Tuesday, November 22, 2016

OMaD - Week 47

Another crazy week!!!

November 13 - November 19

Day 318: 0 Miles - No running today! My love and I woke up in Houston then had coffee with my Mom and Dad before we left to head back to Dallas. We felt really good cause we had really good feelings about the wedding venue we saw a few days back. It wasn't as a horrible drive back home, but it was looong! By the time we were home we didn't want to go back into the car for dinner! Good thing we love rice with fried eggs and sausage!

Day 319: 12.01 Miles - Ran my long distance on my day off. I felt good, but I could tell I had eaten junk food all weekend. I was going to try to add in another mile to help make up for the ones that I've lot over the past month or so, but it didn't happen. I met with MS to look at another wedding venue, just a couple of doors down from the one we liked. We were going in thinking we'd hate it, but there were nice stuff there too. But I was really digging the other place. We pretty much talked to Mom and Dad a little bit afterwards cause

Day 320: 0.0 Miles - I should've gone to the gym, but I didn't. I need to rest before I did a lot of stuff at work.

Day 321: 0 Miles - The craziest day! I was talking to my parents all morning and afternoon, and it drove me nuts. Then after work we met them at the wedding venue that we liked, and well, my dad offered to pay for it! Yay! So, now we have a when and where! Look out October 28, 2017!!!

Day 322: 7.50 Miles - These miles felt easy! What a relief! I'm feeling so good!

Day 323: 0 Miles - A frustrating day! I was trying to make these cards for my wedding party and it wasn't working. I ended up being a grump all night. I was hating everything.

Day 324: 0 Miles - This was a way better day cause I finally figured out what to do for the cards!

Total Miles this week: 19.51 Miles

Miles to Date: 749.61 Miles

How was your week?

OMaD - Week 46

A nice start to the week! I think Fall is finally here! My brother got hitched!

November 5 - November 12

Day 311: 17.01  Miles - I got the White Rock Lake just before 6:00am today to meet HC for our run. I didn't realize until I got there that the Dallas Running Club was having their DRC Half Marathon that day. At the least the part of the lake we were running on was not park of the course. I felt pretty good all the way up to about mile 10 or so, which was when my legs were starting to fill stiff and tired, but not horrible. Once I got to mile 14 or 14.5 I was starting to feel muscle aches in the area that I had hurt myself. So, running only 17 miles versus 19 because that take my straight to car. I did not want to push myself too much, especially after coming out of recovery and it being the longest distance to day since that injury. After I stretched a bit and walked at the car I did feel like I could go for at least another mile, but erred on the side of caution. So there you have it. I felt so good having a running buddy cause we talked about everything running and how our training has gone. We also talked about lots of other things. It. Was. Great!

Day 312: 7.01 Miles - Rest day! I finally was able to take advantage of the time change, by accident. I did a 10 minute kettlebell exercise before cycling for 30 minutes. It felt good to be back at it again.

Day 313: 6.01 Miles - I didn't get the mileage that I wanted or needed. I was suppose to run 9 miles, but I got to it all too late in the morning. Plus, I had to go to the gym instead of outside because of all the rain we're having. I think the treadmill makes me slower, in some respects. I did get to go through a lot of episodes of Parks and Recreation, which was nice!

Day 314: 0 Miles - Rest day! Got through a mundane day of work and finally got have a great dinner with my fiance and his siblings. We were celebrating my love's birthday!

Day 315: 0 Miles - I totally woke up too late in the morning to do anything worth while running wise. So, I chilled at home with my cat and started chores to be ready for the trip to Houston.

Day 316: 8.01 Miles - This was a crazy day! I ran 8 miles instead of 9 since I had so much to do before meeting my fiance for a wedding venue appointment. Well, we got everything done. The venue was really nice! Grabbed a late lunch then it was a long evening driving to the outskirts of H-Town. We finally made it to the hotel and met up with my family for a late dinner at Dave and Busters with the wedding party. We were so tired!

