Sunday, February 25, 2018

2018 Weekly Fitness Recap - #8

Oh, boy. It's been a rough week. I don't want to go into details on some things because some of what happened that made it sad and tough isn't my story to tell but a friend's instead. Nonetheless, I'm muddling through. I'm happy to say that running and cross training has helped me clear my head and think/dream of the future.

I also realized as I worked on my running plan for the week that I'm no longer following the half marathon training plan I set for myself a while back. Right now what I'm doing is running 10 miles on Sunday with HC (well, not this past Sunday since I was resting from a trail run). I believe the plan is to run between 10 - 13 miles so that way we're always in condition for a half marathon. I'm perfectly happy with the change. I know that I'll go past 13 miles on a training run once it gets closer to full marathon training time.

Image found here:


Day 49: Plan: 10 - 13 miles| Actual: Rest Day
It was nice not having to wake up early to go run a 10 miler at the lake this morning. I was sore, but not too sore after the trial run the day before. While M went to work in the morning, I eventually got into cleaning mode. Because I've been back to running full time and with M's new crazy Kitchen Manager position we had been struggling to keep up with chores at home. Today that was going to change. With Punk music on the loud speaker I cleaned the heck out of the bathroom, bedroom, living room, and dining room. By the time M was home in the afternoon most of it was done. I petered out before I could finish wiping down the counter tops in the kitchen.

We were supposed to go on a dinner date after M got home and got cleaned up, but since he was so tried after working a 60+ hour week, it didn't quite go that way. Instead of something fancy we ended up going to Whataburger then Target late at night cause... that's how we roll. We did get some ice cream drumsticks and gummy bears, which totally sounded amazing to me, especially since I had skipped lunch while cleaning.

Day 50: Plan: XT | Actual: 0 mins XT 
I got up early to do some yoga, but then it just didn't happen. So we did some errands and had lunch out. Then it was home. I swept and mopped the flours and swapped down the kitchen counters and appliances. It's so nice having a cleaning home! It was stressing me out how messy it had gotten. It's not like we're incredible messy people, not even close. But before M met me he was almost a minimalist. So add me to the mix and there are little piles of things everywhere - library books here. Running stuff there. Shoes over there. Clean but worn clothes needing the hung up on the chair... Lots of little things. Lol. Anyway, our day was uneventful, but we got to spend it together.

Day 51: Plan: 45 min run (or a 5k run) | Actual: 4.02 miles
I was so tried this morning because the big rain storm finally came in over night, and it would keep waking me up. I even remember thinking to myself on how I should get over to the gym to run on the treadmill if it's storming like it was.... this was probably at 4am. Lol. After 7am, however, it had been intermittent I was actually able to run outside! Yay! I woke up too late to get a run in before M headed off to work. Then it started raining a little then stopped. I left for my run right after left, and it was perfect. I wore a tank and shorts. I had a very solid 4 miler in despite having run around some pretty big puddles at the park. I'm really happy with this run. Aaand.... it started spitting some rain as I was leaving the park and by the time I was home it was raining. Perfect timing!

Day 52: Plan: XT | Actual: 20 mins XT
Omigosh it is freezing today! It was also raining. This was the day to be at home away from work and a way from coworkers that get on your nerves (Sometimes. Not all the times. I work with a good team, but today I just needed to be home. Thankfully after venting to another coworker through Skype messenger and a cup of coffee I was able to muddle through. When I got home I did a 20 min strength workout before making dinner.

Day 53: Plan: 45 min (or 5k run) | Actual: 4.01 miles  
Guess what! It's another rainy day! Yay.... I had to run on a treadmill at the gym this morning. It wasn't really raining, but there was distance thunders and the clouds looked dark. Plus, it was cold. All of that is a big nope. I ran a solid 4 miler at an easy pace while I watched the first episode of NCIS. M was off today, and I had to work my late shift. So today was a little rough just in the fact that my love is home for once and I'm stuck at work on a long, slow day. 

Day 54: Plan: XT | Actual: 15 minutes XT
Another gray day. Plus, it was a long day. I was kinda finding that I was getting anxious and frustrated today, but thankfully I had some tea to keep in check. When I got home a 15 strength workout helped before I got to making dinner.

