So I mentioned briefly during my last One Mile a Day challenge update that I had some good news and I did something a little crazy. Well, I thought those two things deserved their own post!
First Awesome News!
I'm a Beef Tip! Hahaha! Yes, I said Beef Tip. After applying a loooong time ago, and filling a survey not too long ago, I have been invited to join the Texas BEEF Team. This community, which is supported by the Texas Beef Council, promotes the benefits of eating beef as a high-quality protein in an athlete's diet. After I take an orientation webinar in October to get be ready to be part of the team in January 2016. So far I know I'll have to join in on certain races and volunteer at least once in order to qualify for a complete membership in 2017, which includes the Team reimbursing me for certain race fees!
I'm quite excited to see where this will take me in my running exploits! I enjoy being part of a community with a common interest, and it would be awesome to have a group of teammates cheering for you when you're running a race! Plus, I can do the same for them too! Oh! Plus, my running buddy H was also invited on to the team too! Also, my running friend J is already a member. Exciting!
Second Awesome News!
I'm on the squad! I feel like I went just a little crazy the other day, but I also feel a little badass. I signed up for the 2016 SeaWheeze Half Marathon! I learned about this race put on by Lulumon through another blogger, which may very well have been Ange over at Cowgirl Runs (I can't remember). Vancouver has been on my mind in general since May, and knew I wanted to go there when I got the chance. Well! I learned about the race, and I thought this was the perfect excuse! Plus, it's an August race, which means I can make my annual vacation into a run-cation!
So! Knowing that this race is extremely popular I told my boss what my plans were and that I would give her a leave request as soon I knew the race was possible. Then the next day, the moment the clock stroke 12pm CST, I hit the registration button. I was wait-listed immediately. In dire hope I stepped away from my work desk and got the registration list pulled up on my phone.... I got in immediately! Then it was down to 7 minutes to accurately type my information in on an small iPhone screen! Wow! Oh, then my boss started talking to me too! Whoa! Crazy! But I managed it! I didn't get a confirmation email for almost 20 minutes after I had registered (which was a little different than the instant email for other races), but I checked my credit card statement I saw the charge on the account. I knew I was in! Whew! Intense. Crazy. Now I'm telling myself I need to save money so that I can afford a nice vacation to tag onto the trip up there for the race!
So, yes! Not that these are life changing things... but I feel like a whole new thing/part of my life is opening up! I'm not putting my life on hold for one reason or another. I'm on a team that could open up opportunities for who knows what. This SeaWheeze Half Marathon is getting me to out of the country (yes, it's just up to Canada, but still!) for the first time since I was in college. I don't know what will happen to me next year (no one knows their future like that... which sucks in a lot of ways), but at least I know I have some things to look forward to!
I'll keep you guys posted on things as I venture forth!
Peace, Love, Rock 'n' Roll, and RUN!
Images found here and here.
Tuesday, September 22, 2015
Monday, September 21, 2015
OMaD - Week 38 Recap
One Mile a Day update of my fitness challenge with better weather and fun!
September 13 - September 19
Day 250: 10.1 Miles - Wow! What a great day! The weather was perfect for my run (low 60s) and even with wearing a t-shirt I didn't sweat too much or over heat. Actually, overall, the run was great and, dare I say, easy? After my run I hung around the lake for a while as my parents drove over with their dogs so they could try out the new doggy park, which was a lot of fun for everyone. After that I managed to get home just in time to clean up and eat something before heading out to the Dallas Museum of Art to meet a fellow. Yes, I totally rocked my pair of Oofos on a date! By the time I got home I was exhausted and my legs were achy, but it was wonderful day! I really hope I have more like this one!
Day 251: 0 Miles - I intended to go for a walk after dinner, but I was starting to get anxious about some things. So instead of hoping a walk would clearing my head (but knew it probably wouldn't and just make things worse) I decided to plant myself in from of the TV for distraction. It worked a little bit.
