Getting back to a routine. Hopefully, it'll stick and I can build the mileage up! I want to be back to my 15+ miles weeks!
May 21 - 27
Day 141: 5.04
Miles - Despite being woken up by a quick thunderstorm at around 3am, I was up and at 'em by 6:30 this morning so that I could get an early start to my run before I go to work in the afternoon. Well, the weather had other plans. Right after 7 a line of storm blew through, but all I had to do was wait 45 mins for everything to fully clear from my area. It's been sooo long since I had a proper run! I decided at the park that I would not accept anything under 5 miles. I would love to have done a 10k, but my legs probably could only do 5 miles.
Day 142: 0
Miles - A busy-but-still-not-crazy-busy day!
Day 143: 3.17
Miles -This was a challenging run! Maybe it was because I waited to run until around 10am and it was humid. Maybe. I do know that I started out too fast, which I've been doing recently because I'm so excited to run! Lol! I liked the challenge, though wish I could've done more! Afterwards, I spent the afternoon with my mom who basically kept me company while my car was inspected before we shopped at Old Navy.
Day 144: 0
Miles - Rest day! Since I was off from work on Tuesday, I was completely confused as to what day it was! After work, I was able to catch up with a dear friend of mine who lives in Oklahoma.
Day 145: 3.13
Miles - Woke up uber early with This was a better run than Tuesdays! My speed was better than before. I definitely had a more carb/protein heavy dinner (spaghetti with meat sauce) than the other night. I'll add that to the list of good foods. The other is a rice bowl with protein (I like taco bowls!). When I got back home I used my 10 lb. kettlebell to do some arm exercise too. I'm gonna try to get my arms more toned before the wedding. I spent the rest of the day craving donuts, though. I can never win!
Day 146: 0
Miles - This was a looong day. Trying to find solutions to things in work and outside of work but not finding an answer makes me feel helpless. And I'm, typically, the person who finds the answers to help everyone out. So, I feel a little stuck right now.
Day 147: 0
Miles - I was sooo tired from waking up in the middle of the night to take care of some kitty barf. Our cat Jackson rarely throws up, but tonight he did because we tested out a new treat that my future mother-in-law gave me. Needless to say, we won't be giving him those treats again. I was probably awake for a whole hour. Blah! After a long day at work, I did have fun with some coworkers/friends at a karaoke bar. I did not sing, but had a lots of fun talking to my friends.
Total Miles this week: 11.34
Miles to Date: 158.93 Miles
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