the Longhorn Cavern State Park above ground and below ground, which I'm sure equaled out to at least a mile. It was zoo cool in more ways than one in the cavern. Then I puttered round before getting to my hotel in Waco so I could rest before the Badass Brazos Half Marathon the next morning.
Total Miles this week: 17.40 miles
I was on vacation this whole week! I got see my brother who just came back from a summer in Spain. Then I went down to Austin for a few days to chill before my half marathon. I wish breaks like this could last longer!
August 2 - August 8
Day 208: 9.3 miles - Ran a 15k, trying to work on my cadence. I would average about a 160, but would manage to get to 175 when I was going up a hill. I noticed when I was getting tired I would dip into the 150s, and it felt so painfully slow. This is going to be a new project for me... cadence.
Day 209: 1 mile - A nice meandering walk around the little neighborhood lake.
Day 210: 3 mile - A big, fun filled day! I got my car back from the auto shop! Yay! Then I got my packet for the half marathon this weekend. Then we went to the Dallas Zoo - cause my brother has never been! Whah?! I think we actually walked closer to 4 miles while there, and I felt every part of it, but I'll make sure I'm not cheating too too much and just go with 3 for the challenge. After a rest at home, we drove to Arlington to watch the Texas Rangers beat the Houston Astros!
Day 211: 1.10 mile - Did a little strength training before walking on the treadmill... in air conditioning!
Day 212: 1 mile - Time to spend some time in Austin! The drive wasn't too bad. I got to stop in Waco to see the Waco Mammoth Site (a must see, in my opinion!). Then I spent the rest of the afternoon in near the place I was staying, and had a huge dinner!
Day 213: 1 mile - After doing a little shopping at the Texas Running Company where I bought some Ooofos and a jacket that will also be for every day I went to the UT-Austin. I was initially thinking of going to the Blanton Art Museum, but decided to go to the Harry Ransom Center instead. I'm so glad I did! I discovered the Texas pastel artist Frank Reaugh, and love his work - especially his small pieces! My mile came from walking around the campus.
Day 214: 1 mile - I walked around the Longhorn Cavern State Park above ground and below ground, which I'm sure equaled out to at least a mile. It was zoo cool in more ways than one in the cavern. Then I puttered round before getting to my hotel in Waco so I could rest before the Badass Brazos Half Marathon the next morning.
Total Miles this week: 17.40 miles
Total Miles Thus Far: 406.42 Miles
Image found here.
How was your week?
Have you gone on vacation yet?
If you had a chance to go anywhere for one week, where would you go?
Image found here.
Sunday, August 9, 2015
Life's Little Things - Random Admiration
So. I have a little story from yesterday afternoon...
I'm finishing off my vacation. I spent a few days in the Austin area trying out new things. I spent most of yesterday actually out in the Burnet/Marble Falls area going to the Longhorn Cavern State Park. In the afternoon I went to Round Rock cause I grew up in the area, and I had get some Round Rock Donuts and shaved ice from Kawaii's Shaved Ice.
Well. I ended up visiting the library down the street to see how it was (remember, I grew up in the area and actually volunteered there in high school), but also to use their bathroom. While washing my hands like a good girl, I noticed how flushed and sweaty I am from walking in 104* weather for 20 minutes, after having done the same at the park before the cavern tour. My hair was slicked back in a ponytail. I was slightly questioning how less lean I looked because of my vacation noshing and for a second debated if I was starting to look pear shaped and that my sports bra was making my boobs look funny.
A few minutes later I was saying "Hi" to their pet snake (yes, folks, this library has a pet snake Rocksssanne!) right near the restrooms when another person heading into the hallway. He probably saw me take pictures of snake and her sign. Then, all of a sudden, he walks up next to me. We looked at each other and smiled. I was half expecting this guy to say something like "I remember you...". But instead he said, "Food for thought question of the day... If you could go back and tell your 10-year-old self one thing, what would you say?"
I started to walk away, but paused to look at something else. I couldn't get the question out of my head. What would I said if I could time travel back? At that time the fellow came back, saw me, and said, "Times up!" Well. I responded with, "I would say don't be afraid of what others think. That's a pretty big important thing."
This guy, who wore black skinny jeans, a plaid button shirt, black gauge earrings, a black flat cap, began to tell me something along the lines of, "You're right it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter if your are fat, thin, tall, short - it never matters. I have to say that you don't have to change a damn thing about yourself!" I was not expecting that. "Wow. Thank you." I really meant that. "You look amazing! Don't change." Again, I said thank you.
Then he raised his hands up almost in defense, "I'm gay, so I'm not trying to hit on you, but I wanted to tell you that. Don't change." I replied with, "Thank you, I really appreciate you saying that."
And pretty much... that was that. We kinda went our separate ways. I wish I had asked for his name.
No on ever expects things like this to happen (other than hoping to have the hot guy across the room to say something).
I'm not saying he was... but I wonder... was he an angel of some sort?
For the rest of the day I could not forget the encounter. I do wish I had a name to say thank you to.
Image found here.
I'm finishing off my vacation. I spent a few days in the Austin area trying out new things. I spent most of yesterday actually out in the Burnet/Marble Falls area going to the Longhorn Cavern State Park. In the afternoon I went to Round Rock cause I grew up in the area, and I had get some Round Rock Donuts and shaved ice from Kawaii's Shaved Ice.
Well. I ended up visiting the library down the street to see how it was (remember, I grew up in the area and actually volunteered there in high school), but also to use their bathroom. While washing my hands like a good girl, I noticed how flushed and sweaty I am from walking in 104* weather for 20 minutes, after having done the same at the park before the cavern tour. My hair was slicked back in a ponytail. I was slightly questioning how less lean I looked because of my vacation noshing and for a second debated if I was starting to look pear shaped and that my sports bra was making my boobs look funny.
