Whew! What a long week! I honesty can't believe that it was a week ago that I ran the half marathon. It feels like it was multiple weeks ago! While it was a long week I had fun most of the time. I learned to play disc golf, which was pretty much a big highlight for me!
The saying, "Strong is the new Beautiful," popped into my head Tuesday on my way to work. It was to tell myself that I'm doing great and this hard work is going to pay off in the future. I will be honest when I say I stopped an compared myself to others over the weekend at the race. On Tuesday, I ran not as far as my mind wanted to run but farther than my body wanted to. When I left for work I was tired - ready for a nap - and my thighs were sore. I may not look entirely fit - my stomach is never flat, even standing and my arms may not not have definition even though I have muscles - but I am strong. I am awesome - and beautiful - because I'm stronger than I have been before.
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Image found via Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/351280839656467256/ |
Day 84: Plan: 10 - 13 miles| Actual: 13.39 Miles
Rock 'n' Roll Half Marathon! I woke up at 4am-ish to do my routine. Surprisingly, I wasn't too tired and grouchy, which was something different. I was out the door and at the train station about 6am, and met HC and JP on the train. Down at the Start I stretched, checked my bag, and peed a couple of times. I ate one of my peanut butter filled Clif bars. We were all talking about the weather. It was about 65 degrees, cloud and h.u.m.i.d. This is our hottest run to date this year. By the time the race started my hips felt a little tight for standing for so long, especially when I was in the corral and there wasn't much space to move around. But I loosened up a bit after a couple of miles. Another thing was I needed to pee... again after I started running. This is after I peed for a second time right before we entered the corrals. Ugh! I didn't stop for a pit stop until about Mile 5. I had lost HC after Mile 2 or so, which was to be expected in some respects. I've kind of given up on the idea of us running races together anymore cause she zones out and it closes off her ears. Lol. Anyway, I peed and got back at it. I was doing fairly well until after Mile 8. My legs were a little tired feeling despite doing the 60:30 interval (run 1 minute, walk 30 seconds). Right after Mile 8 was a giant hill (harder than the grade going up the highway to run over the bridge), and everyone around me walked it. The humidity
Between Mile 8 and Mile 10 I struggled with my legs being tired. Right around this time I got my intervals mixed up, and I told myself it didn't matter as long as I ran it was OK. I never saw the Mile 10 Marker, which through my off a little too. My Garmin ended up being about 0.25 or so ahead of the markers, which I feel like threw off my timing a bit. Once I got past Mile 11 that I'd be a great home stretch. My last podcast ended right around that time (I did that on purpose) and I put my music. Right after Mile 12 I saw M on the last bridge, which was a lot of fun and made me smile. I did one last walk break before running to the Finish Line. My final finish time was 02:44:03
Honestly, given the fact that I stopped to stand in line to pee (I'd say that was about 5 - 8 minutes tops), that this finish time is totally on par with my current training and fitness level. The Too Cold to Hold Half marathon was nearly a flat course compared to the RnR, and I was only 4 minutes slower. I know I finished stronger than the Too Cold to Hold too. If I run this race again next year (this to TBD since they haven't shared any details for the 2019 race yet - which is odd) I know I need to work on conquering some hills to help my time.
Since M was off, he picked me and HC so we could get home sooner. Once I was cleaned up, we went to Chuy's for a very tasty lunch. YUM! Then it was home to nap until we, well, had froyo for dinner with a movie.
Day 85: Plan: XT | Actual: 1 hour XT
Ahhh! I slept in till almost 8am, which was uber nice. By the time we were ready to take on the day it was time for lunch. So, we tried In-N-Out Burger, which was better than I remember it being (probably cause I told them to Animal Style the burger and the fries). After lunch, I did something brand new to me. I played disc golf with the Hubs. He was player years and years ago, and hasn't played in over 5 years. We went to a course not too far away. The course wasn't laid out very well (even a complete newbie like me could tell), but it was a good one to learn on. It was a hot, sunny and sweaty day, but I had lots of fun. Even when my disc would end up in the brush. After while I was starting to get it. We only did 9 baskets even though I think I could've done more. However, with the combo of the course was too disorganized, it was getting pretty hot and we were tired, we decided to just do half the course today. M said he would take me to another course some day, which I'm pretty excited about! After our outside adventure, we went to the grocery store like good adults. I needed a nap after all of that. Surprisingly and yet not surprisingly, my legs were tired. We ended the night with one of our favorite everything-on-it pizza and a movie.
Day 86: Plan: 45 min run (or a 5k run) | Actual: 3.50 Miles
Last night I had made sure my iPad was charged cause all the weather reports talked about lots and lots of rain. But (!) when I woke up at 7am there was no rain. Within an hour I was at the park. My mind wanted to stick with the norm and run a 4 miler, but my thighs sore from the half marathon and from disc golf. I told myself, a 5k would be OK, if I reached the 2 Mile mark and was not physically ready for four. So, I decided to run back to the car for a 5k finish, but with park crews blocking my path a dump truck and bobcat, I had to change course. I ended up with 3.5 miles. My lower half was tiiired. It was also humid. 70 degrees with 87% humidity. Blargh! But, you know what, I did it. As I mentioned above, as I left for work I was tired. Ready for a nap tired. My legs were sore. But you know what, I'm pretty awesome to still have gone out there to run before the rain came in and to get the miles.
Day 87: Plan: XT | Actual: Rest Day
Nothing much happened to do. I got up. Went to work. Did work. Talked to my Mom on the phone for a moment. Drove home. The most exciting thing... M showed me how to make a proper Shepherd's Pie. We made it with ground beef instead of ground lamb. I never really had it before (I think), and it was so good and delicious!
Day 88: Plan: 45 min run (or a 5k run) | Actual:4.07 Miles
I got up at 6:30am, which is before my alarm and did my thing to get ready for a run. It was a cool 55 degrees with 96% humidity. On the way to the park I saw people in jackets or long sleeves walking on the trail... And I was in shorts and a tank top. Lol. I knew better than to dress like that. The first mile felt like the normal first mile. But Mile 2 I was doing it wrong. My pace was crappy and way too fast and I ended up aching and walking slow during my intervals. For Mile 3 and 4, however, I calmed the legs down and I did my new thing of running at a quick but comfortable pace during the run interval and during the walk interval still run, but a slower pace. I managed the last two miles just fine. Some runs aren't suppose to be easy or like the one the day before. I'm glad that I got it done though.
Day 89: Plan: XT | Actual: Rest Day
This was pretty much a busy day, and I was glad I was off of work. After dinner M and I went to Target to grab a couple of things.
Day 90: Plan: Rest Day | Actual: Rest Day
After work I got to hang out with my two besties, JM and KJ for dinner and coffee. While I waited for them to arrive I did a quick shop at the grocery store and Michael's near the restaurant we were going to. I needed to buy some baking ingredients to bake an Easter cake at some point this weekend. Thankfully I didn't stay out too late since I had to get up early for my run so that M and I can make it to his parents house for Easter lunch.
Total Running Miles this week: 20.96 Miles
Total Time Cross-training this week: 1 hour
Total Miles Cross-training this week: 0 Miles
Total Running Miles to Date: 195.43 Miles
Total Time & Miles Cross-Training to Date: 05:55:00 | 0 Miles
Have you ever played disc golf?
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