Day 55: Plan: Rest Day | Actual: 
Thank God it's Saturday! Another long day at work. The rain finally stopped, which means we were busy instead of slow. I hope I can find a place to run 10 miles that isn't flooded! I can't wait to be home and free of work. Granted I have things to do tomorrow other than run that are causing me some stress, but I'll figure it all out. Wish me luck! I can't wait till Monday!

Total Running Miles this week: 8.03 Miles 

Total Time Cross-training this week: 35 Minutes

Total Miles Cross-training this week: 0 Miles

Total Running Miles to Date: 107.57 Miles 

Total Time & Miles Cross-Training to Date: 04:10:00 | 0 Miles

 Don't you love how running can make you feel better? 

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

2018 Weekly Fitness Recap - #7

What a week! This was a good week that ended on my first ever trail run/race: Cross Timbers 5 miler!


Day 42: Plan: 8 x 800 | Actual: 10.01 miles
Wow! This was a cold morning! I work up dark and early, and was at the Lake by 7:30am. The temps read around 29 degrees with a windchill of... 12 degrees! I want to say that this was my coldest run yet! I layered a tank top, a fleece lined long sleeve, and a quarter-zip shell with fleece. It was just enough to keep me warm, but not hot. HC and I mixed things up and started our run in a different spot, and it was great. The wind wasn't bad, even though we ran into it towards the end of the run. My hamstring was tight but not as bad as it could me. After the run we had tacos, which is starting to be our tradition now, which I love. Back in the day before our first marathon training we ran on Sundays a lot and we would eat tacos at another little place near by. I'm so happy to be doing this again!

Day 43: Plan: XT | Actual: 40 minutes Yoga
Woke up before the Hubs and got a yoga session in. I did Yoga by Adriene video: Yoga for Beginners - The Basics, and I'm glad to say that I could do this one. I think I'll keep with this video for a few more times before trying another one. So far, I really like the Yoga by Adriene sequences so far (which says a lot!)! I could feel some stretches going on, which is great! The rest of the day we dong errands with a lunch at Snappy Salads, a place I'm starting to like again. Mmmm! Salads! For dinner Hubby made an awesome lasagna! So good! I made a salad to go with it. Since I'm trying to watch my portions and not over eat I only had one slice of lasagna with my bowl of salad. It was rough not being able to go back for seconds cause it was so good!

Day 44: Plan: 45 min run (or a 5k run) | Actual: 3.14 miles
I forgot to mention that yesterday I bought some Balega Enduro V Tech low cut socks. I ended up with a men's white pair cause they didn't have my size in Women's, which were a cool pink color. Anyway, I bought them cause I needed a sock to go over my ankle for the Cross Timbers Trail Run that is happening this Saturday. The reason I'm mentioning them... I wore them this morning for a quick 5k to test them out. Pretty much... they feel like my Balega Hidden Comfort, which makes me happy. Even though the white throws me off a little... they probably won't be white for long, especially if rain is still in the forecast. Blech! I wanted to run a 4 miler, but I got up late (despite my alarms) and I wanted to be home before MS left for work.

Day 45: Plan: XT | Actual: 15 mins XT
Happy Valentine's Day! We didn't do anything special together since we both had to work. I brought some rice crispy treats for my work people. Then after work, I drove down to M's restaurant and delivered some cookies for all of the back-of-house staff. I got there right before the rush started, which was good. I got home and made dinner (steak and potatoes). While things finished off in oven I did a 15 minute workout. M got home a lot sooner than I was expecting, which was nice. We were able to eat a couple of cookies together (after he ate dinner) before I feel asleep watching Netflix.

Day 46: Plan: 45 min (or 5k run) | Actual: 3.11 miles  
I really, really, really wanted to run 4 miles today. But due to the fact that I snoozed my alarm too long, misreading my husband's works schedule, and wanting to be home with him before he left for work, I only had time for a 5k. Or so I thought. I got home and he was still in PJs working in the office. He didn't have to go in until later in the day. Damn it! I was so PO'd at myself and for missing another mile in a good run. But I got over it. The run I did have was good. I felt strong. The weather was nuts! A temperature of 66 with strong winds! I was layer in fleece pullovers! Nuts!

