Monday, May 4, 2015

OMaD - Week 18 Recap

One Mile a Day challenge and weekly fitness update... with LOTS of food.

I think I need this shirt...


April 26 - May 2 

Day 110: 1.5 miles - Spent the morning walking around the Dallas Arboretum with the family. We also tried out Keller's Burgers for the first time. Mmmm, tasty! I haven't had a beef burger in a long time. It's always good to eat regular food once in a while! There was more walking around later in the day, but that was during shopping. I did buy a new pair of work pants in a new smaller size though! Whoo hoo!

Day 111: 2.12 miles - The weather was nice this morning after a giant storm blew past without hitting us (whew!) last night, but it was blustery. I wasn't feeling up to a 5k run outside so my mom and I did a small gym workout. Me... 2.12 easy miles on the elliptical and 50 stomach crunches on a ball. Felt like I didn't really get a real workout, but I keep telling myself it's OK. I'll make up for it on Wednesday. Ate healthy for lunch, but mom made pizza for dinner! YUM!

Day 112: 0 miles - Daaang! It got cold today after last night's storm! By the time I got off of work at 9pm I wasn't up to bundling in sweats to do a mile walk. I should have, but I totally gave in to comfy clothes, TV, the kitty, and foooood.

Day 113: 6.58 miles -  Weekly cross-training on the elliptical. Spent the first twenty minutes being slightly rude and texting my besties about the guy lifting weights and making unattractive sounds and heavy breathing. I really wanted to eat a fried chicken sandwich and fries for dinner post-workout, but I was a girl and a veggie and pasta thingy. Plus I ate so much chocolate today and last night at work. But... I have sneaky plans for tomorrow's lunch though!

Day 114: 0 miles - Yeeeah, that chicken sandwich and fries were so tasty for lunch. THEN I bought a jar of Archer Farm's Handful of Everything Trail Mix at Target. I snacked on that crack all. day. long. Needless to say, when I got home at 9:30 I wasn't ready for a 5k run.I feel asleep an hour later.

Day 115: 3.12 miles - Finally got my ass out the door and for a run after work. I've decided that this week has been the week of junk food. Boss bought Fuzzy's breakfast tacos for the staff today (I had one and a half tacos) then I ate a Tex-Mex place for lunch (did I ever mention my love of chips and salsa and chicken fajitas?!). Ugh. I'm starting to feel it all. Running a 5k so helped me!

Day 116: 3.1 miles - Good day at work if you don't count the five moderate amount of donuts I ate and ramming a folding table (I was moving to a storage closet) right into my ankle. OW! A nice 5k walk while talking to BFF Jennie helped.

Total Miles this week:  16.42 Miles

Total Miles Thus Far: 249.67 Miles

Shirt image found here.

How was your week?

Do you ever find yourself snacking way too much? What do you do to stop it? 

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