Saturday, March 11, 2017

What I'm Missing...

So, while updating my 2017 One Mile A Day weekly updates today I guilty that I couldn't remember what I was doing each day (not that it's extremely important, since I make the rules!). I also feel bad that I haven't been in a regular running/workout routine for quite a while. Who's the blame? Me. But it's also the wedding planning and getting ready for the move at the end of March. I've spent the morning with M when we actually are both get to sip coffee and thin/discuss things at the same time.

After updating the blog, I take a look at the blog roll. I can't even remember the last time I read any blog posts from my fellow running bloggers! It tugged at my heart that I feel that I'm not part of the same running-centric world as they are (despite know that I'm not quite like them to begin with!). So... I started thinking of things I'm currently missing.

1. Running 
Now, don't misunderstand. I am running. Thank God! But I'd be extremely lucky to run two days a week. I've been making a push to run as much as I can because of the Dallas Rock 'n' Roll Half Marathon coming up. But, basically, I've been so busy and trying to juggle M's new work schedule (he goes to work later in the morning that I do). We've been spending the morning talking about whatever is happening. It's typically a really good time to do so since we're both not tired from the daily grind like we are at dinner. Though, I do admit that I have a little issue with leaving him home to go run (Ok, Ok, I admit it... I'm still puppy dog eyed for him!), but I'll I need to work on that. It'll get easier when we have a home together.

2. The feel of my Garmin 
Over the past few weeks (if not longer than a month) I have had a phantom feelings around my wrist. It's that "naked" feeling you get when you don't wear your watch or FitBit. I feel like I should be wearing my Garmin. I obviously haven't been running enough for my wrist to feel normal. Perhaps this is also a side effect of no longer being in marathon training mode where I was running at least three days a week.

3. Relaxation
I knew this, but wedding planning is no joke, people. I'll be so happy when we book a caterer (such a huge expense to consider!). Then all I have to do really is work on the decor. Oh, and find someone to marry us. Add that on top of the upcoming apartment move, I'm in stress/busy central! The only part about the move that I'm stressed about? Well, I've lived my in my cozy apartment for nearly 8 years and I have so. much. stuff. Do I need to take everything? Is there anything I can get rid of. Will everything that I want to keep fit in the new place when combined with M's things???? It's a little rough going. Add in the fact that I don't have a stress release outlet like running to help is making it worse! I know that things won't calm down completely until after the wedding, but I'm seriously ready for a break.

4. The feels of running
I also miss the feelings of a solid run. When nothing is aching and your breathing is great. The feel of your body working hard. You're sweating. You feel like you're really an athlete and look amazing (though secretly you know you don't cause you just ran 10+ miles). When you're done, you have the Runner's High. You feel strong and invincible! No one can touch you or judge you. You're doing a happy dance during an awesome shower that comes before our after your brunch. You're so hungry you start getting the "Rungry" tendencies, but feel right as rain and happy after the meal. Then you sit, or better yet, lay down on something comfy, and you just let sleep come over your eyes. Your body completely relaxes and you sink into a zone that I can't describe very well, but am so happy when I do feel it. You take the most awesome nap ever. You wake up and you get up again or drink gobs of water. Then you consider having ice cream or froyo. Yep. I miss all of this.

5. Talking about running 
M doesn't mind talking about running (he was a runner once), but when we do I don't go into deep discussion. Those types of discussion tends to happen with my running buddy HC or a coworker/friend/fellow runner PunkM. I love those conversations. You feel so connected to each other and with the sport. Compare talks like this to the in depth conversations about a favorite thing like a book or a sports team or hobby. It's just awesome. I don't see HC or PunkM often since we work at separate locations and it's a blue moon when we meet up at the lake or a race.

6. Tank Tops and Shorts 
Yeah. I'm so ready for shorts and tank tops as my running. I don't want it blistering hot, like it typically is, but I don't want to worry about being cold on my runs. Granted, this year I have to watch my tan like so that I won't end up looking completely weird in my wedding dress in the Fall, but seriously... tank top weather can't come soon enough!  

7. The test
Every run, even a 5k, is a test. A test of your ability. Of what you can do physically that you thought or questioned you wouldn't be able to do. My last test was my last marathon. A challenge, but one I felt prepared for. The second to the last was the training for it, which was even more of a challenge. But any run, of any distance, is always a test of. A battle between your mind and your body. Your body must overpower the negative thoughts that run through your read. When you achieve a goal... nothing feels more satisfying (other than finishing a race!)!

8. Dates
OK. So, this isn't necessarily running related. But I'm going to throw it out there. With M's new work schedule, and the fact that we're trying to save money (moving costs and... hello, honeymoon!), we haven't had time to go on a proper date. Sure, we've go out to dinner. But it's not the, "Let's dress a little snazzier and go some place we rarely go to. Then let's do this and this.". We have have fun, don't get me wrong. We'll have moments where we laugh our butts off. I love those moments. I also miss a bit of that "Wooing Stage" of our relationship. Who doesn't like being wooed? Hee hee. We've been so busy and stressed that we haven't taken the time to do anything, even if we were able to. I'll also tie this in, which is more running related. M hasn't been able to go to any of my races since the marathon because of how exhausted he is cause of work. We appreciate his new job and the kitchen is great, but it's definitely a busy busy busy job. I know that we plan on doing something after we move, but something always pops up. Let's all hope that we'll be able to have time for a proper "Date Night!"

These are just the things that came to mind today. Other than my fiance M, running is the next best thing in my life. I miss it like I miss a close friend.

I know I sound weak and full of excuses right now. That I'm pushing off the blame on to everything around me. The only way that things will change is me getting a hold of parts of my life... and to get through this move! It will all get better. It always will.


I'm done complaining!


Is anyone else missing something?

How do you handle a running slump?

Live, Love, Run, and Rock 'n' Roll, peeps!

Images found here, here, and here.

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