I have how many days until my first 15k???? I've been struggling to get back into a solid running routine since the marathon back in the middle of December. I had all intentions to have a running schedule set up to get me ready for the Hot Chocolate 15k run in February, but it isn't going very well. It's so cold out in the mornings that I would prefer to just hibernate until the morning lows are in the 50s again.
January 24- January 30
Day 24: 0 Miles - Totally decided to enjoy the morning before having to go to work for the afternoon. One consolation is that I knew that the weather would be just as beautiful the next day than it would be on Sunday when I was stuck inside.
Day 25: 6.22 Miles - I finally hit the 10k! I was going to run 6 no matter what. Irregardless of whether it was painful or torturous I would run it. Honestly, I there was never a minute that I hated running, which was a great sign! I was ready to stop at the 10k mark, but if I really had to I get myself to go another half mile up to a full mile more. I think this is a very good sign that I won't die at the 15k in a couple of weeks! When I got home I did about 10 to 15 minutes worth of kettlebell work before I had breakfast.
Day 26: 0 Miles - I did a 25 minute kettlebell workout this morning. I used the same video that I mentioned last week. When I was done with that I did some other core move with the kettlebell. Then I ran a few errands and was off to work. I swear I probably walked 2 miles almost non stop at work too. After feeling the burn of my morning workout then being on the go at work alllll day my legs were tired when I got home. But I couldn't rest and ended up tidying some things up a bit before I totally crashed on the couch watching The Great British Baking Show.
Day 27:
0 Miles - A little bit calmer at work today than yesterday, but I still have some projects that need to be done. For some reason I have a fire lit under my but to get started on them!
Day 28: 4.24 Miles - After all that work at work yesterday I was still feeling something at the top of my shin this morning. So! Instead of running this morning, I totally slept in big time (it was my day off, thankfully!) then hit the gym to spin for 30 minutes.
Day 29:
0 Miles - Spent the evening with my guy who had the worse of work. We ended up eating the best tasting tuna fish sandwich I have ever had (picture to come soon!) and cookies before passing out watching the first season of The X-Files.
Day 30: 0 Miles -Work, work, work. I'm so ready for the weekend.
Total Miles this week: 10.46 Miles
Miles to Date: 28.75 Miles
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