In other news... I'm starting to keep track of the weather for the Cross Timbers Trail Run on Saturday Looks like it's going to be chilly and rainy that morning. Damn. I sure hope this is going to be fun!

Day 47: Plan: XT | Actual: 0 minutes XT
Quite a busy day at work, and I was so glad to be off to get ready for the race the next morning. When I finally got home from work I prepped dinner, and while it cooked I staged all of my gear for the run tomorrow. Clothes and old shoes to wear. Hydration vest and bladder. Plastic baggy for my phone and toilet paper. Poncho. Change of clothes for afterwards. Set so many alarms to make so I wake up. Then I ate my very tasty dinner. By 9pm I was in bed with some calming tea. The Hubs got home a little while later and I forced myself to not get out of bed so that I could stay sleepy. It worked...

Day 48: Plan: Rest Day | Actual: 5.20 Miles
Cross Timbers Trail Run! Aaaaaaaaaahhhh!
My alarm went off at 3am. By 3:09am... I was up and moving. By 4:05am I was in my car waiting for HC and KM to come up from their spot. 4:20am we were on the road heading out to pick up MW.  By 5am or so we were on the way north to the Texas-Oklahoma border to get to Lake Texoma and the Juniper Point Trailhead. We were they right around 6am and got a parking spot. I liked that they parked you according to the distance you were running. It was sooo dark still, I wish I had packed my head lamp (something I thought about, but forgot to pack). We picked up our packet in the cold rain then sat back in the car for about an hour or so. Then we got ready. Thankfully by the time got out of the car and were gear up and ready to use the bathroom, the rain had stopped. We used the chemical toilet instead of the porta potties (trick is to have a friend stand guard. If you don't have one hum while you're in there so people can hear you so they don't walk in).

The 5 miler race started in stages due to the size of the participants (despite many not being able to make it due to the rain). We first ran around a loop to break up the group a little before hitting the trail. Immediately we ran into mud. Lots and lots of mud. I feel down on my leg while going to down Monkey Butt hill. Overall it wasn't a bad course even though it is considered the hardest trail run course. I made it through the mud and all the hills. I found that I'm not the most graceful (my husband says it's cause I inherited my dad traits, which is probably true) on the trail because the ground is so uneven but I do well enough in some areas. I did find that my foot wasn't steady and I would bounce around all over at times. The hiking part wasn't bad, but the sport of trail running is hard. I was worried that I would face plant or fall and hurt something, which would jeopardize future plans (running a full marathon, for example) - even though I understood the risks when I signed up. I think having trail shoes would work better, especially if it wasn't muddy, but I didn't do too badly with my old pair of road running shoes.

Some people got a little thrown off, especially those who were knew like me to the race (but I didn't care) was that the turnaround aid station at Cedar Bayou is just beyond 2.5 miles (it's more like 2.77) before you split (to the left for 5 miles or to the tight for Half Marathon). There was a good supply of different fuel and fluids at the check in (I went with a couple of dill pickles, pretzels and an orange slice) before going back in. On the way back I did pick up a support stick from a section of the trail that I remembered having strong loose branches on the ground. I broke off little branches from it and used it for support on muddy areas and hills. I did scrap myself with it pretty hard on my under arm to the point that I had nice scrap and bruise afterwards, which looked pretty awesome. The stick helped cause during the second half I could tell I was getting a little tired, and would be asking "How much further do I have to go?". I had my Garmin and it was working, but I wasn't 100% how accurate it was going to be in the trees. Turns out it was just fine.

At one point I ended taking off my top long sleeve layer (leaving a tank and a short sleeve). A combo of the two layers and my Nathan hydration pack kept me warm from any wind that made it through the trees. I was able to stuff the long sleeve, my arm warmers and ear warmer into the big pocket of my pack. At the very end, Monkey Butt hill was hard and slippery, but I managed. as I was going down the last little bit after Monkey Butt I slipped and landed right on my butt... in the mud. But I got up and kept going. Thankfully the finish line was right there.

My official finish time was 02:09:16, which is about double my 5 mile pace, but you know... that's OK! My finish time is about 10 mins slower than I expected, but still ok. I was far from finishing last (which there is no shame of, but I always try to not be... again). So, it was all good!