A few minutes later I was saying "Hi" to their pet snake (yes, folks, this library has a pet snake Rocksssanne!) right near the restrooms when another person heading into the hallway. He probably saw me take pictures of snake and her sign. Then, all of a sudden, he walks up next to me. We looked at each other and smiled. I was half expecting this guy to say something like "I remember you...". But instead he said, "Food for thought question of the day... If you could go back and tell your 10-year-old self one thing, what would you say?"
I responded with, "Oh, there would be too many things. I'd have to think about that." as a way to maybe get out of a conversation with a stranger. He said, "Think about it" and headed towards to the bathroom. He paused at the water fountain and said "Just one thing." I replied, "That's tough. Got to think about that." as he went to the bathroom.
I started to walk away, but paused to look at something else. I couldn't get the question out of my head. What would I said if I could time travel back? At that time the fellow came back, saw me, and said, "Times up!" Well. I responded with, "I would say don't be afraid of what others think. That's a pretty big important thing."
This guy, who wore black skinny jeans, a plaid button shirt, black gauge earrings, a black flat cap, began to tell me something along the lines of, "You're right it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter if your are fat, thin, tall, short - it never matters. I have to say that you don't have to change a damn thing about yourself!" I was not expecting that. "Wow. Thank you." I really meant that. "You look amazing! Don't change." Again, I said thank you.
Then he raised his hands up almost in defense, "I'm gay, so I'm not trying to hit on you, but I wanted to tell you that. Don't change." I replied with, "Thank you, I really appreciate you saying that."
And pretty much... that was that. We kinda went our separate ways. I wish I had asked for his name.
No on ever expects things like this to happen (other than hoping to have the hot guy across the room to say something).
I'm not saying he was... but I wonder... was he an angel of some sort?
For the rest of the day I could not forget the encounter. I do wish I had a name to say thank you to.
Image found here.
Wednesday, August 5, 2015
OMaD - Week 31 Recap
This week in the One Mile A Day update.......
July 26 - August 1
Day 201: 1 mile - The slugness from the night before rolled over to this morning and by the time I already I woke up after unconsciously snoozing my alarm for a long time it as already 80 degrees outside. Plus, I had no motivation and did not feel awesome. I should've SIUP, but I decided to go back to bed until it was ready to go to my Sunday work. But after work, a simple dinner, I met some coworkers for froyo before I did my mile walk.
Day 202: 6.2 miles - 10k done. There was a lot of walking since the heat was getting to me and there was barely a breeze. Starting to wonder about the upcoming Badass Brazos Half Marathon in the coming weeks. We'll see. Race day I tend to do better than I expect.
Day 203: 1 mile - Walked a mile after work. Nothing too exciting.
Day 204: 4.2 mile - Had the day off and spent most of it trying to find a place to stay for my vacation. I went to a Foam Rolling Clinic with Airrosti at a Luke's Locker. Then I had a conversation with an awesome dude Phil about running form. When I got back home I did 3.1 miles on the cycle. Then a mile walk after dinner. Oh, and I sorta cleaned my apartment. Hee her.
Day 205: 1 mile - Finally found a spot to stay while on vacation! Whew! Not what I really wanted, but with short notice I'll take it!
Day 206: 1 mile - Busy day at work. Could barely eat my dinner at book club, but at least had room for a weak daiquiri. A long 1 mile walk while venting to my one really best friend who lives far away.
Day 207: 1 mile -Another long day at work. I was late by a whole hour cause I had to get the battery jumped in the rental car... cause I'm SPECIAL! I'm so ready to check out of this life! Hee hee.
Total Miles this week: 15.4 mile
Total Miles Thus Far: 389.02 Miles
July 26 - August 1
Day 201: 1 mile - The slugness from the night before rolled over to this morning and by the time I already I woke up after unconsciously snoozing my alarm for a long time it as already 80 degrees outside. Plus, I had no motivation and did not feel awesome. I should've SIUP, but I decided to go back to bed until it was ready to go to my Sunday work. But after work, a simple dinner, I met some coworkers for froyo before I did my mile walk.
Day 202: 6.2 miles - 10k done. There was a lot of walking since the heat was getting to me and there was barely a breeze. Starting to wonder about the upcoming Badass Brazos Half Marathon in the coming weeks. We'll see. Race day I tend to do better than I expect.
Day 203: 1 mile - Walked a mile after work. Nothing too exciting.
Day 204: 4.2 mile - Had the day off and spent most of it trying to find a place to stay for my vacation. I went to a Foam Rolling Clinic with Airrosti at a Luke's Locker. Then I had a conversation with an awesome dude Phil about running form. When I got back home I did 3.1 miles on the cycle. Then a mile walk after dinner. Oh, and I sorta cleaned my apartment. Hee her.
Day 205: 1 mile - Finally found a spot to stay while on vacation! Whew! Not what I really wanted, but with short notice I'll take it!
Day 206: 1 mile - Busy day at work. Could barely eat my dinner at book club, but at least had room for a weak daiquiri. A long 1 mile walk while venting to my one really best friend who lives far away.
Day 207: 1 mile -Another long day at work. I was late by a whole hour cause I had to get the battery jumped in the rental car... cause I'm SPECIAL! I'm so ready to check out of this life! Hee hee.
Total Miles this week: 15.4 mile
Total Miles Thus Far: 389.02 Miles
How was your week?
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