February 21- February 27
Day 52: 0 Miles - A gray drizzly day with MS. We went to the theaters to watch the TCM Big Screen Classic event showing of The Maltese Falcon! At first we were the youngest people in the audience, but some showed up a little later. After that we had some amazingly tasty pizza from Cane Rosso!!! I think it may be the best pizza I've ever eaten.
Day 53: 9.01 Miles - I made it out to White Rock Lake finally for the first time this year and since running my marathon! It was a lot chillier than I was expecting, especially on the north side of the lake, which is where I was situation this time around. Knowing that I wasn't going to like just wearing arm warmers with a tee and capries I ended up wearing my zip hoodie for the first two miles. After that I had it rolled up and tied around my waste. My achilles wasn't particularly happy during the first 3 miles, but after the 4 mile turn around it was feeling better. At around Mile 7 I started to hit the mental wall, and knew my body may hit the wall sooner than later. During the Hot Chocolate 15k I did the same thing at Mile 7.5, which means I need this is something for me to work on. The last 2 miles were a chore, but I did it. Looking at the stats I averaged a sub 11:30 splits, which is awesome! After getting clean I met my friend HL for a sushi lunch before I pigged out on snickerdoodle cookies at my parents place. Seriously, homemade snickerdoodles are the bomb, people! I have no will power against cookies... which means I ate a lot though. Oh well.
Day 54: 3.12 Miles - I soooo did not want to wake up this morning. It was chilly, gray and raining out. But I eventually got my butt to the gym downstairs and did a 5k distance spin session. Then back upstairs I did a 25 minute kettlebell workout.
Day 55: 0 Miles - During my kettelbell workout the other morning I could tell I was tired and I couldn't do a full-hearted workout. Boy, am I feeling it this morning! Then, I laughed so much at a joke I made with MS that my abs were hurting, which means I know that my ab portion of the workout is working too! Buuuuut. Then, again, I ruined my diet by eating so much cookies. In fact, I've eaten cookies for the past three days. I have a problem. I should start a Cookies Anonymous group.
Day 56: 3.23 Miles - It took all I got to get up this morning to go run. It was cooold. Well, to me it was. The temperature around 7am was 39 degrees and by the time I'd go out it'd be low 40s. Uuuh. Not fun. Plus the apartment was cold because the heater wasn't one either. After eating my pre-run breakfast I actually ended up sleeping for another 45 minutes. Even when I was awake, I didn't want to leave the warmth of the bed! I seriously debated just going to the treadmill were it's warmer, but I knew that I'd have a better workout if I ran outside. I finally made it out there and got a good 5k in, which is better than nothing, but not quite the 6 miles I was thinking. Oh! and you should be so proud of me! I had not cookies or processed sweets today! Yay!
Day 57: 0 Miles - Date night! I made honey sriracha hummus for the first time, which was very tasty. Then we had some tasty tasty bratwursts with onions, macaroni salad, and potato salad. All followed by black cherry Tallamook ice cream. Yum! Oh, and it was Dexter night too!
Day 58: 0 Miles - Today I started thinking about this year and races. Thanks to my running buddy HC. I started wondering how many halves I should do. If I should run another marathon in December. I'm all so very tempted. I was worried what would happen to my dating life if I decided to change things up in the fall and train for the marathon. I know MS would be OK with everything and be supportive, but I know what people say about what happens when you train for a marathon. Granted I met him in the middle of my last marathon training, which means he's special. I don't know what life's going to bring me this year, but at least I have some time to think about the marathon. I have a little less time to think about two half marathons that this Spring. Hmmm...
Total Miles this week: 15.36 Miles
Miles to Date: 80.86 Miles
How was your week?