Wednesday, September 6, 2017

2017 OMaD - Week 33 to Week 35

Sooo, I've been crazy busy at work and with life and with the wedding planning. A lot of days blend together. So I'm giving you some recaps all at one.

August 13 - 19

Day 225: 5.27  Miles - We had lightening stores all through the night. It actually started Saturday night before 10, but I was already falling asleep and missed it. The rained through the night, which mean the park was flooded in some areas. So my route was changed. Initially, I was hoping for a 10k, but with said new route I was going up more hills than planned so my legs were pooped. I started out later in the day (thanks to the fact that I was so tired I didn't wake up early with M, who had to go to work, and finally got out of bed around 7:30), but the temperature wasn't too bad. Humid. But not bad. It even rained on me at some point. Overall, it was a very good run.

When I got home, I chilled for a bit before calling a very good friend of mine and doing chores at the same time. Once M got home we totally undid our vegan/vegetarian ways by eating some really good BBQ.

Day 226: 0 Miles - What. A Busy. Day. First off, we went to a chiropractor to work on M. Then walked the mall. Then lunch. Then we had a meeting at our wedding venue with my parents and best man BM.

Day 227: 0 Miles - A blur!

Day 228: 0 Miles - A blur!

Day 229: 0 Miles - Still blurry!

Day 230 0 Miles - Even blurrier!

Day 231: 3.10 Miles - Today was the Melon Dash 5k in McKinney today. It was HOT. HUMID. My Garmin would not connect. So I ran without any guidance as to pace or distance. I passed buddies HC and MW at the beginning, but I had to walk due to the heat and humidity, and eventually MW passed me. The course was a lot hillier than predicted, but I did pretty good overall. My finish time was 00:35:49, which is a lot better than I was expecting. I just wish the humidity hadn't ruined my pace. Too bad breathing is crucial to running.

Total Miles this week: 8.37 Miles

Miles to Date: 261.79 Miles

August 20 - 26 

Day 232:   Miles - HC had asked if I wanted to run 10 miles with her, but after the race I felt horrible. I could hardly keep hydrated and my muscles was not happy. Plus, I had a big day this day.... I was meeting up with my friends and my mom to make our wedding invitations!

Day 233: 0 Miles - I spent the day with my mom. I got to mail our wedding invitations during the total eclipse too!

Day 234: 0 Miles - I totally rested

Day 235: 0 Miles - All

Day 236: 0 Miles - Of the w eek

Day 237: 0 Miles - To Recoup

Day 238: 0  Miles -From the race

Total Miles this week: 0 Miles

Miles to Date: 261.79 Miles

August 27 - September 2 

Day 239:  6.35 Miles - I was finally ready to run again.

Day 240: 0 Miles - Can't remember

Day 241: 3.17 Miles - This was a long run. I can't wait for it to cool down!

Day 242: 2.70 Miles - M has been going to a chiropractor Thursday morning, which means I can't get a run it before work. So, I went to the gym and hopped onto the elliptical to get a workout.

Day 243: 0 Miles - Busy.

Day 244: 0 Miles - I need a break! I did do a kettle bell work out after work. It was a tough since I've been a lazy but for a long time!

Day 245: 0  Miles - Can I rest now?

Total Miles this week: 12.22 Miles

Miles to Date: 274.01 Miles

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