Wednesday, November 29, 2017

2015 Dallas Marathon Race Recap

Alright! Here it is! My first ever marathon race recap!!! It only took TWO YEARS for me to write. My bad.

Reading through this post again, was a lot of fun. It brings back a lot of memories. I, also, cannot believe that this was the first day that my parents met my then-boyfriend-now-husband M!!!! Where as the time gone?!

I wish I had pictures to add at this time, but it'd take forever to get them on here. Just sayin'. 

I'm taking it slow on recovery time because, for one thing, the day after the race my brain has been on Christmas shopping! Hee hee. I couldn't even think about Christmas until the marathon was over! So, now, when I'm not working or sleeping I'm with the family or MS and shopping! I've ended up taking time while I'm at work to work on this post. Good thing we've been slow!

P.S. - I really wish I took pictures of things, but it never crossed my mind! What the hey?!

 I didn't get to packet pick up until the day before the race. That was when my running buddies were going. My boyfriend MS drove me down to the convention center. Getting my packet was super easy. First you got your bib and gear check bag. Then you got your shirt. It wasn't too crowded, which made it all the better.

After getting the important stuff it was time to SHOP! We walked through all the vendors. I didn't really have a lot of things I on my mind that I wanted needed to buy. I did get my 26.2 tie-dyed car magnet and two state magnets (Texas and Missouri) for the ones I've ran a race in. I also registered for the 2016 Plano Balloon Festival 5k because it was so cheap!

When it came to the overall experience of the expo it was like any other, but I did really, really like that the space was carpeted. I don't remember any other expo having carpet. It was a blessing cause I wasn't looking forward to walking for an hour on concrete floors.

After the expo, MS and I had a brunch before I had to head out to attend my sister's graduation. Afterwards, and after surviving traffic, we had dinner at Papadeaux Seafood Kitchen. I chose the half roasted chicken with garlic mashed potatoes. I also ate quite a bit of bread too. I really wish I could've had dessert, but I know sugar was a no-no at this point. Back home I got my gear ready to go and decided on what I was going to wear the next morning. I also got my gear check bag all packed with a complete change of clothes and a towel.

Where to start? The night before the race I was up till midnight after that busy Saturday, but I had gotten everything done that I needed to get done. I had my gear laid out - ready for me to jump into. I actually woke a little bit before my first alarm at 3:30am, but I snoozed it until 4:00am. Then I was up and going through my check list of what to do. First I checked the weather. Cold and rainy. Of course.

I ate a waffle with peanut butter and my first banana. I did a bathroom visit, which was successful! Yay! Then I slowly but surely changed clothes. All the while I was prepping race fuel and water.

I hit the door right on time to make it to DART train station in my place. When I stepped outside, though, it was cold and wet. Something that I hate.So when I made it to the train station where running buddies HC an JP were waiting I was grumpy. Once we were on the train, out of the stupid wind, it was better. Picked up EW at another station before making it all the way downtown. At some pointed I texted MS to bring an extra hoodie for me because I forgot to bring one and with the temperatures not being as high as I was expecting I knew I'd needed the warmth. Thankfully we were able to hang out inside the convention center for the next hour. We all sat at a table and chatted. Then we did our first bathroom visit. I gotta say it was so nice that we were able to hang out inside while the rain let up. We did venture out once to give our bags over to Gear Check, but since we had a little more time on our hands we went back inside to do another potty break.

When we eventually ventured back outside the rain had finally let up. We followed everyone to Corral C. I got into the sloooooowest line ever for a porta-potty. It was so slow that my running buddies eventually entered the corral without me. It was so slow I eventually dished the idea of peeing before the start of the race and entered the corral. It was so slow that I finally found my buddies 10 minutes before our corral was suppose to start the race. Yep. I was in the stupid line for about 20 minutes, and I still needed to pee! HC was laughing at me cause I obviously don't have a iron bladder like she does.

Where to begin??? Our corral finally made it to the start line. I saw it and went, "Omigod! HC! What are you making me do???". It's all her fault, but at the same time I was excited to finally get running!

