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Image found on Buzzfeeds here: https://www.buzzfeed.com/dianabruk/23-truths- about-growing-up-russian-american?utm_term= .faO3XWqNvo#.udmVvrB0y9 |
Day 14: Plan: 9 mi | Actual: 9.30 miles
Omigosh! I did it! This was my first 15k run in almost A YEAR! It went great! It was a bit chilly out there, and I did my 3 layers, which I've been testing the weather with. Thankfully despite it being in the lower 30s with wind chill in the 20 the sun was out and there were no clouds! Love! Since I was bundled up I didn't pay attention to my Garmin other than the my interval alerts. I have to say that no paying attention to the watch was great, and I just did a pace that felt good. After the turnaround of the out and back route, I would peel off a layer and my arm warmers. My thighs and hip flexors were getting sore during the last 3 miles but I made it. Toward the end I realized that the Garmin was reflecting a 2:50 minute pace, which is so not right, and I did have trouble syncing the watch with the Garmin Connect app. But overall.... I did!
The rest of the day was a lazy one. M and I got to hang out for a while before he worked the late shift at the restaurant, and I completely binged on some Scott & Bailey shows before watch The Boss Baby, which by the way is so good!
Day 15: Plan: XT | Actual: 15 minutes XT
I woke up at my usual time and M was still passed out from a late night. So I did a quick workout. I wanted to get some burpees in, but my legs/hips were still sore from the run the day before so I only got 10 in, which is better than nothing. After a nice french press of coffee when The Hubs finally woke up, we had lunch at the delicious Hanabi Ramen in Carrollton and did some exploration at the Asian shops before heading to the grocery store. The cold front was coming as we were leaving and it cold quick! We made it through the grocery store in no time and started making a yummy beef stew to warm us up as the "Winter Apocalypse" rolls in.
Day 16: Plan: 45 min run (or a 5k run) | Actual: 3.11 miles
So... That "Winter Apocalypse".... Snow, flurries, sleet, ice.... Nothing in our area. What we did have was 20 degree weather with a windchill that was in the single digits. Treadmill time! I've decided that unless I really, really, really, really, really have to.... I'm not running in below freezing temps. The sun was out, but the wind was killer. I wore 4 layers on top to walk the block to and from the gym! The treadmill run was OK. Nothing huge. If I had the time I would've done a 4 miler to match the "Feels Like Temperature," but I was good with just a 5k. I felt slow and stiff on the run, but I got it in.
Day 17: Plan: XT | Actual: 0 mins XT
When my alarm went off this morning I new I had to get up to get some training in. But it was cold in the apartment. And the bed was warm and cozy. Yeah, it didn't happen. Then work just killed any reasonable lunch hour (I eventually had a 3pm lunch... crazy!), and the last two hours of work I warded off a sinus headache/migraine. Dinner was leftovers and it was eaten while M was working on the computer to get some work stuff done. I had to skip my workout when I got home to clean the apartment a bit so that it's ready for an inspection.
Day 18: Plan: 45 min (or 5k run) | Actual: 3.11 miles
Woke up early today so that I was home before M left for work. IT was 17 degrees out and I did not want to go out there just yet. So to the gym I went. Ran a 5k in 41 minutes, which isn't too too bad. I definitely feeling some aches in the hamstring and perhaps the IT area on my right leg. I've also made the decision that I want to buy some dumbells this weekend so that I'm more motivated to do my upper body strength training (and have more options to use).
Day 19: Plan: XT | Actual: 20 mins XT
I had been in a sad funk all day. I'm playing the weather and the girl hormones... When I finally got home I made myself do a upper body and core strength training workout. I felt better after that. I need to write down what I do so that I can share it with you, but my brain doesn't want to do that right now. I'm ready for my weekend. Is it here yet?
Day 20: Rest Day
I woke up today with a sore upper back, which was probably due to a combo of doing some over the head routine with the kettlebell and for sleeping wrong. Slow, but productive day at work. I've decided that I want to learn how to perfect pies and cookies and also dabble in baking cakes. All from scratch. I think tomorrow I'll work on cookies. Mmmm. We're finally out of our last freezing cold snap, and the temps are now in the 50s! Yay! But, it may be raining in the morning for my run with HC. Boo! Guess I'll just have to find my poncho!
Total Running Miles this week: 15.52 Miles
Total Time Cross-training this week: 35 Minutes
Total Miles Cross-training this week: 0 Miles
Total Running Miles to Date: 35.27 Miles
Total Time & Miles Cross-Training to Date: 01:30:00 | 0 Miles
What do you do to get yourself up and moving in the morning?
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