Half marathon at the beginning of a week. Walks and a run through out the rest. Lots of burpees. But at least I think I'm getting back to my pre-holidays-and-relationship-drama weight! Whoo hoo!
March 22 - 28
Day 75: 13.31 miles - 00 official burpees - Ran the Dallas Rock 'n' Roll Half Marathon. It was good race. Long day. Quite sore. I spent the rest of the afternoon lounging with my best friend Jennie, some pizza, chocolate, and a movie. Nice! Oh! and we created my Wall of Awesomeness!
Day 76: 2.5 miles - 00 official burpees - nice walk with my mom today. Walking out the soreness from the half marathon.
Day 77: 1 mile - 00 official burpees - Late night walk, again. But at least it wasn't cold!
Day 78: 3.13
mile - 25 official burpees - Here's to running a 5k at 10:30pm with strong winds and cloud-to-cloud lightening off in the distance! I got to finally wear my awesome new purple Saucony tank top too. I also wore for the first time my new Fitletic belt... and it did ride up with wear. Hmmm... need to work on that.
Day 79: 1 mile - 36 official burpees - I will never ever be able to catch up on the burpee challenge, but I least I know that I'm still trying unlike some of the ones in my group. Hee hee.
Day 80: 1 mile -37 official burpees - I almost didn't do the burps, but I was about to have an major emotional moment, which meant I needed to have a bigger workout other than a mile walk.
Day 81: 0
mile - 28 official burpees - spent the evening celebrating a birthday. Hope the burpees burned off the cake I had! Spent the evening in shorts and a tank top and a puppy dog (he's still a puppy!) as a toe rest.
Total Miles this week: 21.94 Miles and 126 Burpees
Total Miles Thus Far: 152.06 miles
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