I got my wooden medal, which was so earned. I had prepaid for a burger at the end, and all I had to do was give them my name and they made it for me. Mmmmm! HC was already there and had finished about 6 minutes ahead of me. Tummies full and getting cold we both headed to the car to change clothes. By the time we walked back to the Finisher Tent MW and KM were there eating. After were all changed and warm, we got back into the car and reversed our trip home with completely different weather (on the way up it was dark and down pouring. On the way back, it was dry with blue sunshine skies). I was tired, but overly. Since I had the whole day off, I took an awesome shower. Made some tea and a snack. Got into bed and turned on Hulu (I'm an ER junky right now). I pretty much stayed there watching TV and taking a nap until it was dinner time.
Overall I had fun. I would think I'd try the trail again (even though I grumbled to myself that this was hard while I was doing it). People on the trail were nice, especially if you were nice to them and stepped aside to let them pass. If you're not a natural trial runner (which is me) you may not fly up and down the hills and mud like the men, ladies, and even kids that passed me after the turnaround. I was happy that I was able to run on some of the flat parts of the trail that weren't muddy. I was glad that I never got stuck trying to go up a hill. I have to say having the hydration pack with a bladder instead of a belt with bottles, which is what I typically train with, was the best way to go.In the end, it was hard. That is for sure. But I'm super happy to say that I did it without getting hurt. Yet another thing to say that I can do so much more than I thought I'd ever do.

Total Running Miles this week: 21.46 Miles 

Total Time Cross-training this week: 55 Minutes

Total Miles Cross-training this week: 0 Miles

Total Running Miles to Date: 99.54 Miles 

Total Time & Miles Cross-Training to Date: 03:35:00 | 0 Miles

 Have you ever ventured into trail running even
though you prefer road running?

Sunday, February 11, 2018

2018 Weekly Fitness Recap - #6

A good but stressful week with up and down weather. What was your week like?


Day 35: Plan: 8 x 800 | Actual: 0 miles
Day after a race. I toooootalllly slept in for a bit. But then I followed The Hubs to work. I basically stood for 3 or so hours at the Expo window in the restaurant kitchen while he managed the kitchen. It was a lot of fun, but I definitely wore the wrong shoes! Ooops. The rest of the day was just for us to enjoy, and it was nice. 

Day 36: Plan: XT | Actual: 0 minutes XT
I slept in even longer today. So, so, so, so, so nice. We had a lunch at one of my husband's employees other restaurant gigs, which made his day. Then we hung out at Ikea before going to the grocery store. Overall, it was a great day.

Day 37: Plan: 45 min run (or a 5k run) | Actual: 3.11 miles
I felt like I had a good pace during this training run, but I never looked at the watch to see my pace. I ended with a 40 minute and change finish time. Eh, that must've meant my legs were tired still.

Day 38: Plan: XT | Actual: 15 mins XT
I need to be more consistent of my cross training. I need to do more than 2 reps for everything. I just don't feel like doing much when I get home from work at night. And... and I don't feel like getting up uber early before 7am to get it done either. But I gotta do something. The only way I can make a change is by doing something.

Day 39: Plan: 45 min (or 5k run) | Actual: 4.01 miles  
I woke up today a little later than I wanted, but since M wasn't going to work till a little later than he typically does I felt ok about that. I also woke up feeling that I wanted to 4 miles instead of my usual 5k. During my run I talked to myself on how to build more endurance, and basically decided that I need to try to run 4 or 5 miles instead of 5ks. When I can. It's my hopes that when I run a 5k race that my overall finish time will be better, and I won't feel like I'm starting to die at the finish too.

Day 40: Plan: XT | Actual: 20 minutes XT
Busy day at work. Then I got home to prep dinner. While it cooked in the oven I did a upper body workout with my dumbbells. Some days I feel like even though I'm trying to do this it's a lost cause. Obviously I cross-train and run because I want to be stronger and a strong awesome runner. But I also do it for health and hopefully some sort of weight/fat loss. Unfortunately, there are days (ok, a lot of them) that I get stuck on the idea that no matter what I do I'll never lose that fat, especially since I now know I did four years ago because I was barely eating, which wasn't the greatest of ideas. I keep telling myself that I just need to keep on doing what I'm doing and it'll get better. I hope.