Day 252: 3.12 Miles - I'm loving this cooler morning weather! I got in a 5k in, and felt pretty good. I also got some good news this morning, which is a total bonus! I'll give more details soon enough!
Day 253: 3 Miles - Cross training day! I did 2 miles on the cycle, which made my thighs achy. I walked a mile to work that out before doing some light core and arm work. I also did something totally nuts this morning too! More details coming soon!
Day 254: 5.04 Miles -This was a hard run. First I didn't want to wake up. Second my cycling from last night made the light hills hard to do. For the first time this training season I did 2 mile intervals on a 5 mile run, which I'm ok with.
Day 255: 1 Mile -I walked a mile around my home instead of running my typical 3 miles. Why? I have a 5k race tomorrow morning!
Day 256: 3.11 Miles - My mom and I ran in the Plano Balloon Fest 5k race. I intending to take it "easy" by doing my average 11:30 pace or so since I have 7 miles the next day, but you know what? My body had other plans. So! I accidentally PRed with a 30:27 5k! It was a good race, but due to incoming weather the hot air balloons didn't launch. Afterwards we tried to get the free runner yummies, but the line was ridiculously long. So, walked around the fest a bit, chatted with a running friend for a few minutes, then we were off to try this breakfast place... that had a really long wait! Ack! We ended up at McDonald's for breakfast, but it was totally yummy! After that my day was just relaxing since I took the whole day off... all the while waiting for a dude to text me back. Oh, and I got to wear some girly high heels to a friend's birthday night too! Granted... I got home uber late.
Total Miles this week: 25.37 Miles
Miles to Date: 537.96 Miles
September 13 - September 19
Day 250: 10.1 Miles - Wow! What a great day! The weather was perfect for my run (low 60s) and even with wearing a t-shirt I didn't sweat too much or over heat. Actually, overall, the run was great and, dare I say, easy? After my run I hung around the lake for a while as my parents drove over with their dogs so they could try out the new doggy park, which was a lot of fun for everyone. After that I managed to get home just in time to clean up and eat something before heading out to the Dallas Museum of Art to meet a fellow. Yes, I totally rocked my pair of Oofos on a date! By the time I got home I was exhausted and my legs were achy, but it was wonderful day! I really hope I have more like this one!
Day 251: 0 Miles - I intended to go for a walk after dinner, but I was starting to get anxious about some things. So instead of hoping a walk would clearing my head (but knew it probably wouldn't and just make things worse) I decided to plant myself in from of the TV for distraction. It worked a little bit.
Day 252: 3.12 Miles - I'm loving this cooler morning weather! I got in a 5k in, and felt pretty good. I also got some good news this morning, which is a total bonus! I'll give more details soon enough!
Day 253: 3 Miles - Cross training day! I did 2 miles on the cycle, which made my thighs achy. I walked a mile to work that out before doing some light core and arm work. I also did something totally nuts this morning too! More details coming soon!
Day 254: 5.04 Miles -This was a hard run. First I didn't want to wake up. Second my cycling from last night made the light hills hard to do. For the first time this training season I did 2 mile intervals on a 5 mile run, which I'm ok with.
Day 255: 1 Mile -I walked a mile around my home instead of running my typical 3 miles. Why? I have a 5k race tomorrow morning!
Day 256: 3.11 Miles - My mom and I ran in the Plano Balloon Fest 5k race. I intending to take it "easy" by doing my average 11:30 pace or so since I have 7 miles the next day, but you know what? My body had other plans. So! I accidentally PRed with a 30:27 5k! It was a good race, but due to incoming weather the hot air balloons didn't launch. Afterwards we tried to get the free runner yummies, but the line was ridiculously long. So, walked around the fest a bit, chatted with a running friend for a few minutes, then we were off to try this breakfast place... that had a really long wait! Ack! We ended up at McDonald's for breakfast, but it was totally yummy! After that my day was just relaxing since I took the whole day off... all the while waiting for a dude to text me back. Oh, and I got to wear some girly high heels to a friend's birthday night too! Granted... I got home uber late.