Day 317: 0 Miles - Wedding Day! For my brother, that is. We had lunch with part of the family then it was down to getting ready for the late afternoon ceremony. The entire day was really nice, and the wedding was just lovely. My brother (who is about 4 years younger than me) looked like a kid wearing a suit and standing in a candy store! It was so cute! And my new sister-in-law was beautiful!

Total Miles this week: 38.04 Miles 

Miles to Date: 730.10 Miles

How was your week?

Sunday, November 6, 2016

OMaD - Week 45

Trying to get my head in the game, again, and it's hard!!!

October 30 - November 5 

Day 304: 13.01  Mile - I pretty much cried twice during this run. Once when I was near the end and once I finished I was stretching. I started to cry, but not completely, a couple times during the run too. It was a rough 13. I was so discouraged, and dare I say it, bored. I wasn't doing too badly, but about half way through or so I was mentally on. I called my fiance when I was done so that it forced me to stretch and not just jump into the car to go home. It was a rough day.

Day 305: 0 Mile -No cross training today. This was the last day of our four day weekend together to celebrate our anniversary. We also got to view our first wedding venue! It was cool, but pricey. We have A LOT to think about!

Day 306: 4.01 Mile - I ran a rough 4 miles before getting home to be cleaned up for a dentist appointment.

Day 307: 0 Mile - Rest day!

Day 308: 7.01 Miles - I went to the gym today because it looked like it was going to downpour on me any minute if I was at the park. Of course, it did not rain when I was at the gym. I ran 7 miles before it was time for me to get ready for work.

Day 309: 0 Mile - It was a staff development day for my job, which meant I got to get out early. MS and I had some tasty Greek food while we talked about all sorts of things.

Day 310: 0 Mile -Work day that was for the most part. My old running buddy HC and I decided to do our long run tomorrow together. I'm nervous, but excited!

Total Miles this week: 24.03 Miles 

Miles to Date: 692.06 Miles

How was your week?

Thursday, November 3, 2016

OMaD - Week 44

This has been torturous in some respects, but it ended on a great note! 

October 23 - October 29

Day 297: 0  Mile - So, I didn't run today. My fiance was right. I needed to rest my IT band, leg, hip, whatever. So I slept in until 9am, which was glorious. I used a tens unit to massage some of my achy areas. That night we had dinner with our friends BM and his wife. We got to carve pumpkins before our food, which was a lot of fun. After that the dudes and I went to the Propagandhi punk rock concert. My leg/hip were achy for the rest of the night, but it was worth it!

Day 298: 0 Mile - No gym for me today. I completely took it easy and had lunch with my good friend HL. Plus! I got peak through the window of two wedding venues that were across the way from our restaurant. Then it was home with the kitty cat and a little cleaning.

Day 299: 0 Mile - I could've gone to the gym, but I didn't. I wanted sleeeeeep!

Day 300: 0 Mile - After we got to go to the movie theater and watch a special showing of Stanley Kubrick's The Shinning on the big screen! Oh boy! It was good!

Day 301: 8.01 Miles - I ran!!!! I ran!!! I had the urge to run this morning. I was still getting achy feelings in the problem areas, but it wasn't bad! I started out slow to monitor how I was feeling. Aches were moving to various of my hip/upper thigh/butt cheek, and pretty much the last few miles it mostly in the butt. Tee hee. I would've been happy with 5. I would've excepted 3, but would've been upset because it'd make me feel more behind in my training. But I got it to 8! That's one mile less than what I should've done today! Yay! So, maybe I'll be able to run 13 this weekend. We shall see!

Day 302: 0 Mile - First day of my four day weekend! I got my hair taken of, finally. It was our anniversary of our first date. We had our delicious Mediterranean food at Afrah in Richardson complete with Arabic coffee then we went down into Deep Ellum to get some delicious donuts at Glazed Donut Works. Yum!

Day 303: 0 Mile - Lazy day! We lounged around and at more donuts. We met my parents for lunch then had some fun looking at a vintage t-shirt shop and looking at Crate and Barrel as a possible registry spot (it isn't).

Total Miles this week: 8.01 Miles 

Miles to Date: 668.03 Miles

How was your week?