November 13 - November 19
Day 318: 0 Miles - No running today! My love and I woke up in Houston then had coffee with my Mom and Dad before we left to head back to Dallas. We felt really good cause we had really good feelings about the wedding venue we saw a few days back. It wasn't as a horrible drive back home, but it was looong! By the time we were home we didn't want to go back into the car for dinner! Good thing we love rice with fried eggs and sausage!
Day 319: 12.01 Miles - Ran my long distance on my day off. I felt good, but I could tell I had eaten junk food all weekend. I was going to try to add in another mile to help make up for the ones that I've lot over the past month or so, but it didn't happen. I met with MS to look at another wedding venue, just a couple of doors down from the one we liked. We were going in thinking we'd hate it, but there were nice stuff there too. But I was really digging the other place. We pretty much talked to Mom and Dad a little bit afterwards cause
Day 320: 0.0 Miles - I should've gone to the gym, but I didn't. I need to rest before I did a lot of stuff at work.
Day 321: 0 Miles - The craziest day! I was talking to my parents all morning and afternoon, and it drove me nuts. Then after work we met them at the wedding venue that we liked, and well, my dad offered to pay for it! Yay! So, now we have a when and where! Look out October 28, 2017!!!
Day 322: 7.50 Miles - These miles felt easy! What a relief! I'm feeling so good!
Day 323: 0 Miles - A frustrating day! I was trying to make these cards for my wedding party and it wasn't working. I ended up being a grump all night. I was hating everything.
Day 324: 0 Miles - This was a way better day cause I finally figured out what to do for the cards!
Total Miles this week: 19.51 Miles
Miles to Date: 749.61 Miles
How was your week?
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