Total Miles this week: 25.37 Miles
Miles to Date: 537.96 Miles
Marathon Training Monday - Week #5 and Week #6
Hi everyone! Just finished Week #6 of my marathon training! This recap is in addition to my weekly One Mile a Day challenge updates.
R = Rest*
# = Miles
CT = Cross Training
*Rest days I don't do anything other than chill/work/walk 1 mile. I may do light core workouts, especially if I missed it on CT day.
Sunday: 9.02 miles - What I'm considering as my first LSD of training! I slept in a little, again, but made it out to the lake to run the 9. It was humid, and only every so often would I get a sweet moment of breeze. It was definitely a workout for me because I introduced the 2 mile/1 minute walk interval, which I'm not use to but wanted to work on because that is what my running buddy H is doing. During the second half the run I decided to tuck my tank top into my bra so that I could cool down better. Now, I don't have the most awesome abs, but after awhile I didn't care who saw. I felt way better. It also made me bore conscious of my running posture. Now, if I could only run without a shirt during these humid/hot days! Oh! Also, I noticed after the fact that I shaved 10 minutes off my last 9 mile run! Whah? Cool!
Tuesday: 3.11 Miles - Ran at a park near by after forcing myself out of bed. The run wasn't hard, but I remember wishing I had gotten out earlier.
Wednesday: I skipped cross training. I totally let my emotions take over after work and I preferred to sit on my couch and wallow with some sugar. I regret it now, and should know better.
Thursday: 5.10 Miles - I'd describe this morning's run as "steamy" instead of "humid." It had rained on Wednesday, and though it wasn't a lot, it certainly made the air that much thicker.
Friday: 3.11 Miles - This morning the run was nice. I smiled a number of times because I had good tunes and some thoughts to keep me going. I slept well and was able to wake up easily! Yay! The run was great in the sense that I was starting to feel the fall cold front that's coming with a nice sweet little breeze that would brush over me every so often. Oh! Also, I love how I'm dripping sweat after a run, even if it's a 5k. It's so satisfying!
Sunday: 10.1 Miles - Wow! This run was great! I woke up in a good mood, which was a perfect way to start. The temperature was amazing - low 60s. It was cool enough I wore my first t-shirt since the spring time! Since the beginning of training I've been running the same section of the lake, but I decided to extend it a little further this time around, which nice. Soon enough I'll have to play around with distance so that I getting those the 14+ miles in the bag. I felt really good after the run. I was never out of breath. I was a sweaty, but not dripping. My hip flexor did need to be stretched out ever two miles, which was fine with me since I did 2 mile intervals (this time around the interval didn't bother me like last week!). My knee was a little achy too, but it wasn't nothing to worry about it.
Tuesday: 3.12 Miles - Great morning run. Perfect cool temp.
Wednesday: 3 Miles - After lounging around the apartment after work, I got myself going and headed to the gym. I rode the cycle for 20 minutes. Since it was a while since I've been on a bike my thighs were burning. I went for a mile walk to relax everything, but I didn't foam roll, which I should've done. I did do some light core and arm work in the privacy of my apartment. Nothing big, but it was good to do.
Thursday: 5.02 Miles - Ugh! I didn't want to get up this morning. I was having a dream that included some of my old college friends, and it was just nice. But I still got up and headed out for the five miler. Thought it wasn't bad, my fear of over-doing with cross-training (not that I really did) that my legs were tired. I also wonder if my lack of a real dinner last night had something to do with it too. This made the run hard. I had to start doing 2 mile intervals to help alleviate the tiredness. Toward the end I was feeling better even though my pace got slower, but the beginning was certainly tougher. I'm glad I got the run in, but I'm starting to contemplate how I can change things up.
