Wednesday, January 16, 2019

2018 Weekly Workout Recap #49 - #53

Omigosh! December! Marathon Month! Christmas! Vacation time! AAAAH!


Day 336: Plan: 8.0 Miles Run | Actual: 8.08 miles 

Day 337: Plan: XT | Actual: Rest

Day 338: Plan: 3.5 Miles Run | Actual:  3.51 miles

Day 339: Plan: XT | Actual: Rest

Day 340: Plan: 3.5 Miles Run| Actual:  3.52 miles

Day 341: Plan: XT | Actual: Rest

Day 342: Plan: Rest | Actual: Rest

Total Running Miles this week:  15.11 Miles 

Total Time Cross-training this week: 0 Minutes  

Total Miles Cross-training this week: 0 Miles


Day 343 aka MARATHON DAY!: Plan: 26.2 Miles Run | Actual: 26.47 miles 
I did! I set a new PR! I finished at 05:36:23, which is 14 minutes and some change from my last PR. I had a stomach the majority of the time due to fueling to soon in the race. I felt like I needed to puke, but I couldn't. If I could've belched a whole bunch that could've helped too. I was struggling around 17  miles cause I was upset cause I could tell that I wasn't going to make my 05:30:00 PR goal. Right after Mile 21 a car came around an unmanned barrier and nearly hit me and my running buddy. Me, her and some other runners yelled at him when they parked in their drive-way. All that spiked my adrenaline, which is what I needed to carry me the rest of the way.

Day 344: Plan: XT | Actual: 30 minutes yoga

Day 345 Plan: Rest | Actual: Rest

Day 346: Plan: XT | Actual: Rest

Day 347: Plan: Run| Actual: Rest 

Day 348: Plan: XT | Actual: 3.11 miles
I felt ready for a little exercise. So I hopped on a treadmill for a 5k. It was little slow at the beginning but I felt good at the end.

Day 349: Plan: Rest | Actual: Rest

Total Running Miles this week: 29.58 Miles

Total Time Cross-training this week: 30 Minutes  

Total Miles Cross-training this week: 0 Miles


Day 350: Plan: Run | Actual: 5.14 miles

Day 351: Plan: XT | Actual: Rest

Day 352: Plan: Run | Actual: 3.15 miles

Day 353: Plan: XT | Actual: Rest

Day 354: Plan: Run| Actual: Rest

Day 355: Plan: XT | Actual: Rest

Day 356: Plan: Rest | Actual: Rest

Total Running Miles this week: 8.29 Miles 

Total Time Cross-training this week: 0 Minutes  

Total Miles Cross-training this week: 0 Miles


Day 357: Plan: Run | Actual: 6.52 miles 

Day 358: Plan: XT | Actual: Rest 

Day 359: Plan: Run | Actual: Rest - Merry Christmas!
Day 360: Plan: XT | Actual: Rest

Day 361: Plan: Run| Actual: 6.23 miles

Day 362: Plan: XT | Actual: Rest

Day 363: Plan: Rest | Actual: Rest

Total Running Miles this week: 12.75 Miles 

Total Time Cross-training this week: 0 Minutes  

Total Miles Cross-training this week: 0 Miles


Day 364: Plan: Run | Actual: 9.52  miles

Day 365: Plan: XT | Actual: Rest 

Total Running Miles this week: 9.52 Miles 

Total Time Cross-training this week: 0Minutes  

Total Miles Cross-training this week: 0 Miles

Total Running Miles to Date: 860.93 Miles 

Total Time & Miles Cross-Training to Date: 19:35:00 | 0 Miles

Hope you all have a great week!