Mile 1 - 4
HC and I started the race and it was already up hill as we passed Dallas City Hall and the Dallas Central Public Library. While I was on that hill I ripped my rain poncho like I was Super Man and tossed it on the side of the road. Done! The hill and the crowd of people certainly helped keep the pace slower than usual at first. I was trying to stick to a 12:00 - 12:30 pace or so. I know HC was thinking the same thing, but she kept on popping ahead. I tried to yell at her to slow down, but she didn't quiet here me.

At around Mile 4 I gave up trying to keep up with HC, which bummed me out a bit. I took this time to retie my shoes a bit tighter... then it happened... after four miles of seeing the occasional porta-potty with lines and holding it in.... I peed myself. Yep. Right there. On the sidewalk. As I was tying my shoe. Thankfully I don't think anyone saw. I felt much better though despite not being able to let go of everything!

Mile 5 - 9 
I was still doing pretty good. Got through some minor hills and knew more were to come when I closer to mile 10 and beyond. Somewhere between Mile 8 and Mile 9 on Greenville Ave. I finally saw porta-potties that had no line because they were off a distance from the course, but they were obviously for the runners. So I did it. I dashed own a side street and used a clean potty. Whew! Did I feel better! I literally though, "Now I don't have to tell my mom and dad that I need to pee when they ask me how I'm doing!"

Once my bladder was empty I had a little more energy to my step. Onward to La Vista!

Mile 10 - 13
I gotta say running through the Swiss Ave. is always a great place to day dream about having lots of money. The trees alone are so nice!

My parents were waiting for me at La Vista. They had eaten at Liberty Burger, an were waiting there with some totally awesome signs! My mom's an artists (she drew me running, basically)! It was good to see them! I felt so happy that they made it out to my biggest race yet! My dad took a video while my mom waved the signs.

Within in minutes after that I was facing a hill, and I was back to being a little grumbly!

When I finally made it to White Rock Lake I was getting tired. Right around the 13 mark my legs suddenly got heavier and achier. I had a sudden flash of pain go through one of them starting at the knee. I walked a bit to calm it down, hoping that it wasn't going stay and ruin my run. Thankfully it didn't. Once I got to the 13.1 half marker I was definitely, hands down, tired. I was a little worried about that cause I never felt so tired during my training. Granted I faced more hills than I did during training. I normally sleep a little longer and stand on my feet as long before I run. But still!

My boyfriend MS texted me that I was half way there and was doing great! I responded with a thanks and that hills are b*tches. Then I was back on to running the lake.

Mile 14 - 20

I wasn't doing too too badly, and it was nice to see a familiar spot. Though this was when I started seeing runners after they made the turnaround. I kept an eye out for HC knowing she had to be ahead of me some where. I finally saw her at around Mile 17. She was with the 5:30 pace group, and was far, far ahead of me. That totally zapped my mental energy. I was extremely disappointed. I was hoping that I was actually closer to her. I almost started crying. Seriously! My legs were tired. My running buddy was far ahead of me, which means she'll finish before me (did I ever mention how super competitive I am?). So pretty much between Mile 17 and 19 I was very dejected. Though, I have to say I was happier when I made the turn around.

When I ended up on the Santa Fe Trail, running the 20th mile I was so tried. I pretty much walked this entire mile. Right before I came up to the Mile 20 marker my mom texted me to see where I was because the Marathon App has a delay on it. I told her I was about to run over the next sensor, which means everything would be updated soon.

Mile 21 - 24
There was a lot of run/walking done during these miles. A lot. Mile 22 took me past my parents again. They had another sign, which my dad held this time, which totally made me smile. This was the first huge race that he has been too! We walked up the hill together talking. I told them my legs were tired and achy, but doing ok. They were going to head out to do some Christmas shopping and they would see me and MS at Chuy's after the race. Once they couldn't walk up any further for me my mom apparently text MS saying I looked great. Awww! (Keep in mind, they hadn't ever met my fellow before. I gave my mom his number in case something bad happened to me).

During the last 4 miles I had very short intervals. Once I saw the downtown skyline I was kept on calculating what distance I had left. At that time my Garmin was off in the mileage because of weaving around people and for going down that side road for my potty break.

After awhile I kept on seeing certain spectators, such as man in an orange shirt who did an awesome job in making me smile and there was a family. It would amaze me at how many times I saw them so soon after seeing at another spot. I think that was a sign as to how slow I was going. Oh, well!