Saturday: I was out of the house before it was dawn! Oy! But it wasn't too bad. With my mom doing her thing I ran the Plano Balloon Festival 5k. We got a good parking spot before the traffic hit, found gear check, I discovered I lost on my one little water bottle from my Fitletic belt. Crap! Thankfully I packed my extra one from my checked bag. Grrr. Why did I even decide to run with it and not rely on the one water station along the course? Anyway! The Start line changed from the map I had found online, and it was actually where the Finish was too... so after much walking around we decided to hang out up there, which was a smart thing. Oh! And Cliff was the emcee for race, which was AWESOME! When I participated in the Mellew Production's Four Seasons Challenge he was the emcee for all those races. I haven't heard that voice in almost a whole year so this was very nice. The course was good, and it was crowded a bit. I had enough adrenaline or something that I had an accidental PR - 30:27. I was thinking I was going to run my usual 11:30/mile, but that didn't work out. I'll try to work on a Race Recap soon.
I'm thinking I found a good average pace of 11:30/mile. But I'd be interested to see if I need to slow down more when the mileage increases. We'll find out. I certain did face some days where I had preferred to sleep in more before getting up to run. I'm worried that the excitement of training for a marathon (cause it's exciting to at least say you're training for a marathon) is gone. We'll see what happens next week!
R = Rest*
# = Miles
CT = Cross Training
*Rest days I don't do anything other than chill/work/walk 1 mile. I may do light core workouts, especially if I missed it on CT day.
Sunday: 9.02 miles - What I'm considering as my first LSD of training! I slept in a little, again, but made it out to the lake to run the 9. It was humid, and only every so often would I get a sweet moment of breeze. It was definitely a workout for me because I introduced the 2 mile/1 minute walk interval, which I'm not use to but wanted to work on because that is what my running buddy H is doing. During the second half the run I decided to tuck my tank top into my bra so that I could cool down better. Now, I don't have the most awesome abs, but after awhile I didn't care who saw. I felt way better. It also made me bore conscious of my running posture. Now, if I could only run without a shirt during these humid/hot days! Oh! Also, I noticed after the fact that I shaved 10 minutes off my last 9 mile run! Whah? Cool!
Tuesday: 3.11 Miles - Ran at a park near by after forcing myself out of bed. The run wasn't hard, but I remember wishing I had gotten out earlier.
Wednesday: I skipped cross training. I totally let my emotions take over after work and I preferred to sit on my couch and wallow with some sugar. I regret it now, and should know better.
Thursday: 5.10 Miles - I'd describe this morning's run as "steamy" instead of "humid." It had rained on Wednesday, and though it wasn't a lot, it certainly made the air that much thicker.
Friday: 3.11 Miles - This morning the run was nice. I smiled a number of times because I had good tunes and some thoughts to keep me going. I slept well and was able to wake up easily! Yay! The run was great in the sense that I was starting to feel the fall cold front that's coming with a nice sweet little breeze that would brush over me every so often. Oh! Also, I love how I'm dripping sweat after a run, even if it's a 5k. It's so satisfying!
Sunday: 10.1 Miles - Wow! This run was great! I woke up in a good mood, which was a perfect way to start. The temperature was amazing - low 60s. It was cool enough I wore my first t-shirt since the spring time! Since the beginning of training I've been running the same section of the lake, but I decided to extend it a little further this time around, which nice. Soon enough I'll have to play around with distance so that I getting those the 14+ miles in the bag. I felt really good after the run. I was never out of breath. I was a sweaty, but not dripping. My hip flexor did need to be stretched out ever two miles, which was fine with me since I did 2 mile intervals (this time around the interval didn't bother me like last week!). My knee was a little achy too, but it wasn't nothing to worry about it.
Tuesday: 3.12 Miles - Great morning run. Perfect cool temp.
Wednesday: 3 Miles - After lounging around the apartment after work, I got myself going and headed to the gym. I rode the cycle for 20 minutes. Since it was a while since I've been on a bike my thighs were burning. I went for a mile walk to relax everything, but I didn't foam roll, which I should've done. I did do some light core and arm work in the privacy of my apartment. Nothing big, but it was good to do.
