May 10 - May 16
Day 124: 6.2 miles - Happy Mother's Day. I had to run on the treadmill today before work (I've realized that I've worked Mother's Day for the past 3 or 4 years! Oh, well!). After a storm there was still enough lightning around and light rain that it made me go, "Nope, not happening." But I HAD to do a 10k as a way to get myself back to the grind if I want to be ready for a Memorial Day 13.1 training run! Ack! In order to get 6.2 miles in I had to start enough training session on the treadmill since I wasn't allowed to set a workout over an hour long (stupid gym rules), but thankfully there was practically no one else there longer than 30 minutes. It may have felt like it took forever to get to 6.2 miles compared to running outside, but I'm glad I did it!
Day 125: 1 mile - Since I had to work yesterday, I'm celebrating Mother's Day with my Mom today! I took her over to the Irving Arts Center to look at the Golden Book Legacy exhibit. It was awesome!!! My brother is in town for a while, and so I got to walk my mile with him!
Day 126: 1 mile - Squeezed in a walk after work.
Day 127: 6.54 miles - Cross Training Elliptical Wednesday! The gym was full of women that you will always eye and compare yourself to. I've decided that, one day, I'm going to finish a workout then jump into the pool that I look at through the window.
Day 128: 0 miles - I was off today. Rolled out of bed just in time to get to my hair appointment. Then stood in line to get my car registration taken care. I spent the evening with an old college friend JR who I hadn't seen in ages! Then I got home late and was hit with an allergy attack. So! No time for a walk today.
Day 129: 1 mile - Managed a late night walk after chilling with Netflix, doing a facial, and talking to a friend. Oh, and by the way! It was National Pizza Party Day and National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day! So, my coworkers and I did our duty in celebrating these days by calling in an order from Papa Johns!
Day 130: 10.02 miles - I was free from work today (freeeeeedom!) and needed to get my butt kicked back into long distance runs. Ran White Rock with Running Buddy H at the ungodly hour of 6:30am, and killed it. I was tapping the Wall around mile 8.5 or so when it came to facing a hill on the Santa Fe Trail before we turned around, but doing a couple of quick walk sessions helped a lot! I need to try to get use to the 2mi:1 interval that H wants to try to train for during our marathon training in the fall. We'll see how that goes!
Total Miles this week: 25.76 Miles
Total Miles Thus Far: 288.52 Miles
How was your week?
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