Sunday, July 26, 2015

OMaD - Week 30 Recap

This week in the One Mile A Day challenge update with a side of Runner Perks and Problems and just life! We've reached the 200th day of the year!

July 19 - July 25

Day 194:  9.32 Miles - Managed another 15k training run. This time at a park near my place. I was hoping for 10, but I pretty much had to walk most of the last mile because my legs finally felt fatigued. Plus, it was already around 8 or 8:30 in the morning. So it was toasty! After a healthy breakfast I had a protein bar for lunch then bought some froyo to celebrate Ice Cream Day (I'm counting froyo in this holiday!). I made my first hummus using my Ninja and roasted some spicy cauliflower for a night at Shakespeare in the Park.

Oh, the Runner Perks and Problems... Guilt-Free Froyo and Runner's Tan!

Day 195: 1 Mile - I chilled and binged on NCIS via Netflix today. But I was productive at the same time. I put away my clean clothes... which is a big deal y'all! I even made my first ever maxi skirt, which turned out a little more billowy that other maxis, but it's very pretty! I found this DIY blog post via Pinterest (oh, Pinterest, my addiction!). I ate healthy all day, but decided to get a yummy what would've been my favorite greek salad if the to go waitress wasn't distracted by her family eating dinner caesar salad and sweet potato fries for dinner. Tasty!

Check out that angelic glow around me in my finish picture! 

Day 196: 4.1 Mile - Got up uber early to run a 5k around the apartments before my insurance adjuster showed up to take a look at my poor car. Then a really busy day at work, which a side of sinus headaches on one side of my head. I got one of those new Strawberry Acai Refreshers at Starbucks today. It was pretty tasty, but I don't think Acai berry is for me. Check out the pretty color and the cool cup, thought! When I got home later a mile walk to decompress. What. A. Day.

Day 197: 3.4 Mile -Since I had plans after work (and I had to consider waiting for the gym to free up after a class) I work up at the awful hour of 6:45 again to use the spin cycle for 20 minutes, which was 2.4 miles. I then walked a mile un-wibbly-wobbly my legs. After work I did a couple of errands before hitting up the Alamo Drafthouse's Back to the Future Quote-along! Great Scott!

Day 198: 0 Mile - No time for a walk today after a long day at work and big chores to doe when I got home. By the way, have you ever woken up to realize that you have no coffee in the house? I did. I laid in bed weighing my options on what to do to fix that problem. Do I go run then drive then walk to the local Starbucks or drive to another coffee shop down the way? Or wait till I head out to work? Hmmmm. I decided to sleep in and wait till I was heading out to work.

Day 199: 0 Mile -Went to see Shakespeare in the Park with friends right after work... so no walk today either.

Day 200: 0 Mile - It wasn't that I was lacking energy or felt bad or was out late crazy late or was tired... but all day it was I didn't want to do work and if I got a chance to nap I would. Then when I got home, it was NCIS binge watching for the rest of the night. It was slug day and it was slug night.

Total Miles this week: 7.50 Mile

Total Miles Thus Far: 373.62 Miles

How was your week? 

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