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Image found via https://thecatholicgeeks.com/2016/03/14 /the-pointless-clock-change/ |
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Image found via https://www.amazon.com/Rabbit-Ceramic-Engagement -Wedding-Measures/dp/B014W1XAT0/ref=sr_1_9?ie=UTF8 &qid=1520976078&sr=8-9&keywords=bunny+ring+holder |
In the last bit of news... I'm sharing as as a way to vent my frustration.
Everyone should read this brief article if you're in a job and are facing a micro-managing supervisor (follow link below): Image found via LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/people-dont-quit-jobs -bosses-brigette-hyacinth |
Things started out great, but little things like not being given the complete expectations for the job to not provided passwords to necessary programs - little yet important things - were always pushed to aside with, "Don't worry about it right now." Well, after a month we had learned that despite the great concept of this brand new restaurant, the owner definitely does not follow any policy or procedure (a decision on how to do something can and would three times in one day), and he has misconceptions of what is actually happening in the kitchen at any point in time. He also denies his behavior in the past incidents. To put it frankly, he's a bit of a bipolar control freak - a micro-manager. Now, we completely understand any stress from his side as he has a lot of emotional investment and personal finances investment in this restaurant, but this is when he should rely on strong staff to help carry the load and not believe that he has to do everything that a manger is supposed to do. If he's worried about failing, a strong staff with a strong leader can help keep everything running smooth and create a wonderful experience to the customers. Well, as it turns out, the expectations of M was to be a glorified prep-cook instead of an actual manager because he does not :: trust :: him to be a manager, which is ridiculous because with his management skills, M brought the kitchen back together and got it working again to make it the best it has ever been.
When a lot of little things build up that don't make sense, that are frustrating and insulting on top of the lack of trust... well, it basically boils down to this: This great, amazing opportunity that was presented to him - to us - was a lie. M has goals and dreams, and being stuck in a job where both his hands are tied behind his back would stop him from obtaining them. M knew it was time to go. He still loves the restaurant as a whole, and wishes it the best. We both feel disappointed that it didn't work out. However, we both know that if the boss of it all did not have the trust or the respect or the understanding on how to run a restaurant or down right trust and treat staff members with respect, it isn't a place to be since it does not align with our values.
All that being said, we are definitely frustrated and sad that this job wasn't the one that M could stay and grow in for years because he - we - loved so many things about it. Because of the lack of work product and experience in the kitchen manager position at this location, M does not feel right with putting on his resume. So, now, we're back to square one with his searching for his dream job... by way of a line cook position. This, to me, especially, is definitely frustrating cause I know of all the trials and tribulation that M has gone through to get that close to having a dream job. To end this topic on an up-note: he's been applying for new positions and things are looking good so far. Fingers crossed a good place will appear soon!
OK! Sooo... now that I got that off my chest. Down to the fitness recap of this week!
Day 70: Plan: 10 - 13 miles| Actual: 10.01 miles
Oh boy, Daylight Savings Time This was a blustery day - as in 20 mph wind gusts. I ran a 10 miler, which ended in my running up some/most of Flag Pole Hill. Oy! I tried to run at a slower pace through my 30 second walk interval. I wasn't very consistent. My time didn't approve, but I also stopping (and not my Garmin) to text my friends some important details of things and to stretch. Oh, and not to mention running/walking up a giant hill. If I hadn't done that I think my finish time would've been faster. No matter. I was consistent in my time. The reason that I'm trying to run through the 30 second interval is because I can build up (hopefully) my endurance. After I got home, at breakfast, I totally vegged for a couple of hours. Then it was time to clean house. I was about halfway through when my hubs texted me his desire to quit right then and there. He typically never leaves a job like that, but it felt like he couldn't even finish out the day after what was happening that morning. I called my brother to vent and clean before M got home. After dinner we took a quick walk to help my legs that were feeling restless and achy after taking a nap.