Mile 25 - 26.2
This last 1.2 miles was hard but exciting. I told myself over and over that I was close to the end. I can do this. Try to run, not walk so that I could finish sooner and have a better finishing time. But my legs wouldn't let me. However, when I hit the last 0.20 miles it was on. I ran up that hill and down it. I saw MS, which almost missed me, but he got some awesome pictures and a video of me finishing. I seriously crossed the finish line alone with the biggest smile on my face that even the emcee remarked on.

 I was done! 

Passed the finish line I got a water bottle. My medal wasn't handed to me. It was put around my neck by the volunteer and was told "Congratulations." I got one picture taken. I got a heat blanket. I had more pictures taken. MS found me by the fence and I told him to walk around toward the Omni. I was given a Finishers Bag - a drawstring backpack that said "Finisher" on it that was full of food to eat.

I got my bag from gear check then I waddled to the Family Met Up spot. MS and I hugged liked crazy an he carried my gear. I told him all about me peeing my pants and how I perfected my snot rockets (I had never done a snot rocket before!), which he thought it was all awesome and funny (he was a hockey player, so that explained a lot).

We found HC and her family. She told me that the village was gone, which meant we couldn't find our special medals for running the Rock 'n' Roll Half Marathon and the Dallas Marathon in one year. There were no engravers. This was a total a bummer, and a bit disappointing that they didn't wait to take down the finisher village to celebrate a marathon finish. There was seriously 30 minutes left before the time cut off. Really?

So after walking a little bit with hope they were hiding some where, HC and I headed back into the Finisher Area to use the changing tent near gear check. It was so nice to be out of those running clothes! Warm in sweat pants and a hoodis we said our goodbyes and went our separate ways.

MS helped walk me to his car, which was down a ways, on the other side of the downtown library. I waddled along in my cushy, but for some reason slippery crocks. Now, MS's car is actually a sports car, and it was a bit of a challenge to sit down into it. But I did it. Thankfully, though, since it was so small it heated up quickly. I pulled on his extra hoodie, and I found the chocolate chip cookies that were in the goodie back.

Then we headed up to the West Plano to eat at Chuy's. This was the first time that MS met my parents and it went really well. I ate a whole bunch of food - chips and salsa and queso then MS and I shared fajitas (but I think I ate most of them!). Afterwards we all drove back to my parents house for rice crispy treats and coffee.

I eventually had to be driven back to my car near the Dart station so that I could get my car back home. I went back to my Mom and Dad's to stay the night.

The next morning I slapped on my new 26.2 marathon magnet! 

Now! Just a quick note about fueling. If you read before I fuel with little bites of blueberry Eggo waffles with peanut butter. I would take a bite every two miles.

I can't believe I did it! Still. After two months I can't believe I actually ran a marathon. I have the medal, the photos, the car magnet, the shirts, and the muscles, to prove I did it. But I still can't believe it!

I really wish that they kept the Finisher's Village up longer. I was confused then disappointed that I didn't get to experience the village after my very first marathon. Sure I was close to the time cut off, but every runner deserves the village.I was hoping to get my medal engraved. I was wanting to pick up a special medal for running the Rock 'n' Roll Half Marathon and the Dallas Marathon. But nope. Nothing. It was all gone by the time I got there.

I did really like how there was a changing tent by gear check. It would've been nicer if I could've changed inside the Convention Center were it was warmer, but it worked out well. Otherwise I would've worn my clothes until I was at the restaurant (it would be impossible to change clothes in MS's sport car.).

Once we got home I was very surprised that I didn't feel bad or achy. I was a little tired, but I didn't once think I needed a nap. We all grouped in the kitchen (I saw own on my comfy chair right by the breakfast bar) and we chatted with rice crispy treats and coffee. MS showed my mom his battle scares from the kitchen (he's a chef) and his hockey scares. All in all, it was a great day! When I did go to bed, I was out like a light though!

I was achy for the next week. I didn't stretch as well I as I probably should have and I ended up having and inflamed IT band, but it went away after I rested for a few weeks. People would ask me if I'd run another marathon. I was in between a yes and a no. Now, I know I will run another one. When I'm ready. 

Yeah, probably. When I'm ready to take on the hills.



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