Day 41: Plan: Rest Day 
A cold front moved in today, which made it chance nice running weather to COLD running weather for this weekend. I'm so happy to say that my running buddy HC has decided to do her long runs on Sunday now, and that I am finally matching her typical miles (around 10). That means we can run together at the lake! Yay! I'm looking forward to pushing myself past the doubt and reach what I dream what I want to do and be. I hope Sunday has a good run in store me.

Total Running Miles this week: 7.12 Miles 

Total Time Cross-training this week: 35 Minutes

Total Miles Cross-training this week: 0 Miles

Total Running Miles to Date: 78.08 Miles 

Total Time & Miles Cross-Training to Date: 02:40:00 | 0 Miles

 Do you ever get stuck on feeling like you'll never
have a break through? 

Thursday, February 8, 2018

2018 Weekly Fitness Recap - #5

Holy crap what a week! It flew by, and it left me tired! This was a double race week! First up - the Too Cold to Hold Half Marathon. Finished the week with my annual Hot Chocolate Run.


Day 28: Plan: 11 mi | Actual: 13.20 miles
What a long day! I got up at 5am to get ready for the race. I had laid everything out the night before so it wasn't too hard to be ready. All I had to do was decide on what to wear. I ended up with leggins and a tee shirt with arm warmers since it was going to be sunny (granted, I decided to change to capris when I got there). Overall the race was great! Running on my ol' stomping grounds of White Rock Lake was perfect and familiar. It was also amazingly great to run with my buddies HC and MW the entire time, which helped at the turn around (it was an out and back course) and later when we all stopped talking and was focusing on our run. I ended up finishing first, even though HC paused so that we could catch up and we could finish all together. My official finish time was 02:40:27, which is great considering I hadn't run this far since last March! After the race we all had tacos for breakfast before heading home to get clean. I had to work the rest of the day (till 6pm), and I wore crappy shoes. Thus, my legs and knees were tiiiiirrrreeed!What was nice though was The Hubs and I had our 3-month-married date out one of our favorite restaurants. Yum!

Day 29: Plan: XT | Actual: 0 minutes XT
Oh, boy. I was so tired. The Hubs and I pretty much made this a complete rest day, which was what we both needed.

Day 30: Plan: 45 min run (or a 5k run) | Actual: 3.11 miles
Slow 5k. I remember having sore muscles. 

Day 31: Plan: XT | Actual: 0 mins XT
Dude. I have no clue what I did this day. Other than daydreaming about sleeping, that is.

Day 32: Plan: 45 min (or 5k run) | Actual: 25 Mins XT 
I woke up late and didn't get a run in before getting ready to do things with my Mom. The big things was picking up packets for everyone for the Hot Chocolate Run. Ram Racing does a great job at organization, which makes it breeze to get things picked up. While at the expo I bought a couple of shirts from 73Threads, which I got that these people are awesome! Custom shirts made right then and there. Awesome!

Day 33: Plan: XT | Actual: 3.20 mins XT
Rest Day before a race!

Day 34: Plan: Rest Day | Actual: 3.14 miles 
Hot Chocolate Run! I ran the 5k race this year since I had to go into work later in the afternoon, and the last two years that I've done the 15 I've been swacked tired! Running with my friends (we all did the 5k) and eating chocolate the end is the best thing in the world! This is my 6th year, and I love it! Yes, even with the fact that you park at the other end of Fair Park and have to walk a mile to get to the Automotive Building before the race, AND you have to walk a mile back to the car when you're done. Oy! It was nice to not hurry to get to work after the race. I fact, because I did the 5k instead of the 15k, I had time to take a nap before work! Nice!

Total Running Miles this week: 19.45 Miles 

Total Time Cross-training this week: 25 Minutes

Total Miles Cross-training this week: 0 Miles

Total Running Miles to Date: 70.96 Miles 

Total Time & Miles Cross-Training to Date: 02:05:00 | 0 Miles

 Do you ever feel a lot of self-doubt right before a race? 

Do you suffer from Seasonal Affected Disorder?