Oh boy, Daylight Savings Time This was a blustery day - as in 20 mph wind gusts. I ran a 10 miler, which ended in my running up some/most of Flag Pole Hill. Oy! I tried to run at a slower pace through my 30 second walk interval. I wasn't very consistent. My time didn't approve, but I also stopping (and not my Garmin) to text my friends some important details of things and to stretch. Oh, and not to mention running/walking up a giant hill. If I hadn't done that I think my finish time would've been faster. No matter. I was consistent in my time. The reason that I'm trying to run through the 30 second interval is because I can build up (hopefully) my endurance. After I got home, at breakfast, I totally vegged for a couple of hours. Then it was time to clean house. I was about halfway through when my hubs texted me his desire to quit right then and there. He typically never leaves a job like that, but it felt like he couldn't even finish out the day after what was happening that morning. I called my brother to vent and clean before M got home. After dinner we took a quick walk to help my legs that were feeling restless and achy after taking a nap.
Day 71: Plan: XT | Actual: Rest Day
We totally slept in today. It did not feel right to even wake up at 8am. The struggle is real! While we had some delicious coffee we planned our grocery store trip. Then I took M to the Book Club Cafe in Rockwall. He had the cheesesteak sandwich while I tried their herbivore sandwich, was was really good. After I errand to the store, we were home and relaxing. We even too a nap, which was so so, so great.
Day 72: Plan: 45 min run (or a 5k run) | Actual: 4.03 miles
This run was a little harder than other runs previously. I tried to run through the 30 second intervals, which was the challenging bit. I still manage to have a 46 and change finish time. I think I was struggling emotionally with everything that happened on Sunday with M's job. Today, while I was at work, he updated his resume and applied for some jobs in the area. Some are some of the best resturatns in the city, so you never know what opportunities may arise.
Day 73: Plan: XT | Actual: 0 minutes XT
I woke up at 6:30, but promptly went back to sleep. It's so dark out! I didn't really get a workout in before I left for work, which was the plan since I wouldn't have time to do after work. But(!) at work I had to go through a bunch of stuff that needs to be store in other areas, and I spring cleaned the F out of everything! Still a work in progress, but a lot got done. I should've worn a sports bra and work out clothes instead I did so much work.
When I got home from work I quickly cleaned up and changed clothes. M and I met my besties JM and KJ at our favorite sushi restaurant. Mmmm! Now that we're down to one income at the moment, we were careful not to over do it, which is something that could be possible when it comes to M and sushi. We all had so much fun. I think we need to do it more often!
Day 74: Plan: 45 min (or 5k run) | Actual: Rest Day
So, on top of everything else going on this week, M has also had a cold! And now... I have a semi-cold. Last night after we got home from sushi and quickly popping by the store, my sinus began to drain from my ears and nose. Basically, I had a rough night cause when I went to be everything was coming from one ear and it :: hurt :: to swallow anything. I felt like I work up every time I had to swallow stuff. Ugh. So, this morning I slept in and tried to catch up on sleep once I found my throat lozenges. I was also stuff an tired from all the work I did moving stuff yesterday at work too. I wish I could've gone for my run, but I know rest is better. If I catch the complete cold (congested lungs and all) it's best to have it now and not late next week because I have a half marathon on the 25th. Fingers are crossed!
Day 75: Plan: XT | Actual: Rest Day
My throat didn't feel as sore this morning as yesterday, and I think I slept a lot better. Once I had some coffee in me I was able to get moving more. My sore throat pretty much went away around lunch time, but around dinner was I little cough-y cause phlem wanted to hang round... ugh!
Day 76: Plan: Rest Day | Actual: Rest Day
Saturday. I feel like I practically live at work. Do you ever feel that way? I'm seriously hoping that I can run a 10 miler tomorrow cause I feel out of shape cause I missed my short run on Thursday and I haven't cross-trained (not counting moving boxes at work on Wednesday). Do you ever feel that way too? I'd love to run it outside, but there may be storms in the area starting this evening and into Sunday morning. So... I may be running on a treadmill with my iPad. We'll have to wait and see! Hope you get/got to run outside!
Total Running Miles this week: 14.03 Miles
Total Time Cross-training this week: 0 Minutes
Total Miles Cross-training this week: 0 Miles
Total Running Miles to Date: 160.11 Miles
Total Time & Miles Cross-Training to Date: 04:55:00 | 0 Miles
What do you like to watch when
running on the treadmill?
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