Sunday, October 8, 2017

2017 OMaD - Week 40

It's OCTOBER! I have less than 4 weeks till our wedding. I wrote up a training plan to get back to 15k distance that will lead me to a half marathon distance after 10 weeks of the 15k training schedule. I don't start the training just yet, but I'm going to get myself back to the routine before I jump into it.

October 1 - 7  

Day 274:  3.12 Miles - I ran a 5k, and it was rough. I definitely feel out of shape. I need to get everything back! Ugh! My besties were suppose to come over for lunch, see our new home, and do some wedding shopping. But, alas, they couldn't make it. Boo! So I spent the day veggie in front of Netflix.

Day 275: 0 Miles - Upper Body Strength Training! Mondays are when I do my upper body now. I was so nervous of maybe having someone beat me to the gym and hog all the equipment. But I lucked out and I was practically alone. When I got back after 20 minutes I also did 50 sit ups. M had to massage my arms before I could even lift my coffee cup to my lips! During breakfast M and I worked on our wedding ceremony planning. Then! While he was at work, I went shopping and recon on other things to buy for the wedding reception. After everything I went to the grocery store started dinner. It was a LONG day!

Day 276: 0 Miles - I had no motivation today to go for my run. I got up early. Drank my coffee. Stared out of our living room window at the drizzly rain that was going on out there in the world. I have no one to be accountable but myself and maybe M. But, some days, that is not good enough. I wish I had a running buddy, like HC, that I could run with. But I don't (she's training for a marathon and is far past the limit of mileage that I can do.). Anyway, I pretty did not go for my run. And I totally regretted it later on... when it was too late for me to go. It sucked. Pretty much the rest of my day was crappy, but ended well. 

Day 277: 0 Miles - Kettlebell Day. I had my first "wedding related nightmare" early, early this morning. Pretty much right before my 6:15am alarm I had a nightmare where we were at our wedding venue (which really wasn't our venue) and I realized that I left my make up (something I typically don't wear) and accessories at home. My bridesmaids went out to collect everything, but they were lost and couldn't find anything. But my phone was some weird looking clicker with missing buttons. Basically, the entire wedding was running late. It was nasty and uber stressful.

So I forced myself up and I got my kettlebell workout in. The rest of the day I went well. I finally got all my bridal shower "Thank You" cards done during my lunch hour. After work I also picked up a couple items for our centerpieces to play with.

Day 278: 3.14 Miles - I got up before 7am and tried to stretch while sipping my coffee and catching up on the news. I was going a little slower than I should have and didn't get out to the park until a little before 8am. But it was not bad. I felt good running a 5k. I could tell my pace was fast but I wasn't overly tired and winded. I was definitely sore from working out earlier this week. My 5k time was 40 minutes and some change, which is not bad. M and I worked on some wedding plans before we both headed off to a crazy day at work! 

Day 279: 0 Miles - Another Cross-Training Day! Instead of going to gym to cycle, I decided to experiment with yoga. The reason? My muscles - from my arms to my hammies - were so so so sore it was hard to move at times yesterday. Last night M had massage my arm it hurt so much. Anyway! I tried out half of Runner's World's Class 5: Beginner Yoga and half of Runner's World's Class 1: Essential Yoga. So far, I'm liking Class 1 more (I should've gone with that one instead of starting with Class 5). I totally can tell that I do not have any finesse with yoga, but I'll still give it ago again! I can definitely say that my arms feel better, my legs may not be as sore. Though, I may have a crick in my back shoulder from one move.

After work I did, what felt like, a gobs of errands. I went to an Asian market to get some mung bean sprouts for dinner. Then I went to a Hobby Lobby to get some more stuff for the wedding. Last, I went to Dick's Sporting Goods to get a shirt that I saw the weekend before and a new running tank top. Then I was home for a quick break before I started making dinner, which was a Asian bowl with tempeh. I've never had tempeh before. It was actually really good, especially since we marinaded it in a sauce all day. We were still a little hungry after the vegan dinner so we had some Halo Top ice cream. 

Day 280: 0  Miles - Rest Day! I'm sure glad it's rest day! I woke up feeling sore, uber tired, and stuff going on in my sinuses that made me wonder if I'm finally catching the cold that's around me

Total Miles this week: 6.26 Miles

Miles to Date: 294.70 Miles

Image source: Source: Pinterest/SPIbelt -

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