Thursday: 5.02 Miles - Ugh! I didn't want to get up this morning. I was having a dream that included some of my old college friends, and it was just nice. But I still got up and headed out for the five miler. Thought it wasn't bad, my fear of over-doing with cross-training (not that I really did) that my legs were tired. I also wonder if my lack of a real dinner last night had something to do with it too. This made the run hard. I had to start doing 2 mile intervals to help alleviate the tiredness. Toward the end I was feeling better even though my pace got slower, but the beginning was certainly tougher. I'm glad I got the run in, but I'm starting to contemplate how I can change things up.
Saturday: I was out of the house before it was dawn! Oy! But it wasn't too bad. With my mom doing her thing I ran the Plano Balloon Festival 5k. We got a good parking spot before the traffic hit, found gear check, I discovered I lost on my one little water bottle from my Fitletic belt. Crap! Thankfully I packed my extra one from my checked bag. Grrr. Why did I even decide to run with it and not rely on the one water station along the course? Anyway! The Start line changed from the map I had found online, and it was actually where the Finish was too... so after much walking around we decided to hang out up there, which was a smart thing. Oh! And Cliff was the emcee for race, which was AWESOME! When I participated in the Mellew Production's Four Seasons Challenge he was the emcee for all those races. I haven't heard that voice in almost a whole year so this was very nice. The course was good, and it was crowded a bit. I had enough adrenaline or something that I had an accidental PR - 30:27. I was thinking I was going to run my usual 11:30/mile, but that didn't work out. I'll try to work on a Race Recap soon.
I'm thinking I found a good average pace of 11:30/mile. But I'd be interested to see if I need to slow down more when the mileage increases. We'll find out. I certain did face some days where I had preferred to sleep in more before getting up to run. I'm worried that the excitement of training for a marathon (cause it's exciting to at least say you're training for a marathon) is gone. We'll see what happens next week!
Stay tuned for the recap of Week #7 and Week #8!
Monday, September 14, 2015
OMAD - Week 37 Recap
One Mile a Day update of my fitness challenge with a tad of person life tidbits and some donuts and pizza thrown in!
September 6 - September 12
Day 243: 9.02 miles - Boy, was it a humid morning! I did my LSD for marathon training in. It was definitely a work out since I had to introduce intervals. However, that being said I was able to complete the run 10 minutes faster than my previous 9.03 run! I also had a delicious donut from Krispy Kreme today. It had sprinkles!!! Delish!
Day 244: 1 mile - To everyone else, it was a holiday. To me? It was just a normal day off, and I did absolutely nothing. I binged watched NCIS on Netflix and started craving pizza at lunch time. By the time dinner came along I had to shell out some money and I ordered Papa Johns. Mmmm. Pizza! I was so hungry and craving this stuff I think I ate half of a medium pizza in 20 minutes (or less?).
Day 245: 3.11 miles - I did not want to get out of bed this morning, but I eventually did. I ran at a near by park to change the scenery and so that I didn't have to worry about the cars on a busy road that I pass a few times if I were to run closer to my apartment.
Day 246: 0 miles - I skipped cross training today. As I waited for the gym to free up so that I could do the spin cycles I let some thoughts and feelings take over. I ended up on my couch with sugar and my misery. Totally regret when it was time for bed.
Day 247: 5.10 miles - I had the day off from work today (whoo hoo!), and I took full advantage of that. After a good fiver I completely shrugged off my chore duties (my apartment is horrible looking!) I had some St. Louis style pizza with a good friend. Then! I went to White Rock Lake did some volunteer work with For the Love of the Lake who were doing a little private social for singles. It was fun!
Day 248: 3.11 miles - This morning I was able to get up early and my run wasn't bad at all! There was a sweet little breeze that would hit me every so often that told me that fall was slowly but surely coming soon! I had enough time to cool down, eat some eggs, shower, dress, an run to Starbucks for coffee and a chocolate croissant and make it to work on time! Whew!
Day 249: 1 mile - The weather today was amazing, and yet I had to work! Nonetheless when I went for my evening walk the temperature was cool and refreshing! I actually slept with the window open all night!
