It was dark. It was early. It was chilly. It was drizzling rain. Oh, and it was Daylight Savings Time.
My work-related running group and I drove out to Irving at an ungodly hour to participate in the inaugural
Dallas Rhythm and Blues races. Three walkers did the 5K and three (myself included) did the Quarter Marathon.
The temp for the morning was going to be in the mid-high 40s, but rainy. Trying to decide on what to wear on days like this SUCKS because of the rain jacket. I ended up wearing a couple of layers. I started with my uber attractive Academy camping rain jacket
(which is bigger on me since I've trimmed up from last year! Whoo hoo!), but at about Mile 2.5 or so I had to take it off cause it stopped raining and I had warmed up too much. I also took off my sock sleeves.
Cause I had to work later that day
(booo!) I drove myself and my phone GPS loved
getting me lost showing me alternative dark side roads that eventually took me to the race area. Because the race is new I'll give them a little leeway, but there was nothing on the website and no signs directing traffic to the place you could park. I just happened to see the parking garage and a line of cars, and so I turned around and joined in. My RBs and I also didn't know where the Start Line and race village (aka the potties) were, and had to ask the computer techs for the chip timing. We walked clear around the building next to the garage to find it all.
There was a good amount of port-a-potties, but there were no hand sanitizer in sight. The had gear check in a tiny little tent, food tents
(more on that later) and a couple of food trucks.
The 5k started first then the Quarter Marathon. The course was nice, and familiar. Around Mile 1 - Mile 5 was part of a the 2014 Texas Half Marathon. It was flat in some areas, but basically the entire course would be considered rolling hills.
They could've posted icons to mark where there was going
to water stations too. |
I managed to catch up with the fastest Running Buddy at Mile 1 and we stayed together the rest of the race. It was awesome! We caught up on work news
since we work at different locations, and some personal stuff. It's days like this I really miss being with the rest of the group! I felt pretty awesome too, but RB told me that she needed my "running juice." Apparently, I tend to have more stamina and mojo during races than during training runs
(she used my last two half marathons for examples).
Water stations were good, but the Gatorade was thick to me and I could barely keep own a sip of the lemon lime stuff. I prefer blue Powerade. If it wasn't for the rain there would have been bands throughout the course, hence the Rhythm and Blues name. I didn't mind as much because I was busy talking to RB and I had my music in one ear.
At the finish line RB and I were
shouting at telling each other to that we should finish together, and we practically did. I stepped it up a notch and finished first, but she was right behind me. There were two race photographers at the Finish Line and yet there were no pictures of me finishing. What?!
There was a plethora of yummies to pick up after the race, which was good because the half marathoners would need it. They had bananas and apples. Snack backs of little cookies
(Yay! Nutter Butters!!!!), mini Clif bars, chocolate milk and water. You could also get one free cup of beer
(I don't do that thing) but my RB couldn't figure out where.
There were medals for all three distances and they were different from each other. The Quarter Marathon medal has a spinning guitar! How cool! Due to all the winter weather that hit many states, the shipment of medal ribbons for Dallas didn't come in in time so right now I have a Houston ribbon. But the race organizers are sending everyone new ribbons for free. Sweet!
A day or two after the race we got our race photos. I looked pretty good, which gives me hope that I'm finally going to be able to have awesome race photos
(I still wish I had some finishing photos, but they're not even in the Lost & Found section).
I think I would do this race again, but as long as it isn't in Irving. Whenever I'm in Irving for a sporting event it rains! I also think that with each year this race will get better in the organization realm of things.
My finish time was 01:10:41, which is a PR for a 10K!
Had a lovely group brunch at a former coworker's house then I swabbed myself down even more, pulled the worse part of my hair back
(I totally forgot to bring my spray shampoo!), slapped on some eye liner and mascara, pulled on a dress and boots and I was out the door to get to work. Oy!
Let's just say that the moment I got to work I knew the two cups of coffee weren't going to hold me. I begged friends and family to stop by and bring some caffeine, but none could come. Work went well, but the moment I got home at 6:30pm I was in PJs and 2 hours later I was asleep... for the next 12 hours. No Joke.
What. A. Day.
But it was fun.
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