Total Miles this week: 22.34 Miles
Miles to Date: 512.59 Miles
September 6 - September 12
Day 243: 9.02 miles - Boy, was it a humid morning! I did my LSD for marathon training in. It was definitely a work out since I had to introduce intervals. However, that being said I was able to complete the run 10 minutes faster than my previous 9.03 run! I also had a delicious donut from Krispy Kreme today. It had sprinkles!!! Delish!
Day 244: 1 mile - To everyone else, it was a holiday. To me? It was just a normal day off, and I did absolutely nothing. I binged watched NCIS on Netflix and started craving pizza at lunch time. By the time dinner came along I had to shell out some money and I ordered Papa Johns. Mmmm. Pizza! I was so hungry and craving this stuff I think I ate half of a medium pizza in 20 minutes (or less?).
Day 245: 3.11 miles - I did not want to get out of bed this morning, but I eventually did. I ran at a near by park to change the scenery and so that I didn't have to worry about the cars on a busy road that I pass a few times if I were to run closer to my apartment.
Day 246: 0 miles - I skipped cross training today. As I waited for the gym to free up so that I could do the spin cycles I let some thoughts and feelings take over. I ended up on my couch with sugar and my misery. Totally regret when it was time for bed.
Day 247: 5.10 miles - I had the day off from work today (whoo hoo!), and I took full advantage of that. After a good fiver I completely shrugged off my chore duties (my apartment is horrible looking!) I had some St. Louis style pizza with a good friend. Then! I went to White Rock Lake did some volunteer work with For the Love of the Lake who were doing a little private social for singles. It was fun!
Day 248: 3.11 miles - This morning I was able to get up early and my run wasn't bad at all! There was a sweet little breeze that would hit me every so often that told me that fall was slowly but surely coming soon! I had enough time to cool down, eat some eggs, shower, dress, an run to Starbucks for coffee and a chocolate croissant and make it to work on time! Whew!
Day 249: 1 mile - The weather today was amazing, and yet I had to work! Nonetheless when I went for my evening walk the temperature was cool and refreshing! I actually slept with the window open all night!
Total Miles this week: 22.34 Miles
Miles to Date: 512.59 Miles
Wednesday, September 9, 2015
OMaD - Week 36 Recap
One Mile a Day update of my fitness activity!
August 30 - September 5
Day 236: 5.16 miles - A nice run. This was the last small Sunday run for quite a while!
Day 237: 0 miles - No walk for me today. I was busy having fun before having dinner with the family.
Day 238: 3.11 miles - This was a little tough. I started out later than I typically go cause, you know, I like to sleep (which I know is OK), but my leg/hips were feeling it. But I made good time in some respects... a 5k in 33 minutes and some change. Nice. I'll take it!
Day 239: 2 miles - Cross-training day! Worked on a cycle then did some weight training. Then I promptly ate a big taco salad. Yeeeeah.
Day 240: 4.11 miles - Not a bad run. I was little worried about my energy level since I slept in and didn't give myself to have more than a half tablespoon of peanut butter and two wheat thins (healthy, right?!) to ward off the hunger. At about mile 2.25 or so I yelled out at myself, "I hate hills! Hills are awesome!". Once I got past mile 2.5 and the hills I was feeling pretty good though.
Day 241: 3.10 miles - Good morning run. Finished in time to shower and get out fill the car up with gas and to get a cup of coffee before work. Whew!
Day 242: 0 miles - No walk afterword. I went to a game night with some friends and coworkers after work, and I got home waaaay late. 11pm. Yeah, that's late in marathon training life!
Total Miles this week: 17.48 Miles
Total Miles Thus Far: 490.25 Miles
August 30 - September 5
Day 236: 5.16 miles - A nice run. This was the last small Sunday run for quite a while!
Day 237: 0 miles - No walk for me today. I was busy having fun before having dinner with the family.
Day 238: 3.11 miles - This was a little tough. I started out later than I typically go cause, you know, I like to sleep (which I know is OK), but my leg/hips were feeling it. But I made good time in some respects... a 5k in 33 minutes and some change. Nice. I'll take it!
Day 239: 2 miles - Cross-training day! Worked on a cycle then did some weight training. Then I promptly ate a big taco salad. Yeeeeah.
Day 240: 4.11 miles - Not a bad run. I was little worried about my energy level since I slept in and didn't give myself to have more than a half tablespoon of peanut butter and two wheat thins (healthy, right?!) to ward off the hunger. At about mile 2.25 or so I yelled out at myself, "I hate hills! Hills are awesome!". Once I got past mile 2.5 and the hills I was feeling pretty good though.
Day 241: 3.10 miles - Good morning run. Finished in time to shower and get out fill the car up with gas and to get a cup of coffee before work. Whew!
Day 242: 0 miles - No walk afterword. I went to a game night with some friends and coworkers after work, and I got home waaaay late. 11pm. Yeah, that's late in marathon training life!
Total Miles this week: 17.48 Miles
Total Miles Thus Far: 490.25 Miles
Monday, September 7, 2015
Marathon Training Monday - Week #3 and Week #4
Hi everyone! Well, these weeks focus on my first ever marathon training! Even though I do a weekly activity update for my One Mile a Day challenge, I thought try my hand of keeping readers update on how the training is going.
R = Rest*
# = Miles
CT = Cross Training
*Rest days I don't do anything other than chill/work/walk 1 mile. I may do light core workouts, especially if I missed it on CT day.
Sunday: 7 miles - Not a bad run at all. I ran more of this run than I did the 10k I did the previous Sunday. I tried a Honey Stinger Waffle lemon flavored as my mi-run fuel, and I it worked ok. I didn't have any urge to go to the bathroom this time around!
Tuesday: 3.15 miles - OK, this morning was a little rough getting up, but it was still a good run.
Wednesday: Cross Training - I rode a 20 minute 2.6 miles on a spin cycle. Since I had important to stuff to take of after CT I didn't have time to work on core and arms. Knowing this ahead a time I tried to wake up early to do this before work, but I good not get myself out of bed!
Thursday: 4.1 miles - Really good temperature this particular morning, which was great when I faced my first mid-week mileage increase. Not bad at all. I'm ran through a neighborhood that has some good size rolling hills, which was definitely a workout.
Friday: 3.11 miles - I definitely impressed myself when I woke up early enough to get a run in and take care of some big chores before community and getting to work on time. I was definitely :: tired :: when I got to work, but I was still pretty happy with how I managed it. Now I just need to be able to make a good strong cup of coffee and I may be set!
Sunday: 5.16 miles - The last small run on a Sunday in my training schedule! It was a good run around a neighborhood (I didn't want to drive out to the lake just run 5 miles). The weather was good, fall is coming slowly but surely, and I wasn't pushing too hard this time.
Tuesday: 3.11 miles - A little hard run on the thighs and hips during this run, but it was good. Did a 5k in 33 minutes and some change, which was fun to try.
Wednesday: 2.00 miles - For cross-training I did some cycling on a non-spinning bike. Well, I say that because it looked like this here. I was wondering how much of a workout I would get on it, but I certainly did feel it. It says I cycled for just over 4.5 miles, but I wasn't sure it that was accurate (I can never tell!) so I'll say I did 2 miles in 20 minutes like usual. After cycling I did some work on the weights machine. I really wanted to to have a workout where I could feel it, but at the same time I was hoping I didn't over do it and make my run the next morning rough.
Thursday: 4.11 miles - I slept in a bit this morning. It wasn't that I wanted to go out I just didn't want to leave the soft bed I was in. Plus, I was feeling a sore muscle in my calf. I tried to roll it out last night and that's when I figure I may have a knot that doesn't like being rolled. Who knows. I'll be careful with it. Almost half way through this run I yelled out that I "hated hills!" but quickly kept me going by shouting, "Hills are awesome!". There is certainly a love/hate relationship with hills for me... and as with any runner, really.
Friday: 3.10 miles - Well, I got up and ran even though wanted to sleep. I made good time, another 33 minutes and some change 5k, which is nice. I was able to get clean and dressed and out the door to buy coffee and still by on time to work for a meeting that included breakfast tacos! But! I couldn't get myself to stop sweating before or after my shower. Eeeeew! I hate that!
In some respects Week #3 was easier than Week #4 in terms of waking up in the morning. I slept in more during this past week, but that's ok. Week #4 I some of my muscles were tired too, but I've been working on foam rolling and such to help them recover. Overall, I think I'm still doing pretty good! Next week I start the longer LSD Sunday runs!
R = Rest*
# = Miles
CT = Cross Training
*Rest days I don't do anything other than chill/work/walk 1 mile. I may do light core workouts, especially if I missed it on CT day.
Sunday: 7 miles - Not a bad run at all. I ran more of this run than I did the 10k I did the previous Sunday. I tried a Honey Stinger Waffle lemon flavored as my mi-run fuel, and I it worked ok. I didn't have any urge to go to the bathroom this time around!
Tuesday: 3.15 miles - OK, this morning was a little rough getting up, but it was still a good run.
Wednesday: Cross Training - I rode a 20 minute 2.6 miles on a spin cycle. Since I had important to stuff to take of after CT I didn't have time to work on core and arms. Knowing this ahead a time I tried to wake up early to do this before work, but I good not get myself out of bed!
Thursday: 4.1 miles - Really good temperature this particular morning, which was great when I faced my first mid-week mileage increase. Not bad at all. I'm ran through a neighborhood that has some good size rolling hills, which was definitely a workout.
Friday: 3.11 miles - I definitely impressed myself when I woke up early enough to get a run in and take care of some big chores before community and getting to work on time. I was definitely :: tired :: when I got to work, but I was still pretty happy with how I managed it. Now I just need to be able to make a good strong cup of coffee and I may be set!
Sunday: 5.16 miles - The last small run on a Sunday in my training schedule! It was a good run around a neighborhood (I didn't want to drive out to the lake just run 5 miles). The weather was good, fall is coming slowly but surely, and I wasn't pushing too hard this time.
Tuesday: 3.11 miles - A little hard run on the thighs and hips during this run, but it was good. Did a 5k in 33 minutes and some change, which was fun to try.
Wednesday: 2.00 miles - For cross-training I did some cycling on a non-spinning bike. Well, I say that because it looked like this here. I was wondering how much of a workout I would get on it, but I certainly did feel it. It says I cycled for just over 4.5 miles, but I wasn't sure it that was accurate (I can never tell!) so I'll say I did 2 miles in 20 minutes like usual. After cycling I did some work on the weights machine. I really wanted to to have a workout where I could feel it, but at the same time I was hoping I didn't over do it and make my run the next morning rough.
Thursday: 4.11 miles - I slept in a bit this morning. It wasn't that I wanted to go out I just didn't want to leave the soft bed I was in. Plus, I was feeling a sore muscle in my calf. I tried to roll it out last night and that's when I figure I may have a knot that doesn't like being rolled. Who knows. I'll be careful with it. Almost half way through this run I yelled out that I "hated hills!" but quickly kept me going by shouting, "Hills are awesome!". There is certainly a love/hate relationship with hills for me... and as with any runner, really.
Friday: 3.10 miles - Well, I got up and ran even though wanted to sleep. I made good time, another 33 minutes and some change 5k, which is nice. I was able to get clean and dressed and out the door to buy coffee and still by on time to work for a meeting that included breakfast tacos! But! I couldn't get myself to stop sweating before or after my shower. Eeeeew! I hate that!
In some respects Week #3 was easier than Week #4 in terms of waking up in the morning. I slept in more during this past week, but that's ok. Week #4 I some of my muscles were tired too, but I've been working on foam rolling and such to help them recover. Overall, I think I'm still doing pretty good! Next week I start the longer LSD Sunday runs!
Stay tuned for the recap of Week #5 and Week #6!
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